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Been looking forward to this torunament for many months now! Around 160 people attented various games, the 40k event had around 30. Lists were looking quite brutal, but all the players i met and played against had a really friendly attitude. In short, i had a blast!


The main idea of the list is that the white scar chapter tactic gives all my bikes 3+ jink (when joined with the big bike unit) and vertias vitae + cad gives me a roughly 60% of getting the stealth ruins trait from strategic, if one of my bike bases touch a ruin the whole unit gains stealth for a 2+ jink along with feel no pain. Mephiston will usually go with Centurions and roll on Divination (except against Necrons) That unit also has hit and run. The rest is cheap msu to handle the maelstrom. 
My list:
Blood Angels CAD:
Priest, bike, vertias vitate, auspex
Chaplain, bike
5 Scouts, close combat weapon
5 Scouts, close combat weapon
Flesh Tearer strike force
Captain, bike, powerfist, lightning claw, artificer
Drop Pod
7 bikes 2 grav
5 Assault squad, rhino, 2plasmaguns, dozer blades
5 Assault squad, rhino, 2plasmaguns, dozer blades
White Scar Allied Detachment
Chapter Master, fist, shield eternal, bike
3 Grav Cents
3 bikes 2melta
I'll get some more pictures of the list later, here are a few. A lot of the models are only 3 colours trying to get everything ready for the tourny.

The missions were Eternal War with a modified maelstrom, winning EW was worth 4 points and winning Maelstrom was worth 4 points. SLW, linebreaker and FB was worth 1 point each. The Maelstrom varied every mission, but looked something like this:


1) Controll an objective by the end of your turn (roll a d6 to determine witch one)
2) Controll an objective by the end of your turn (roll a d6 to determine witch one)
3) Controll 3 objectives by the end of your turn
4) Kill an enemy unit with shooting
5) Kill an enemy unit in close combat
6) Have a unit in your enemies deploymentzone 
Superheavies and Gargantuans awared 1 maelstrom point per 3 wounds/hp. The player with the most points wins maelstrom and gets 4 points. 
My first opponent:
1 Librarian (Warlord), ML 3, Nemesis Warding Stave, Domina Liber Daemonica
5 Purifier Squad, 2x incinerator, [Transport 1 Rhino, Standard no upgrades
Terminator Squad, Nemesis Daemon hammer, Psycannon, 195p
Terminator Squad, Nemesis Force halberd, Nemesis Daemon hammer, Psycannon
Terminator Squad, Nemesis Force halberd, Nemesis Daemon hammer, Psycannon
Heavy Support:
Nemesis Dreadknight, Personal teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Nemesis greatsword
Nemesis Dreadknight, Personal teleporter, Heavy Psycannon, Nemesis greatsword
Knight Paladin, Standard no upgrades
Inquisitorial Detachment 
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, Psychotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades, 2x Servo Skulls
Batreps coming soon!
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Game 1




Opponents list in previous post.


Pregame thoughts:

As far as rock, paper, scissors go this was a good matchup for me, and with 6 objectives both missions were looking good. The knight stomps might be scary, other than that this should be smooth sailing.


I managed to get second turn and deployed defensive. Grey knights deployed the knight and dreadknights the rest in turn 1 deep strike.



Top of turn 1.

He was unlucky on the reserve rolls, only warlord came in which he deepstruck, mishapped and rolled a 1, first blood and slay the warlord. Both dreadknights shunted forward, but there were no good targets. They killed 2 scouts and the rhino to the right made his 3+ cover (stealth ruins trait). The Knight did the doubletap battle cannon on my bikes, but being ap3 and 2+ armor save it dealt no wounds. 


Bottom of turn 1. 

I podded the centurions next to the dreadknight on the left (not in image) The Dreadknight made a lot of grav-cannon saves but went down eventually. The rest of the units stayed put except the bikes who moved up on the right flank and assaulted the other dreadknight (assault maelstrom) The dreadknight went down, but i was vulnerable to assault from the knight now.


Top of turn 2 

Two termie squads came and the knight move forward towards my bikes. Again, there were no decent targets for him to shoot at so the shooting phase was uneventful. The knight charged in my bike squad killing a few of the normal bikes i did 3 or 4 hullpoints (i think), no 6 on stomp i hit and ran out towards one of the termie squads.


Bottom of 2

My cents moved towards the second termie squad, my bikes repositioned around the the other termie squad getting ready to charge. The plasma rhino moved in front of the second termie squad as well.  I wanted to take out both termie squads before finishing the knight due to explosion. I wiped the second termie squad with plasma and grav, the bike blob charged the other termie squad and wiped them out.


