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2500 Word Bearers

Lord Asvaldir

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First attempt at a word bearers list, still astounded by the number of choices the crusade list gets, forces a lot of tough decision when it comes down to list building. 


Zardu Layak-This guy just seems like a lot of fun. He's not too scary in close combat, but his buffs plus being able to pick cursed earth for the Gal Vorbak is sweet. Definitely want to use this guy as my HQ in most games. 


Legion Centurion-librarian, artificer armor-mainly there to add some more warp charges for Zardu so he can summon daemons, but also in the list to use divination and give some buffs to the missile squad. Could also throw in a jump pack and have him run with an ashen circle squad. 


8 ashen circle-I want to fully use Zardu's abilities as the warlord, so filling up my troop section with all ashen circle seems fun. I'm also worried about running expensive power armor units like ashen circle since they die just as easy as normal marines, but I plan on hiding them behind the spartan/land raider at the start of the game to midi grate that. 

7x power axes

dark channeling


8 ashen circle

7x power axes

dark channeling


10 Gal Vorbak-Can't run Word Bearers without this awesome unit. They work especially well with Zardu I think as they let him get rid into the middle of the fight to summon daemons and get buffed by Zardu.  

2x power mauls

champ with artificer armor and power maul


5 legion terminators- another assault unit to back up a heavily assault oriented army, mainly in the list to take some pressure off the ashen circle, plus something to put in a land raider. Unfortunately, there's a 1/3 chance that dark channeling is useless on them.

dark channeling

1x pair of lightning claws

1x reaper autocannon

1x chainfist

land raider with dozer blades and armored ceramite


Legion Javelin Land Speeder-I feel like these guys might be redundant given I have a a missile launcher squad already, but I had around 150pts left and couldn't really figure out what else to fit in there. Mainly in the list to pop rhinoes, or glance heavier tanks to death

2x hunter killer missiles

heavy flamer


Legion Javelin Land Speeder

2x hunter killer missiles

heavy flamer


Heavy support squad-In 40k, I feel like missile launchers are bad, but in 30k I see a lot more use for them. Higher strength over autocannons means they can glance land raiders to death, number of missiles can also kill off a few MEQ in a pinch, and frag can be useful against lightly armored hordes. My only concern with this unit is being my only backfield unit, anything slips past the rest of my units, or drop pods in and they are dead. 

6x missile launchers

sergeant with augury scanner


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Good thoughts so far. I would leave the dark channeling off your terminators though since like you said they risk it being redundant. You also need to find points for the mandatory centurion/chaplain which all wb armies have to take. I would also recommend getting some form of protection for your missile squad as they will be a massive bullet magnet. Maybe get a bunker with an escape hatch and an ammo pile so you ca reroll 1s. If you put them on the top they'll get a good cover save at least and you can hide a tactical squad in the bunker but also redeploy the quickly if needed
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^^ Good points here.

- With the compulsory Centurion/Chaplain, you can at least give him Burning Lore for ML1 in Telepathy or Biomancy, even if you have to drop the Librarian.

- Using Ashen Circle as your Troops is awesome - I want to try that. Getting the +1 to Dark Channeling is actually really good.

- Dark Channeling on the Terminators isn't bad at all. If they roll a 6, getting Daemon, they still gain Fear (Zardu's +1 is optional by the wording of the rule) and there's not much Fearless in 30k. The other options are awesome!

- Javelins with 2 HKMs are gold.

- Missile launchers aren't amazing in 40k? I love them! Most underrated heavy weapon. Being half the price in 30k is really good, but you might have trouble if you face a Spartan or 2.


Are you planning on running the Dark Brethren RoW?

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I didn't realize Zardu didn't fill the chaplain requirement, guess no librarian then, but with the burning lore upgrade I don't think that's a big deal. 


Ashen circle troops seem fairly expensive for so few models, but it does fit Zardu's background as being a former Ashen Circle Captain, and I think they are just a cool unit so worth a try. 


Dark channeling could be somewhat redundant on terminators, but I'll risk that 1/6 chance to get only fear, as a 50% chance of getting zealot is rather handy. 


I could try and fit in a fortification for the heavy support squad, but I don't think I'll have room. I'll probably just settle for whatever terrain is in my deployment zone. 


In 40k I feel missile launchers are just in a weird middle ground between autocannons and lascannons, getting only one shot but not being ap2 for exploding vehicles. The real difference though is in 40k I have melta guns and maulerfiends to break open vehicles, so I can do without lascannons or missiles. In 30k I feel lascannons are just too expensive for heavy support squads, so lascannons it is. Spartans are a problem though, I'll have to reconsider how to deal wit that. 

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