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The hounds will answer the call of chaos 2015

warboss aidna0510

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The hounds will answer, and by blood god himself I will make mounting of skulls in his and Abaddon's.

I vow to my soul to chaos and complete:

One chaos lord of Khrone

Ten chaos space marines of Khrone

Three chaos spawn

One chaos rhino

So let the all the enemies of the black legion to know this, beware the hounds for come for all.

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The hounds hunger for blood... they hunt their enemies day and night...they kill and burn in the name of their dark master name... abaddon the despoiler



Now the first guy on the left was the first one that I made for this squad, I use so GS instead of using plasticard, but it was not easy and i didn't really like how he turn out. The next guy I added one layer of plasitcard, but he was not tall enough when next to other guys. Now the next one is one is one of my favorite, I don't know why but I like, I also use two layers. The next one i did same thing, but I try to have stand up, he's alright.


The left one I did the same thing but I tried to move one of his feet, when I was done with it didn't really like it. Now with my lord I added some plasticard above the feet and did same this with the legs, when i was done i really like how it turn out. I also did the same thing with other one before him. 

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As Hinid looks over the massacre of the imperial guard company, he begins to count his bothers to see who lived and who died. Only two were missing from the battle, lord Skolla and bother Lojall.


"Skolla do you read? Skolla, are you here?" only static.


"Of course, does anyone know were Skolla run off too?"  Hinid yelled out.


One of his bothers speaks up. "Last time I saw he was running after some guardsmen in the middle of the battle."


"Then why in khrones name you didn't try to shop him?" Hinid said.


"You try to stop him when his all berserk" replayed the marine.


As the two marines talk a alone guardsmen tries to run, only to be cut off by two marines.


"well look here, we have a little survivor?" Hinid said with a smile.


"didn't kill me!" Guardsmen yelled out in fear.


"Alright, but you have to tell me were is your command bunker then I let you go" replayed Hinid.


"North east, about 10 miles form here!" Guardsmen said.


Hinid takes out his knife and beings carving in the mark of khrone on guardsmen head.


"What did you do?" guardsmen yelled.


"You can go back to your regiment, but they most likely will kill you because of that little mark that I made. So in other words you coming with us unless you what to killed by your bothers." said hinid.


"I guess don't have a choice, alright i come with you..." said the guardsmen.


"That's good little guardsmen." replayed hinid.



So this is my very first short story, so please tell me what to improve on.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright first off am sorry that i had not posted anything for last mouth or so, but fear not for have i the lord of the hounds of iron have come again.






As you can see that my chaos lord the blooded iron (lord fenrir right hand man) that he's far form being done. But i did do a lot of work on him. He's third arm is done ( i done a base khone red with the high light of mephiston red) but i did a one to one to one of lahmian medium with nuln oil and i also added a paint called clear red from model master (a much better paint then blood for the blood god) i call this mix "old blood" due to the fact that it look's like it's old blood. But other then the arm there's not much i did out of ordinary then it comes to a painting iron warriors.




Now on to the base. Am very help on how it turned out. I made the rocks out of a door pat (i think so), the iron pipe is made form a case form a Gw base (it easy cut and it a good size for a pipes). The green stuff is a base of waagh flesh and then added some nurgle's rot.

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