Top of 3

His rhino purifiers in reserve failed to come in, this guy had some really bad luck the whole game, the knight moved forward (last model on the table) moved forward and charged my bike squad. He killed a few more normal bikes and got a 6 on the stomp! i los'ed a few(FAQ permits) but the knight died to the powerfist attacks. With no models left the game was over.


Victory! 11-0 to Blood Angels


Postgame thoughts.

Opponent had an uphill battle in both luck and list matchup. Not a very interesting game, but he was in good spirits and it was a fun game all things considered.


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5 Rounds, 3 the first day and 2 on Sunday.


Game 2

Huron Blackheart - warlord
Khârn the Betrayer
29 Cultists
29 Cultists
Hell Blade - Helstorm autocannon - flyer
Hell Blade - Helstorm autocannon - flyer
Heldrake - Baleflamer
Havocs - 4 autocannons
Havocs - 4 autocannon
Herald of tzeench - extra mastery level
10 pink horrors of tzeench
Soul Grinder - Deamon of tzeench, Baleful Torrent 
I'm sorry there is no pictures, we only had 2.5 hours per game and i simply forgot to take pictures from this point on.
Pregame thoughts:
I was quite happy with this matchup, the mission was killpoints, so that would be quite even. I had 2 2+ armor saves against the heldrake so i should be able to protect the bike blob quite well. Khârn hit's hard but once the cultist champion is dead, the chapter master should be able to finish him off. Huron gives d3 units infiltrate, so he has some flexible deployment options. I was quite familiar with CSM, but never a list like this.
Top of turn 1
Opponent chose to go first. He kept the souldgrinder, oblits 3 flyers in reserve. Huron and cultists were outflanking which is thought was risky, it being vanguard and very little on the left table side (maybe Huron can choose?).  Khârn and friends deployed in the front, horrors in the back. The cultist blob move forward and the horrors summoned some bloodletters close to my table edge close to 5 of my scouts. 
Bottom of turn 1
I moved my bikeblob in front of cultists and Khârn. The centurions  and mephiston podded next to 5 havocs in 5+ terrain for first blood. The assault marines in Rhinos moved onto the hard to reach objectives. The melta bikes hid behind a wall staying close to centurons. Here i where i made a big mistake, i shot at the cultist unit. With so many bolters i increased my charge distance from 6 to 13 inches. My plan was to charge, kill the cultist champion with challenge, then kill Khârn in the next round and either sweep unit or hit and run to his backfield if i that failed. I was now stuck in the middle with bikeblob unable to charge anything. Next mistake: i did not pod in terrain with centurions, having no invul save left them vulnerable to deep strike oblits (but the area was clogged up a lot with impassible terrain and other models). The havoc squad had 3 models in 5+ terrain and 2 in open ground. My centurions fired grav at them, but he made 9 5+ saves leaving 2 left! I shot my hurricane bolters, storm bolter from pod and 3 bolt pistols from scouts, but only killed 1 more. They made their leadership test, so no first blood.
Top of 2
His forgeworld flyers, oblits, soulgrinder, and huron came in. Huron outflanked on the right side, but was still far away from most of the action. He summoned some pink horrors in psychic phase. Soulgrinder podded behind my cents, maybe 20 inches away and shot at melta bikes, killing the sarge. The forgeworld flyers killed a rhino, and glanced another. The blood letters moved up towards my backfield scouts, getting ready for a long charge. The oblits did a risky deep strike (which i think was worth it) and made it in next to the centurions.  Oblits went for 6 twin linked plasma shots in rapid fire that and some combined dakka killed mephiston and 2 centurons.  I really should have deepstruck them into some cover! Khârn failed a charge with 1 inch due to assaulting through terrain (I was actually hoping he was gonna make it, since i had a fair chanse of killing Khârn and sweeping the unit)
Bottom of 2
I moved up in front of Khârn unit with the bikeblob. The rest of the army just stayed on the objectives. The maelstrom was even now, so the next 2 turns were gonna be critical. 
Bike Squad moved up infront of Khârn unit, scouts ran from bloodletters, staying on objective. Melta bikes moved behind the soulgrinder and the plasma rhino moved in front of oblits. 
Plasma assault squad had a good shooting round, doing 3 wounds while combined bolter fire did another dropping 2 of them. The meltabikes only did one glance, i was really counting on them getting atleast an immobilze, so they were pretty much out of the game. The rest of the scouts stayed on the objective. The bikeblob killed Khârn, i think the chapter master took his first wound.
Top of 3
The heldrake came in, huron+cultists walked and ran again, the rest of his army shuffled around a bit. The forgeworld flyers did some decent dmg, killing a rhino and a scout squad. The heldrake only killed a regular bike thanks to 2+ armor. The oblit shot, but didt do much. Quite uneventful turn, but he scored some maelstrom points on objectives and shooting. 
Bottom of 3.
This was gonna be an important turn for me. I needed to get more kill points as i was trailing there. I was pretty sure i could win maelstrom, so i needed to tie kill points due to no first blood. I moved my bikes ahead and out getting ready for a multi assault, the assault marines had disembarked due to rhino wrecked, they moved towards oblits. Rest of the small untis hid as best as they could. This turn i decided to use orbital strike, due to it being barrage i could thin out some horrors pre assault without loosing distance. The plasma squad killed the last oblit, but my orbital scattered to his frontline, increasing charge distance to 6 inches. I declared a disordered charge with horrors as primary, and havocs and another horror squad as secondaries. With Zealot, 5 claw attacks, the chaplain and the fist near the havocs this was gonna be a big charge, but i rolled a 5! 
Top of 4
Huron and cultists moved 6, now in position to charge the bikeblob. The heldrake turned, and went after some scouts or assault marines (i can't remember) The soulgrinder moved up, but wasnt in a position to do much. The heldrake turned and wiped 3 scouts with his bbq gun, while huron charged my bike blob. He challenged with cultists champion, to protect Huron. The close combat was kinda uneventful, i killed some cultists in close combat  overwatch. Huron killed a few regular bikers, but i could only kill cultists with my powerfists. I hit and ran away at the end getting retting for another multi-assault.
Bottom of 4
Quick turn, i grabbed linebreaker with some infantry, the bikes got into position for a charge. I only manged to grab a single maelstrom point putting us dead even. The bikes charged Huron, but was out of range for the multi assault. I challenged Huron for slay the warlord and a kill point, but he declined (I thought CSM had to accept all challenges) I ended up killing some cultists, but my captain was unable to pile in close enough. He still had a decent amount of them left.
Top of 5
My memory is a little fuzzy here, but not much happened, he was in the lead in kill points. The flyers tried to get some more and one of them flew off the table. No close combats.
Bottom of 5
I split my bike blob into 3 units, this was the last turn and right now i needed to get 3 kill points.  The chaplain went alone towards the herald (who had to split off for an objective) The captain and other guys had went towards some pink horrors, the chapter master moved towards some remaining havocs.  I charged all 3 units, but only managed to kill the Herald, at this point we were out of time and had to call it. I manged to grab maelstorm, but with no first blood and slay the warlord, it would not be enough.
6-5 to Chaos. Blood Angel defeat!
Postgame thoughts:
I had some bad luck, but i made 2 huge mistakes that cost me the game: Shooting bikes at cultists turn 1, denying my own charge and podding the centurions in open ground, forgetting about the obliterators. The opponent was a nice guy and still new to 40k. He was so suprised going undefeated his first 2 games, so that really made his day! Considering how little shooting he deployed turn one, i really should of just deployed the centurons and Meph on the ground grabbing some 4 plus terrain for turn 2. 
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Game 3

