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Alpha Legion 2500pts - plugging the gaps


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OK I'd like some feedback on this bad boy. I'll state from the off I don't envision this being a game breaker by any stretch of the imagination. What I'm looking for is a quick look at the general set-up and then some suggestions about how to fill out the remaining points. Competitive/Fluffy options are welcome but what I'm mainly interested in is a foil for my Praetor.


As things stand I'm running without a RoW but with Vol VI promising new ones and the long awaited Shattered Legions list that could be in flux. Either way, the below I'm committed to having because it suits my theme perfectly. The rest I shall leave up to fate.


Praetor - MC Paragon Blade, Power Dagger, Venom Spheres, Iron Halo. Relic of the Dark Age - Drakaina - 220pts


Legion Tactical Squad x10 - Vexilla - 160


Legion Tactical Squad x10 - Vexilla - 160


Contemptor Dreadnaught - Chainfist w/Graviton gun, Volkite Culverin - 210


Legion Rapier Battery x 3 - Laser Destoryers - 165


Achilles Alpha Land Raider - 300


Legion Vindicator - LAser Destroyer, Armoured Ceramite - 150


Deredeo Dreadnaught - Anvillus Autocannons, Aiolos Missile Launchers, Armoured Ceramite - 240


Total: 1605



So just shy of 900 pts to play with. I've thought about running a tooled up Spartan with a full compliment of Lernaeans as a massive hammer whilst outriders, headhunters and a tooled up command squad have crossed my mind (I know they're sub-optimal, I think there's enough punch in the rest to see me alright). Another consideration is to use the Onslaught FoC instead and possibly running Coils of the Hydra with it since it basically removes the compulsory troops tax and makes a HS slot mandatory instead.


So fire away some suggestions. I eagerly await some insight

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Alpha Legion is my 2nd favourite Legion behind Night Lords, so I approve of your choice!


Were you planning on taking Infiltrate for your Mutable Tactics, coz it might almost be worth going for Coils! I've always liked the Firedrake Terminators for a "Rewards of Treason" unit, especially given the scales all over the models make me think of Alpha Legion conversion opportunities. They can take a Spartan too.


Now imagine Infiltrating a Spartan full of Firedrakes... :)

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Mutable tactics depends on whom I'm playing but realistically it's only ever going to be infiltrate or tank hunters.


As for Coils, I'm undecided atm. I want to see the new ones in Retaliation before committing to anything in particular but we shall see. If I do take on coils I'm keeping an open mind on everything but the ones that stand out to me are:



Iron Tyrants

Gal Vorbak


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If you're going for infiltrate as plan A, I find that one of the biggest boons is skipping expensive transports since they can deploy where they need to be before turn 1.  Instead of taking Lernaeans in a Spartan, take two squads of Lernaeans and infiltrate them right in the enemies face.  That will throw your opponents plan out of the window and you'll have free reign to execute whatever sneaky plan you desire.


Not that Spartans aren't awesome, but unlike other legions we're not dependent on them.


As for other units, headhunters, seekers, plasma support squads, sniper vets and regular terminators are all great infiltrating alpha strike units.  I'm not a fan of Coils of the Hydra, but since your list is already most of the way there it would be a fine plan.  I like the idea of Invictarii.  Gal Vorbak are a very strong unit, but I couldn't justify them personally for fluff reasons.

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Gal Vorbak don't have Legiones Astartes, so they won't gain Mutable Tactics. They are definitely a better unit for Word Bearers, what with their access to Malefic Daemonology.


Invictarii have that "Lords of Ultramar" rule, which helps Solar Auxilia & Imperialis Militia near them (even if they're actually Alphamarines). They are a pretty strong unit, which has the additional benefit of not being Bulky so they'll fit into transports better.


Siege Tyrants gain more from Tank Hunters than Infiltrate - most of the time people choose to sit them <48" away and blast people.


Lernaeans are great for a non-Coils list, but Red Butchers and Firedrakes just do more for their points. I'm very keen to see models for them though!


