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Sooooooooo here I am, Bloodbath, officially declaring my allegiance to the Blood Angels sub-forum. My little plastic dudes have worn many colors, most all of them if memory serves me correctly.

*SIGH* Hobby ADD what can I say. my return to the hobby after injury has landed me on Baal for a few reasons. First, I like the blood Angels. always have. Second, red is an easy color for me to pull off. And finally, I was the most happy with this hobby while working on a Blood Angels Army for my son(who Ironically plays Necrons now).

my start will be slow and the progress that follows will be to. I am recovering from two crushed hands. so it will be a long, painful, yet fulfilling road for me.

My hobby plan is simple. start with a core of Blood Angels, then add some successors, just to spice things up a bit. first though, I need to order the BA dex. which could take a while to get to me as I live in a very remote part of Alaska. (the Village of Shishmaref).

brace yourself Sons of Baal, bloodbath is coming(eventuallytongue.png )


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Welcome to Baal, Brother Bloodbath!


Sorry to hear about your injury... I hope you find the hobby therapeutic for your recovery. I had a serious hand injury (severed six tendons, two nerves, an artery and the bone in my left arm). After I got out of hospital and finished my psysiotherapy course I got back into the hobby for the first time in years and painting really helped me push to regain as much use of the hand as possible. I hope you find the same motivation in the Sons of Sanguinius :)

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well, it would appear that my fithly xenos loving son has decided to not only return to the Imperial light, but return to the glory Sanguinius in particular.



2 Blood Angel Armies? HELLS YEAH!


so, the plan is unchanged, he will take the BA, and I will choose a (or many) successors!


sometimes, God just gives you a coupon for awesome!

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First of all welcom Brother, emperor protect you! Mr Davies aka Luther max that is remarkable. I consider you the best painter I've ever seen, your SP conversion that dc squad and your land raider from WD46? are outstanding. Congratulations on such a succesfull and determnied recovery. Such a feat is indeed worthy of Sanguinus's praise!
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Yeah, I hope I can match Luther's recovery with my own...time will tell.


But, I have some great news hobby wise. I recently decided with my wife that our time in rural Alaska is at an end. We are moving back to Anchorage, Alaska's largest city. I am so stoked.


This means hobby shopping. Like a rich girl with daddy's credit card!


I will also get to visit my mate, hyenidae(1000heathens) on a regular basis. Which is awesome as well.

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Welcome back Furioso Prime msn-wink.gif I hope your periods of indecision are long gone thumbsup.gif

OW, right in the NERD-NADS!

fair enough. seriously, I had that coming......

well, my son seems to be plagued by indecision now. but hey, he's 11. so it looks like I am going to go "stock" Blood Angels(if you could ever really call Blood Angels stock).

my Plan is this, Blood Angels with support from the Lamenters. after all, the Lammies have a lot to atone for.

hmmmm, red and yellow? yes, that will do nicely.

I also will be using a good friends painting method(JAH-joshua). his Blood Angels are about the sickest minis I've seen in a long time. now he and I just need to figure out how to do Lamenters with P3 paints(our favorite brand) we have an idea, but we need to try it on a mini.

hail Sanguinius, full of rage. Blessed art thou amongst primarchs.


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well, it would appear that my fithly xenos loving son has decided to not only return to the Imperial light, but return to the glory Sanguinius in particular.



2 Blood Angel Armies? HELLS YEAH!


so, the plan is unchanged, he will take the BA, and I will choose a (or many) successors!


sometimes, God just gives you a coupon for awesome!


Flesh Tearers?  Angels Sanguine?

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well, it would appear that my fithly xenos loving son has decided to not only return to the Imperial light, but return to the glory Sanguinius in particular.



2 Blood Angel Armies? HELLS YEAH!


so, the plan is unchanged, he will take the BA, and I will choose a (or many) successors!


sometimes, God just gives you a coupon for awesome!


Flesh Tearers?  Angels Sanguine?



You know, I had never considered Flesh Tearers. just dont like them for some reason. but, the Seth mini(converted), is just too badass not to include.


as for the Angels Sanguine, well, I had considered them but, my friend DSS7 is doing them and I try not to step on friends hobby toes! but still, black and red is cool.


I had considered Angels Encarmine. White Death Company..........yes please.


I am kinda fixated on Lamenters for now........I like yellow. and their Heraldy is cool as well.



but, I have also considered A kinda "Hosts of Baal" type thing and just smash all the codex has to offer(even Charnel Guard) together.


what do my esteemed brethren think?  straight Blood Angels or The Sanguine Horde?

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Sanguine horde would be ace, especially with lots of battle damage and tyranid bits with the army set in the shield of Baal biggrin.png

HOE-LEE CRAP! You may have something there. you crazy, evil, genious you!

oh yes, this is sweet, and I don't have to choose! other than what chapter is whatrolleyes.gif (first world problems. right?)

now I have to decide what chapter the warlord will be from.......hmmm.

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Charlo you have a secret thing for the Sanguinor. Me too. *SANGUINE BRO High five.

He's the closest we've got to the real deal!

...Even if he is a little pants. Although really all he'd need is to be AP2 and/or be able to assault from deep strike.

It would be very fluffy and awesome. He could drop down just as the DC/ SG etc are reading thier charge - then lead it while giving the bulk of them an extra attack drool.gif

Forge the Narrative.

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This is how I feel. so aggravated about no forward movement hobby wise. I need to start soon, but if I order(my only option right now), I will have move back to the big city before they arrive. 


I am Tycho's Black Rage


Maybe I should start a planning/concept/fluff thread?


at the very least I can help others. so if you have an idea, and can describe it, I can put pencil to paper and sketch something up for you.


this may help my hobby woes




bring it on Blood Angels, I dare you.







P.S. I have also decided to carry my blood angels over into the Horus Heresy.

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