My opponents list:


Wolf Guard Battle Leader Thunderwolf Runic Armour Power Fist Storm Shield

Wolf Guard Battle Leader Thunderwolf Runic Armour Power Fist Storm Shield

Iron Priest Thunderwolf

Iron Priest Thunderwolf

10x Fenrisian Wolf

4xThunderwolf Cavalry Storm Shield


White Scars Librarius Conclave

Libby ML2, bike

Libby ML2, bike

Libby ML2, bike


Tau Empire - Firebase Support Cadre

XV104 Riptide [Early Warning Override, Ion Accelerator

3stk Broadside Shas'ui Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System

3stk Broadside Shas'ui Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System


Pregame thoughts:

Yikes, this list is gonna hurt! He rolled divination, sanctic and invis on telepathy! We don't use the faq for casting restrictions per mastery lvl, so the libby can cast as many powers until he runs out of warp charges.  I'm quite familiar with the Thunderstar and we use the str9 for battle leaders in our FAQ, so i'll get some fnp rolls. The mission was the relic, so i did have some ideas on playing defensive. His fast moving star will get slowed down if he wants the relic. His main weakness is not a lot of units, so i would prefer having one of the 6 objective missions. I can avoid getting tabled and i really need to get first blood. I got the 2+ jink trait this time in ruins, so i need to play the long game.  Deployment is hammer and anvil, which is good for me.



