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Stand true, the Sons of Dorn


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Hi Guys and Gals,


Long time lurker (2 years or so) decided to finally introduce myself and get started with it all.


As title indicates, ive just been introduced to resin crack of FW and have started the VII, not too many models so far but have grand plans.

Before starting those I have a 6k point Dark Angels force and a singular knight of House Hawkshroud.


My name is Pete, huge fan of LOTR thus the username, play too many video games distract myself from painting all too often, based in the UK and adore a good bbq.


Will start a WIP thread for what im working on.


Thanks for such an awesome forum.





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Welcome, Son of Dorn!


Feel free to pop down to the Imperial Fists subforum and say hellp there too!


Click the image in my signature if you want to join in with some Imperial Fists madness, and want to get all of those unpainted models painted :tu:

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