TemujinZero, I think you're right that Alpha Legion melee units don't need transports as much. However, they still can't Assault Turn 1, so being protected for a turn is paramount - people will make their own call on that one, I think.

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TemujinZero, I think you're right that Alpha Legion melee units don't need transports as much. However, they still can't Assault Turn 1, so being protected for a turn is paramount - people will make their own call on that one, I think.


Well, a Spartan is a great unit in its own right, so I don't think it's a mistake to buy one for an assault unit.  I would counter your specific point though - if you can double the size of your unit by skipping the Spartan, taking a turn of shooting on the chin is a perfectly viable option, especially when they're accompanied by an army of similarly threatening units also infiltrating up close.  


I like to buy Rhinos for my Vets and Support Squads, both to give them some turn 1 protection and to help them get into rapid fire range quicker.  My Terminators are on foot though.  I spend around 150 points on transports in a 3000 point list, a big chunk of which goes on a Dreadnought Drop Pod.  I think my turn 1 losses are offset by the savings I make on transports.  Not to mention that if I get first turn my opponent might not have that much left to shoot back with.

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Using Onslaught to cancel troop tax is an interesting idea, but you give up first turn unless you seize the initiative.  This can actually work to your benefit if you bring Alpharius with Coils of the Hydra, because then you are seizing on a 4+ with re-roll (so 75% chance to get first turn, and you deny the opponent the chance to use any of his seize initiative tricks). You could do something similar but less effective with Skorr, who can pick Strategic Genius for a 5+ re-roll (so ~56% chance of first turn), and you also get to re-roll reserves (successful or failed). If you don't care about first turn, Skorr can give you Conqueror of Cities (which can be a game-changer on one of the most common table set-ups for 40k), Divide to Conquer to further screw enemy reserves, or even Master of Ambush so you can have Infiltrate and a wide-open choice for Mutable Tactics.


Regarding the Rewards of Treason choice, if you are a fan on saving on transports, the Suzerain may be a good choice. It is important to note that out of the three melee combat options presented (Suzerain, Firedrakes, Red Butchers), the Suzerain are the only ones who can sweep enemies in melee. They also have Implacable Advance, so they retain scoring. My only beef with them is the pistol/shield design looks like it would allow them to circumvent the usual boarding shield limitation of not using an extra melee weapon, but the axes are specialty weapons anyway. 10 Suzerain with two thunder hammers and a rhino are 390 points, roughly the same as 7 Butchers or Firedrakes.

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How are you getting re-rolls on seize the initiative if your taking onslaught as your RoW?


I do like the idea on Onslaught with Alpharius though.  Forcing your opponent to take first turn then seizing on a 4+ is very Alpha Legion.  You can then take another LoW alongside Alpharius, not to mention 4 heavy support choices.  It's not the route I'm going to take, but I'm sure there's the potential for some crazy lists there.

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Yeah onslaught seems to get looked over because a lot of the stronger lists with some of the Legions can get crazy alpha striking in which obviously goes by the wayside when you sacrifice the first turn but Alpharius basically makes that a joke and frees up a few hundred points from taking a pair of compulsory tactical squads and allows the extra HS slot with all the goodies it contains therein

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How are you getting re-rolls on seize the initiative if your taking onslaught as your RoW?


I do like the idea on Onslaught with Alpharius though.  Forcing your opponent to take first turn then seizing on a 4+ is very Alpha Legion.  You can then take another LoW alongside Alpharius, not to mention 4 heavy support choices.  It's not the route I'm going to take, but I'm sure there's the potential for some crazy lists there.

Onslaught is not a Rite of War.

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How are you getting re-rolls on seize the initiative if your taking onslaught as your RoW?


I do like the idea on Onslaught with Alpharius though. Forcing your opponent to take first turn then seizing on a 4+ is very Alpha Legion. You can then take another LoW alongside Alpharius, not to mention 4 heavy support choices. It's not the route I'm going to take, but I'm sure there's the potential for some crazy lists there.

Onslaught is not a Rite of War.

You are correct, though I seem to remember that you aren't supposed to use them alongside a RoW...


Yep, page 9 of the red book. Using Onslaught means no RoW.

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