Top of turn 1

I get first turn and deploy everything on the 24" line except melta bikes and a rhino (one of the maelstorms is 3 units in my DZ).  I infiltrate 18" away from his wolfstar and scout onto the relic. My other Rhino goes flat out in front of the scouts blocking his path to the relic (there is impassible terrain on the left side of the relic), this should slow him down for a turn as the wolfstar has a large footprint. My bikes go on the center left flank, staying somewhat close to the relic, i can't see much from there, but my unit is not that shooty. He has 2+3++ out front, so hard to do any dmg with bikes. I pod my centurions on a building next to his Riptide that is out in the open, this would turn out to be huge mistake. I loose Mephiston and all 3 centurions to interceptor fire. My opponent said buildings to not grant cover to infantry, that they need to be obscured. I don't play much with building rules, and he seems pretty sure. In retrospect i think this is wrong, but it might be local houserules at their club. Cover or no cover, it's still a huge mistake on my part. I'm rusty playing Tau and the riptide does 4 ap2 wounds, i manged to shuffle them around with LoS and loose one cent. The broadsides then roll 40 twin linked dice or somewhere in that number and i roll enough ones to remove the rest of the unit. Not much else happens, i get 2 maelstorm points for 'hold the line' and 'hold the relic'.  The bikes flat-out getting into a better position.


Bottom of turn 1

His Tau formation can't shoot, 'phew'. The wolfstar moves up to the rhino, and on the right side manage to pass it (i misplaced it by an inch in my block attempts), He rolls a long charge and manages to surround it. He also declared a multi charge, and rolling good on distance, so he managed to surround the rihno (killing the ones inside) and wipes out the scout squad holding the relic.  In the psyhcic phase he summoned some plagebearers, we both smiled and cried heresy!


Top of 2

I took a huge hit that game turn loosing almost half my army, but there was still hope in maelstorm. I needed to survive a round with the wolf star then hit and run over to his Tau units. If i could drag his wolfstar away i might deny his linebreaker (hoping he would think of it to late). I was playing playing for a draw now. My bikes did not assault, i moved 12 and flatouted to some ruins close to his DZ. The melta bikes moved forward behind a los blocker (i never saw a point of shooting with them) They were obsec, so if i could manage a flatout turn 5 i could actually win the game. (In 7th you don't have to hold the relic, only be 3 inches from it). The scouts i had hidden away charged the plaguebeares and killed quite a few! I lost one scout in return.  Mostly movement this turn.


Bottom of 2

He split off a priest and battle leader (i think) to hold the relic and the rest moved towards my bike star. His Firebase Cade did not do much to my bikestar having 2+ jink and feel no pain. He summoned some bloodletters next to plaguebearers. The scouts managed to wipe out the ongoing combat and consolidated towards the bloodletters AND THEY SHALL KNOW NO FEAR! The wolfstar assaults my bikeblob, but i get lucky only loosing a few bikes and a wound on chapter master. He does not want to hit and run roll off, hoping i will fail my test, but i don't and head towards broadsides.


Top of 3

My scouts moves up towards bloodletters, bikeblob surrounds broadsides and the rest pretty much stay put. The backfield plasma rhino manages to kill a few blood letters and i kill a few more with the pistol scouts. I multi assault and wipe out both broadside units. The scouts charge bravely into the bloodletters killing a few more, and loosing only 1 in return (i think). 


Bottom of 3

His wolfstar moves towards my bikestar, he does invis, prescience, shriek, force and a few other powers. I pass the 3d6 test, the riptide fails novacharge and shoots something at the rhino. My melta squad moves a little closer, ready to snatch the relic, but staying out of los. He charges my bikeblob and this time he does more dmg, he chapter master, priest, and captain all have 1 wound left and i only have 1 bike left. My plan is to hit and run, move 12 and flatout 12 in my turn escaping the wolfstar (that is alll the way back at his deployment zone), i pass the init test but roll a total of 4 on my 3d6 test! That is not enough to break combat and we decide to call it. If it happened one turn later, maybe. But this was gonna give him slay the warlord with atleast 2 turns to go.


11-2 to Space Wolves, Crushing defeat


Postgame thoughts:

This was going to be a tough game, but it was really the reckless podding centurions and mephiston, that made the game so much harder. Had i podded behind a los blocker and simply thinned out the wolfstar pre-invis i would have had a really  good shot at winning (unless it went to turn 7). Trying to kill the riptide was a knee-jerk reaction,killing the Riptide is really not important. No markerlights makes large blast very weak vs my army. The no cover on roof top could have been important, but when your on a time limit you can't look up every rule. If i had spent some more time measuring the rhino block, that would of bought me another turn. Getting the boost in maelstrom points early on made this a really fun game. Opponent was really friendly which is always a big plus. 

