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Non-animal Thunderwolves


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This thread got me thinking. Would the Thunderwolves of the 13th company survive prolonged periods in the Eye of Terror? What would the Space Wolves use as substitutes if no wolves were available? What would a DIY chapter with SW rules use, if they don't have an affinity for animals in general or wolves in particular?


Bikes on round bases seem dull and misleading. On top of that you would have to remove the TL bolters.

Dark Elf/Lizardmen Cold Ones are probably too small.

Good looking Jet Bikes are expensive and also need their weapons removed.


Any other ideas?

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Mechanical steeds. Bloodcrusher conversions or the Cyber Wolves from Raging Heroes I believe. Although it would make no bloody sense in terms of realistic warfare, seeing as a tracked machine will usually be quicker, cheaper and safer than a walking mechanical steed, it would be the clostest mechanical equivalent.

You could also build bigger bikes. Something like a small personal tank on a round base.


Here is my suggestion for the 13th though. Maybe they do not have TWC. But maybe they have some extremely big Wulfen like Redmaw. Get some Skinwolves from FW, give them enhanced claws or whatever weapon you choose and put them on round bases. This is your TWC. Very big and very choppy Wulfen.

I think the premise is flawed:   that the 13th company ever had Thunderwolf Cavalry.   Which I dont think they ever did.  And if they did, they are prolly all dead now.


Thunderwolf Cavalry, game wise, is a newer GW concept.   They've sold well because GW gave them great rules, too.   (Hence the weak game balance of the game:   great rules to sell miniatures.)


Does anyone have the 2nd edition Space Wolves codex suppliment?  Does it every mention Wolves riding wolves.  ~snort~  GW exec saying "a space marine inside a space marine... and have a wolf ride a wolf.  that's the ticket"


If one were to make 13th Company Wolves, in parallel to the current Wolf codex, then I'd have to vote they are using large bikes and/or half track bikes.   Think wartrukks and wartrakks from old Gorkamorka range.  Add one round base, and howl.   Another idea is weapon-less attack bikes?  How about 13th Wolves stealing gear from Dark Eldar? Or the FW 30k jetbike model?



Robotic dogs are being developed for the military now. Give it another 38,000 years. I think they would be able to figure something out.


I like the idea of very cyber-heavy TWC. Maybe with just a tiny scrap of fur in one spot left on its otherwise completely cybernetic body.

This thread got me thinking. Would the Thunderwolves of the 13th company survive prolonged periods in the Eye of Terror? What would the Space Wolves use as substitutes if no wolves were available? What would a DIY chapter with SW rules use, if they don't have an affinity for animals in general or wolves in particular?


Bikes on round bases seem dull and misleading. On top of that you would have to remove the TL bolters.

Dark Elf/Lizardmen Cold Ones are probably too small.

Good looking Jet Bikes are expensive and also need their weapons removed.


Any other ideas?


I don`t know, how much you want to have your DIY chapter based on actual SW fluff. If you prefer another setting/ homeworld maybe you could put some marines on this lions of the High Elves from Warhammer Fantasy:




I think they are more or less the size of Thunderwolves.

On the other hand, the do look more like "regular" animals than mutated/ technically altered beasts, just like the Thunderwolves.

Or maybe a mechanical horse for your captain/ hero:



Those are extremely small. SM want Chaos Knight sized horses. The Mechanical Steed is smaller than the High Elves ones.

Or maybe a mechanical horse for your captain/ hero:


Those are extremely small. SM want Chaos Knight sized horses. The Mechanical Steed is smaller than the High Elves ones.

You could argue that mechanical horses are much stronger than normal ones. msn-wink.gif

Just kidding, I wasn`t aware of that, I only saw the picture online.

Mechanical things makes less sense for the 13th company IMO. The 13th company have problems maintaining basic equipment (power armour), which is why they have to scavenge parts from their foes. They have a few bikes... And that is about it. At least rules wise... I don't know if there is fluff giving them vehicles in 40K.


Just ride your fellow brothers once they've fallen to far to the curse of the Wulfen XD

13 Company shouldn't have vehicles as they can't maintain them, even bikes from a historical fluff perspective. They get about by the Rune Priests opening portals between places.


As for wolves riding wolves ... If you want to include them just mutate them a bit?


Can't say as a collector of SWs for 2 decades that I personally agree with the way they were added to the "fluff".

I'd say 13th Co. Thunderwolves would make more sense, fluffwise, than the 13th Co. inventing a new war machine to fill that role. One of the wonderful things about living critters is that they can mostly self-maintain, as long as you give 'em food!


13th Co. always seemed a bit more in touch with their wolfier side, so maybe include a note about how the 'modern' 13th Co. Thunderwolves have been selectively bred for greater sociability etc.


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