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The Typhon


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Hello everyone.


I have been slowly coming round to the idea that my army is missing some heavy punch. As such i have dropped all my armour (bar a dakka raptor) and decided to buy a Typhon.


My question is this...


Is it worth it in both £s and game terms?


As my only ground based heavy armour in an infantry heavy list (AL with 3 10man tac/apoth and a 5 man gal vorbak) will it get shot to hell turn 1?


Thoughts are welcome and if there is a better use for my points and pounds please let me know.

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IMHO, the Typhon is probably the best Lord of War for it's price. I think many will agree with me there. The Dreadhammer cannon just nopes entire units. But yes, it'll get targetted.


What other armour do you have? Those Gal Vorbak will definitely need an assault transport...

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IMHO, the Typhon is probably the best Lord of War for it's price. I think many will agree with me there. The Dreadhammer cannon just nopes entire units. But yes, it'll get targetted.


What other armour do you have? Those Gal Vorbak will definitely need an assault transport...

Thats it. A very small game at 1850-200. My hopes is that i can infiltrate the gal vorbak under a void shield relic.

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The Typhon is probably the best Lord of War for two reasons.


One is cost effectiveness. Even with armored ceramite and sponson lascannons you're barely topping 400pts, which is less than a lot of primarchs. 


Two is its battlefield effectiveness. No one will argue that a 7" Str10 template won't do work for you. But Ignore Cover is a rare rule to come by in 30k. It forces your opponent to deal with you, which can cause them just as many problems as the actual dreadhammer cannon. Imperial Fists sitting on a castle wall? Park that Typhon 48" away and lob huge shells at their business until they or their walls are dead. There isn't a lot that can deal reliable damage to a Typhon at a 48" range, so typically you are forcing your opponent to weather 6+ turns of getting Dreadhammered or to bail out and try to get into range to do something about it. If your opponent is left choosing the lesser of two painful options, then you're already doing well. 


And while the Dreadhammer is spectacular in every way (even the name... goddamn that's cool) don't forget about its best unspoken bonus; that +1 on the Thunderblitz table. Primarchs are super hard to kill. But you know what makes even Vulkan sweat a bit? 2d6 Str10Ap2 autohits from getting run down by a Typhon, which does so on a 5+. 


Then to add icing to injury, after you run down a Primarch or other expensive non-vehicle, you can still totally fire the Dreadhammer cannon after moving 12" since the Typhon is a super-heavy. 

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The Typhon is probably the best Lord of War for two reasons.


One is cost effectiveness. Even with armored ceramite and sponson lascannons you're barely topping 400pts, which is less than a lot of primarchs.


Two is its battlefield effectiveness. No one will argue that a 7" Str10 template won't do work for you. But Ignore Cover is a rare rule to come by in 30k. It forces your opponent to deal with you, which can cause them just as many problems as the actual dreadhammer cannon. Imperial Fists sitting on a castle wall? Park that Typhon 48" away and lob huge shells at their business until they or their walls are dead. There isn't a lot that can deal reliable damage to a Typhon at a 48" range, so typically you are forcing your opponent to weather 6+ turns of getting Dreadhammered or to bail out and try to get into range to do something about it. If your opponent is left choosing the lesser of two painful options, then you're already doing well.


And while the Dreadhammer is spectacular in every way (even the name... goddamn that's cool) don't forget about its best unspoken bonus; that +1 on the Thunderblitz table. Primarchs are super hard to kill. But you know what makes even Vulkan sweat a bit? 2d6 Str10Ap2 autohits from getting run down by a Typhon, which does so on a 5+.


Then to add icing to injury, after you run down a Primarch or other expensive non-vehicle, you can still totally fire the Dreadhammer cannon after moving 12" since the Typhon is a super-heavy.

That is a fantastic breakdown and just what i needed. Ordered one now.


If no one minds im gon a drop a screnario here and see what you think in temlrms of tactics and counters.


I play AL with coils of the hydra and Autilon skorr, 3 tacs,a navigator, rapiers (thudd) x3, gal vorbak/iron havocs and a fire raptor plus the typhon. I am assuming i get first turn as ive got a very good chance with skorr aswell.


How do you counter that army. Infiltrate, first turn and a typhon. How do you beat it. Assuming you knew i was bringing a typhon.

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Ah now you just made like like the typhon more.. People Moan when i take my fellblade at 3500k!

I think at those points values you should be expecting a low choice.

The 400pt range in acceptable for 2500k even, which is pretty nasty.

What's that? You got your red butchers out the Spartan and ran down a sacrificial Tac squad? Have a dread hammer shell.

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Depends on the points level.


If it was high enough that I could field a Glaive, the Typhon might end up dead in 2 turns or less since I'd also be bringing Graviton/Haywire en mass to Insta-gib it. Even then you could instagib a Typhons 6HP in a turn or less if you wanted to without a Glaive.


Then, Since you'll be infiltrating in close in all likely hood, take a 1-2 CC units, Put them in a Land Raider or Spartan you'll have a hard time dealing with and charge you T1.


If you're telling me you're bringing a Typhon, the odds are high that I'll build a part of my list around killing it ASAP.

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Depends on the points level.


If it was high enough that I could field a Glaive, the Typhon might end up dead in 2 turns or less since I'd also be bringing Graviton/Haywire en mass to Insta-gib it. Even then you could instagib a Typhons 6HP in a turn or less if you wanted to without a Glaive.


Then, Since you'll be infiltrating in close in all likely hood, take a 1-2 CC units, Put them in a Land Raider or Spartan you'll have a hard time dealing with and charge you T1.