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Game 4

8 Cultists
8 Cultists
Lord of Skulls, Daemongore Cannon, Skullhurler
12 Pink Horrors
12 Pink Horrors
Pregame thoughts
This was looking favorable for me, but it's hard not to be scared of the Lord of Skulls. His 18" hellstorm flamer and large blast have great reach, but only ap3. With 2+ armor on captain and chapter master, defending my bikeblob should not be an issue the initial rounds. He does not have stomp which is a huge plus, but gains bonus attacks for each hullpoint missing. I think he has 10 hullpoints and it will not die.  The mission is emperor's will with dawn of war deployment. Emperor's will is actually a pretty good mission for his list having only 2 objectives. He only has 5 or 6 warp charges so summoning is a crap shoot for him if he wants invis each round. My plan is to not assault Lord of Skulls, just move up on the left side and get assaulted by it, then hit and run towards his DZ and multi assault his whole backfield. Winning Maelstorm is very likely, so i need to deny first blood and this should be an easy win.
Top of turn 1
He puts his lord of skulls in front of his backfield  horrors and keeps cultists in reserve. I deploy in front of lord of skulls to protect my objective. I deploy the non obsec scouts on my objective and keep 2 scouts in normal reserve. (The plan is to keep feeding my objective with scouts, if he decides to bbq it. The rhinos deploy on the middle left flank. He throws 5 or 6 dice at invis, but i manage to deny it, i did not expect that! Summoning fails being 3 warp charges. (i think he tried to summon). The Hellstorm template does no wounds to my bike squad.
Bottom of turn 1
So stopping invis leaves me unsure of what to do, should i go for the kill? I decide to go for it! Meph and Cents  (i grabbed prescience and quickening this round) just deployed normal so my could snag a cheap linebreaker with the pod. The bikes wrap around Lord of Skulls and my Rhinos flatout towards horrors. The melta bikes get close to Lord of Skulls, but due to no melta range i decide to flatout them for a better next turn.  Cent's shoot about avg, doing 3 hull points. My grav bikes do nothing and i charge in. He goest first with 7 or 8 attacks killing 3 or 4 normal bikers. I manage to do another 3 hull points. I have 5 str9 attacks, 5 str8 and 4 str7 (on the charge) from chaplain with re-roll to hit. They have some decent punch! I think i do 3 or 4 more hull points. He he down to 3 or 4 hullpoints left and 11 attacks, scary!. 
Top of 2
He casts invis on Lord of Skulls and get's it off. Blood Crushers (i think) are summoned next to my pod to stop linebreaker. Cultist come on next to his objective. Turn is pretty quick and we are locked in combat.
Bottom of 2
 I move my cents and Meph up closer to the midfield. Assault marines with plasma disembark and shoot, but due to cover save not much happens, i maybe kill one horror. Next turn they can charge! My melta bikes move behind lord of skulls and are in melta range. I throw all my dice at prescience since i really need it vs invis. I get lucky with the cents scoring 2 or 3 hull points, he fails his 5+ invuls and he goes down!
At this point the game is over but we play it through. He drops down Bel'Akor and we do some close combat. The assault marines wipe out the horrors and cultists and Bel'Akor goes down eventually. 
11-0 to Blood Angels Crushing Victory
Postgame thoughts
In retrospect i think it was wrong to go after Lord of Skulls regardless of stopping invis. If i go for maelstorm and wipe out the rest of his army using hit and run, it's very hard for him to win maelstrom/primary with 2 models. And I should be able to hold one of the emp. will objectives for a tie. He was still in good spirits after loosing LoS, we finished the game early and went out to grab some food. 
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I like your manouvering, using hit and run and flat out to suck them out of position while you get into optimal position is a good idea.


No wonder your opponents were nice and cheery. Seems like half the tournement was cheating :/


That 3rd list was utter BS. I was praying for you to pass your 3d6 just for them to eat some expensive humble pie!


Great batreps Remmy, really love to read them and encourage all our brothers to post alike. If I ever get off the forums and onto the tabletop I'll do the same! Actually have my first game this year comming up so will post a list soon in preperation.

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I like your manouvering, using hit and run and flat out to suck them out of position while you get into optimal position is a good idea.


No wonder your opponents were nice and cheery. Seems like half the tournement was cheating :/


That 3rd list was utter BS. I was praying for you to pass your 3d6 just for them to eat some expensive humble pie!


