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Why aren't terminator helmets gold?


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Hi everybody,


I'm relatively new to Blood Angels (as can be seen in my gallery!) and I was wondering that if the finest veterans of the 1st company wear terminator armour, how cone their helmets aren't golden, like the other veterans in the army? I may well be missing some of the fluff so go easy on me please!

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No fluff reason, I think they've just always been depicted like that.


The gold helmets are a little blurred in thier application too now, they used to be just honour guard but have no been extended to include veterans.


If anything I'd imagine because space hulk terminators have always been full red and so that became the norm for BA terms as a whole.

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I didn't know they used to only be for honour guard. I would have thought they would have rolled it out across the board, like they have with the black shoulder pads for all sergeants.


It appears I shall be keeping my termies with red helmets!

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Yeah, as far as I can tell we only used to have "veteran assault squad" and they still had yellow helmets smile.png

Golden also actually.

That's how I differentiated mine, well that and the power weapons they were allowed to carry!

But hey, welcome to 40K, nothing stops you from having golden helmeted termies or even designating the golden helmet to be an even greater honour among terminators!

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Yeah, as far as I can tell we only used to have "veteran assault squad" and they still had yellow helmets smile.png

Golden also actually.

That's how I differentiated mine, well that and the power weapons they were allowed to carry!

But hey, welcome to 40K, nothing stops you from having golden helmeted termies or even designating the golden helmet to be an even greater honour among terminators!

Fair enough, my 3rd Edition dex is in storage and I only had the WD one to go off where the model they use has a Yellow helm :P

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Blood angels just look better with more gold and black to me I add it here and there to look a little better IMO all that red is just.. too much red. All of my vets have gold helms even my sergeants have gold. To me it is just a matter of taste. I do love how the blood angels differentiate each role blue for heavy support, yellow for assault oriented guys, red for tacticals, gold and white for vets. Oh and black... black for the foaming about the mouth angsty Death company. The blood angels are so nice I love the paint scheme, fluff, models, and how they play. THEY SO SHINIE

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I guess a gold helmet (and other colours for that matter) could be to differentiate between Power Armoured warriors. Termis look different already!

That and also everybody knows that only veterans get to wear TDA, jump packs can be worn by any marine.

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Like I think has been mentioned, gold helmets were first only used on Dante's honorguard (who otherwise looked like normal assault marines, back in the AoD codex) then it was extended for blood angel veterans in PA that were equipped like vanguard, essentially making the gold replace the yellow of the assault marines. Terminators never really had an issue of being mistaken for any other unit so never needed a different helmet colour.

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So after spending all day umming and ahhhing whether or not I should repaint some red helmets gold on the squad I'm currently working on, I decided to go with gold. So glad I did. Here's the WIP of these guys, although they are very nearly there


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