If you're telling me you're bringing a Typhon, the odds are high that I'll build a part of my list around killing it ASAP.

Yeah i fear grav rapiers and grav chainfist dreads will murder it. Points level would be 1850-2000 so very small for 30k but i am unfortunately one of only 3 30k players in my group. The rest are vanilla 40k.

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If you're spending ~1/4th or more of your total points on a Single Tank, I'd be pretty dang happy at that points level since the most common counters to a Typhon can still do something worthwhile after killing it.


If you're vs 40k Armies, no mercy, no remorse. Drink those tears and savor it. The only thing that would hard counter it is a S:D Slinger and even then, he'd need to roll a 6 to wipe it off in 1 turn barring getting 2 Shots that strip 3HP each on the 2-5 chart.


Its especially hilarious vs armies that rely on Cover/Jink saves to actually be survivable. 2/3+ re-rollable jink? Not anymore. It also reduces Necron RP by -1 due to ID making them a bit easier to deal with and since you can shoot the cannon from 48" away, the Typhon will usually be safe from their 24" Threat Range.

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Glad to help, V6.


So three non-LoW things to lookout for in opposing legion lists can cause the biggest problems for your new Typhon, two of which are already mentioned:

1.) haywire (occasionally las-destroyer) rapiers - 36" range large blast haywire

2.) grav/chainfist contemptors - 18" small blast haywire, or Str10ap2 +2d6

3.) Sicaran Venators - 36" Str10ap1 ord2, shock pulse.


All of those are shorter ranged than your Typhon. Position wisely and use that to your advantage. Remember that your Typhon is a super heavy. It can move a full 12" and still shoot whatever it wants, though the Dreadhammer is reduced to 24" range if you move. Don't be afraid to leave it at a longer range for a few turns to give you time to knock out important threats to it.


Out of those three, the Sicaran Venator is your biggest issue since grav dreads are short ranged if not in pods and rapiers are relatively immobile. The neutron laser is a shorter range than your Typhon, but the Sicaran is also a fast tank, meaning it can move a full 12" and still fire. The secondary issue is that if the neutron laser inflicts a penetrating hit on any vehicle up to and including Titans, then that vehicle can only fire snap shots in its next turn. That will absolutely shut down a Typhon, a Fellglaive, a Warhound or a Warlord, effectively making it useless for a turn. It's your job to jump on that Sicaran and stop that from happening.


Lastly, Slips, I'd argue a little bit of terminology with you. Grav rapiers, while they can certainly kill a Typhon from haywire glances and quite effectively at that, aren't able to "instagib" it since they're only AP4. Knocking it out with one shot is going to require something much heavier.

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Lastly, Slips, I'd argue a little bit of terminology with you. Grav rapiers, while they can certainly kill a Typhon from haywire glances and quite effectively at that, aren't able to "instagib" it since they're only AP4. Knocking it out with one shot is going to require something much heavier.

I meant instagib though a crap-ton of shots / Ie one shooting phase tongue.png So, say, 6 Grav Rapiers, 3 Dual Grav Dreads or any combination thereof up-to-and-including a Glaive for D3+1 Haywire Hits.

If you want to TRULY instagib, ya need S:D and RNGesus on your side to roll a 6 for that sweet, sweet, D6+6 HP/Wounds with no saves.

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Personally (thought it'd mean waiting until turn 2) aside from my usual Sicaran usage I'd do a Kharybdiss drop pod assault with vets or something. Pop down turn 1, fly around a bit, get out turn 2 and meltabomb it. But that's only because I can't move and shoot my grav support squad >:|

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I don't have my book but is a typhon direct fire? If it is play night Lords, play terror, average 2 turns of darkness it can't see you properly, it can't kill you properly. Get something up its Harris stat.

To be fair you don't even need to get up its backside, just out range how far it can roll to see.

If it isn't, completely ignore most of what I just said but realise that most of the rest of the typhons army can't see you properly and beat the snot out of the rest


Edited to make actual sense


Edit the 2nd actually works both ways. If you're night Lords and have a typhoon play terror. Can't kill what you can't see.

Really should wait til I'm home to think..

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I don't have my book but is a typhon direct fire? If it is play night Lords, play terror, average 2 turns of darkness it can't see you properly, it can't kill you properly. Get something up its Harris stat.

To be fair you don't even need to get up its backside, just out range how far it can roll to see.

If it isn't, completely ignore most of what I just said but realise that most of the rest of the typhons army can't see you properly and beat the snot out of the rest


Edited to make actual sense


Edit the 2nd actually works both ways. If you're night Lords and have a typhoon play terror. Can't kill what you can't see.

Really should wait til I'm home to think..

Are you referring to night fighting. The typhons dreadhammer main gun is ignores cover.

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No I bow to you, just got back looked it all up and what I thought was night fighting isn't. So completely ignore what I put as it was balderdash and my brain was dribbling out my ears from 7 solid hours of grass cutting

*Blushes* please dont bow. And after 7 hours of glass cutting im surprised sentences can be formed.


In other news


I have ordered my typhon...


Any upgrades worth taking (sponsons or pintles mainly) that make it a better super heavy or do i just keep it bare bones with ceramite.

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The lascannons aren't bad if you have the spare points. Since it's a super heavy you can fire them at whatever you wish, even if you move 12", thunderblitz and have fire the Dreadhammer. Are two more lascannons worth 40 points in your army list? 

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*In evil villian voice*










*clears throat*


Sorry i needed that.


On the upside. Typhon bitches.

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