Great batreps Remmy, really love to read them and encourage all our brothers to post alike. If I ever get off the forums and onto the tabletop I'll do the same! Actually have my first game this year comming up so will post a list soon in preperation.


I honestly don't think anyone was cheating, but it's easy to interpet rules differently, especially terrain. At our local club we have played rolling hills incorrect for years. When everyone agree on something it usually wont get challenged later. If there was a shot at first place it might be worth considering to look up more stuff, but regardless of cover or not, much of the dmg came from rolling 15-20 2+ saves. So it was mostly me making a mistake in regards to Tau interceptor.


The CSM fight was a new player asking and trusting me on rules all the time, i really doubt he was cheating in regards to challenges. I had some bad luck, but it should of been an easy match regarless due to list matchups (rock paper scissors). I just made too many mistakes early on.



Game 5

Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation
Tech Priest Dominus, Raiment of the Technomartyr
3 Kataphron Destroyers, Heavy Grav Cannons, Cognis Flamer
3 Kataphron Destroyers, Heavy Grav Cannons
1 Kastelan Robot Maniple, 2 Twin-linked Heavy Phosphor Blaster, Autocadeus of Arkhan Land
5 Skitarii Vanguard, 2 Plasma Caliver, Pater Radium, Omnispex
5 Skitarii Rangers,2 Transuranic Arquebus, Skull of Elder Nikola, Omnispex
5 Skitarii Ruststalkers, Phosphoenix, Refractor Field
5 Skitarii Infiltrators,Flechette Blasters & Taser Goads, Infoslave skull, Phase Taser, Refractor Field
2 Sydonian Dragoons, 2 Phosphor Serpenta
1 Onager Dunecrawler, Neutron laser and cognis heavy stubber, Cognis Manipulator
1 Imperial Knight Paladin
Pregame thoughts
I have never played vs Ad-Mech before, but i have seen/read a few batreps which did gave me a workable pre-game stategy. He did not have drop pod allies which makes the list much weaker if going second. War Convocation is somewhat of a glass cannon, but with canticles he can gives his whole army stealth and shrouded. Omnispex reduces cover by 1, but without drop pods there is no way to reach me turn 1. I really needed first turn vs this list so i can pod cents on the Kataphron destroyers, with split-fire i should be able to take down a few before shrouded kicks in. The bikestar can multi assault very efficient vs ad-mech. 
Deployment was vanguard and opponent won the roll-off on deployment sides and choose to go first. Yikes, this had me real worried as the opposite corner only had a single hill. Now the terrain in the tournament was really good overall, but with vanguard not all tables will not have perfect corners, it was just unfortunate.
Top of turn 1
He decided to do re-rolls to hit instead of shrouded and pumps his BS up to 5(army wide) This actually gives me a shot at doing something with my cents. I managed to get the stealth ruin trait, but there were no ruins! :D The battle-cannon does not do much to bikes, but when the Destroyers start to charge up (I think it was 36 grav shots with 2+ re-rollable) They reduce my bike blob to 30-40%. Most of his units scouted up, so i have a knight starting me down as well. The other units pop a rhino and fire into bike blob, but i make some saves and the turn is over
Botton of turn 1
I ask my opponent for some time, because i honestly don't know what to do. He deployed well, i can't pod cents into any terrain and get shots off at the destroyers. And vanguards with plasma culivers are deployed so they support the destroyers. If i pod down there, it will be sucide. I spent 2-3 mintues thinking of where to pod, but the clock is ticking. I ended up podding in the middle of the board on the only decent terrain available and decide if i can kill the knight quickly i might have a decent chanse to charge into his backfield turn 2. I manged to do 4 or 5 hull points to the knight in shooting and assault, but the knight gets 4 hits off and no ones, so the bike blob get's reduced even more. 
At this point the game is pretty much over, but we play it through to turn 4, The knight blows up turn 2, but my 800 point bike unit only had one model left bottom of 2, the cents got shot to death from destroyers, but my lonely priest managed to take out 3 of them before dying!
11-0 to Ad-Mech. Blood Angels crushing defeat!
Postgame thoughts
Going second vs Ad-Mech hurts. With no los blockers or 2+ jink it might be better to reserve most of my army, but with maelstorms that would put be behind early on. My list is usually works well either going first or second, but vs Ad-Mech i really needed first turn. War Convocation seems like a really solid list as it offers a lot of tactical flexibilty. This was the hardest of all the games this far, he ended up taking 4th overall.
Post tournament thoughts:
I really had a blast and felt going 4-1 or 5-0 (with some luck) was in reach if only i had played better. I had play tested a lot vs Necron Decuron, which won. The Second place had a 50 grav drop pod list, which i had a really decent counter to if i could force him to deploy first. 3rd place had a nasty Fateweaver summoning list, which would probably crush me since i have no experience vs those lists. But mistakes were made, and some bad play in game 2 and 3 put me out of the race. My goal was to atleast go 3-2, but i ended up 2-3, with full points from the 2 wins it put me in the middle of the pack.
I have played roughly 12-14 games with the list and overall i am really happy with it. There are not many lists i feel it has a huge disadvange against. Vs Battle-Company multi assault close combat units are very strong and against the new DA re-rollable jink meta, assault is also very strong. There are a few changed i would like to make:
-Replace the drop pod with a bunker + escape hatch. Bunker is grav-immune, against alpha list and blocks los for other units. It also denies interceptor and coteaz when using hatch.
-Replace Mephiston with an auspex priest. Meph has been amazing in some necron games, but vs other list he underperforms. Auspex, FNP and 115 points saved.
-Replace the plasma rhinos with melta. They have been the maelstrom workhorse, but saving 10 points and having more anti-tank is always good.
-Remove grav from bike blob and add more bodies. The bikeblob is always jinking, and when not it's very often bad to shoot with it. If i kill the target i can't multi assault, if i kill too many i might fail charge. Since this unit is all about assaulting the grav does not synergize at all. Perhaps adding some melta could work.
-Replacing an assault squad with an empty Rhino and Culexus Assassin (maybe) Having a mobile anti psyker would be amazing in some games and decent in others. I ran a culexus in the list before, but i could not shoot the 3 shots very often due to Mephiston needing the warp charges. Without any psykers the Culexus can be more useful vs non psyker lists.
It's unfortunate that jump pack assault units dont work in a competitive enviroment, but now it's back to playing fluffy games with DC, assault marines and fast Predators.
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They are very good, since grav-amp let's you re-roll both failed to wound and immobilized results, making them execellent anti-tank and infantry (unlike regular grav-guns). You only need two 6's to kill most veichles.


Having no invul, it's really importent to get them in some decent cover, depending on what you are facing. That's where some of the BA synergi lies, since we can get 4 attempts at stealth ruins giving them 2+armor 3+cover (That plus improving the bikes jink to a 2+ with skilled rider) Split-Fire is also a cheap upgrade that makes them really versatile. 

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Cleansing of nids:



Some WIP all magnetized





Bunker. A bit sloppy, but liking red and bronze/gold combination.


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  • 6 months later...

Tournament report - 1 Day event. 
We recently had a small one day tournament with 12 players. Trying out a new mission format which also will be used in an upcoming GT. The format it max 2 detachments or a single decurion/gladius with no allies. There was also the option of going for a highlander list where every unit is 'unqiue', max one rhino, pod etc. with the option of one allied detachment. The best highlander would also get a prize similar to best general.
The highlander looked like a fun challenge and twist, so decided to give it a whirl.
My list:
Blood Angels - CAD
Sanguinary Priest, bike, l-claw, fist, veritas vitae Warlord
Commander Dante
Cassor the Dammed, Drop Pod. Deathwind Missle Launcher
5 scouts, close combat weapons
5 Assault Marines, 2 melta, Rhino
Whirlwind Scorpius, ignore cover legacy (keylek)
3 Quad Mortars
Void Shield Generator, 2 extra shields
Iron Hands - Allied detachemnt
Captain, Artificer, Bike, Powerfist, Lightning Claw, Gorgons Chain
5 Bike Squad
Command Squad bikes, 5 SS, apoth, 1 powerfist, 1 poweraxe, meltabomb
Attack Bike, multi melta
I had done 4 test games with the list, making a few minor changes. I was happy overall, but it was a bit low in the scoring department. It was designed to beat mobile and shooty lists, especially Eldar, with lots of barrage and durable units. The largest issue was not being able to split up mortars due to highlander format. With all the durable units + void shield i mostly want to go second unless going against a wraith star (harvest + orikan and zhandrek). Barrage can thin them out before they get RP and avoid tanking characters.
The priest goes with the troop bikers giving them 4+ fnp (not gonna work anymore with the new faq draft), the command squad has an apoth also giving them 4+ fnp. Dante and Captain will go in either unit or split up depending on matchup. Captain has 3+ fnp with relic, he is the designated tank IC. Dante will be moving 6" mostly giving the unit re-roll charge (BRB faq was in effect for the tourny).
The missions primary was kill points, crusade and emp will. Secondary was modified maelstorm similar to ITC missions. 5 Tetriary, first strike (kill a unit the first game turn, both can get), slay the warlord, linebreaker, big game hunter (kill the most expensive unit) and hold the line.
Primary - 4 points
Seconary - 4 points (if you have more maelstorm points than opponent at the end of the game, you get 4 points)
Tetriary: up to 5 points.
It was a small but tough field, most notable lists:
Taudar (highlander) with warp spiders, scatbikes, wraith knight, riptide, broadsides, markerdrones and buffmander. 
2 Necron Decurion (one was destroyer cult orientented, other assault based) 
Tiggy + 3 thunderfire star with a Iknight Warden, drop cents and rest msu. (highlander)
Renegade zombie/artillery list with the new murderhorde (5x8 fleshhounds)
The new sons of medusa iron hands formation

Game 1
Opponents list:
Slaughtercult formation
Chaos Lord, axe of khorne
Bloodhtirster of insenate Rage Warlord
9 chaos space marines, 1 plasma gun, rhino (dozer blade) 
8 Berzerkers 
5 Posessed
3 Bloodcrushers
Heldrake - Baleflamer
Chaos land raider, daemonic posession
Pregame thoughts:
Overall it should be a good matchup for me, but kdk can be quite durable with army wide fnp and summoning. Not too much to worry about, the d-thirster is really the x-factor if he rolls alot of 6's.
I won the roll-off and decided to go second. It was dawn of war, so he deployed everything in the middle. I put my quad mortars in a ruin/building and the scorpius out of los behind it. Bikes in front and everything inside the void shield. 
Turn 1
He put his d-thirster in reserve and and moved his bloodcrusher and hellbrute behind a ruin. Land Raider moved up 6 and defiler on the side. Las Cannons and Battle cannon removed 2 shields and he picked up 1 maelstorm point.
My command squad moved up 12 alone and the characters joined the obsec bike squad, i podded empty on his backfield objective. Cassor ran up behind the bikes to counter charge the next turn. Assault marines moved up and disembarked the 2 melta shots managed to pop his rhino and the deathwind killed 2 of the marines after explosion) Rhino used searchlight to remove night fight from defiler. Quad mortars did 4 pens and 3 glances to the defiler and barely dropped him after saves. The scorpius the got a lucky 4 shots (d3+1) and managed to kill both the hellbrute and the bloodcrusher squad as they were close together. Attack bike did a pot shot at land raider but whiffed. The bikes failed charges, but overall the dice were on my side. 
Turn 2
Having air superiority his drake and bloodthirster both came in. The drake wiped my assault squad. The chaos marines moved in to ruins to contest the drop pod, but failed to dmg with grenades. Land Raider stood still while the lord and bezerker disembarked and charged my command squad. Not much shooting this turn so went fast to assault. I got lucky and didt loose a single bike with 3+ invuls and 4+ fnp. I killed 2-3 berzerkers in return, we stayed locked due to fearless. I cant remember maelstorm, but i had a small lead at the end of turn 2 i think.
Not much movement, quad mortars wiped out the chaos marines so the pod could hold objective, scorpius whiffed. Bikes stayed in combat with berzerkers and warlord. The attack bike moved on a objective and whiffed on the land raider again. I was up 3 - 2 on maelstorm i think. Cassor failed charging land raider. 
Turn 3
He was getting low on models now, he summoned a new unit of bloodcrushers next to my scorpius and had to charge the attack bike with the bloodthirster to stay in the maelstorm. The Land raided moved empty to another objective. He managed to grab both maelstorms and kill the attack bike, quick turn.
The scorpius wiped out the summoned bloodcrushers, quad mortars shot at bloodthirster doing 2-3 wounds. Cassor charged the land raider, only doing one hullpoint. I finished off the thirster in assault and managed to get max malestorm this round, 3 points. Dante split off and killed the lord/berserks.
Turn 4
Quick turn, possessed charged command squad killing 2 bikes, land raider grabbed an objective. Heldrake did nothing with flamer.
Land raider and possessed died to assault. Quad mortar snapfired at heldrake doing nothing.
Turn 5
He went hover with drake and flatouted to a corner to grab linebreaker
Mortars had no los to drake with sunder shells, scorpius did a hullpoint. 
We rolled and the game ended on 5
Postgame thoughts:
Unlucky matchup for opponent and nothing really went his way with dice either. I think he should have started the thirster on the table, but it was an uphill battle for him regardless.
12-1 to Blood Angels.
Game 2 vs Renegades coming soon.

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