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2000 white Scars final draft.


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OK so I'm about to spend the money on these so I wanted to know everyone's opinions on my final list.




Iron Halo

Paragon Blade


Command squad x5


Combat shields

1 power fist

2 power axes

2 power swords


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour


Heavy bolter


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour


Heavy bolter


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 volkite


Power axe

While unit has Melta bombs


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 volkite


Power axe

While unit has Melta bombs


Javelin attack speeder x2

Cyclone Missile launcher


Fire Raptor Gunship



I'm going to be spending a lot of time kitbashing and greenstuffing this army so I want to make it as good as possible.


20 heavy bolters

4 volkite culverts

2 twin linked cyclone missile launchers

Not including the Raptor.


Would really apreciate some thoughts.



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Since the White Scars don't have any Legion rules yet, you get to pick either Furious Charge or Stubborn as their bonus rule (in the red book). Which one are you going to use for this list? I know the following arrangement makes sense for the remaining legions, but its up to you.


Dark Angels = Stubborn

Thousand Sons = Stubborn

Space Wolves = Furious Charge

Blood Angels = Furious Charge

White Scars = Furious Charge

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Yea furious charge to be honest. As you say seems the most logical. If that's your only questions I'm assuming you like the list


Now that you've decided on your Legion Tactic I'll review your list. Furious Charge favours an aggressive list.



OK so I'm about to spend the money on these so I wanted to know everyone's opinions on my final list.




Iron Halo

Paragon Blade


Command squad x5


Combat shields

1 power fist

2 power axes

2 power swords


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour


Heavy bolter


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour


Heavy bolter


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 volkite


Power axe

While unit has Melta bombs


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 volkite


Power axe

While unit has Melta bombs


Javelin attack speeder x2

Cyclone Missile launcher


Fire Raptor Gunship



I'm going to be spending a lot of time kitbashing and greenstuffing this army so I want to make it as good as possible.


20 heavy bolters

4 volkite culverts

2 twin linked cyclone missile launchers

Not including the Raptor.


Would really apreciate some thoughts.




Considering you are going to be fighting mostly other Legions as your foes, this list is fast but is also very 'Torrent-y' relying on flooding your opponent with shots and hoping he fails his armour saves. When you tack on the high availability of Feel No Pain, I think you may find that this approach - while it can work - is going to seem pretty weak if his dice are hot and he removes hardly any models. What about Plasma Outriders? What is your solution to coming up against a Spartan-star list? Jetbikes with Meltabombs that attempt to reach melee are going to get charged and eliminated by enemy Terminators (Legion special ones or simply normal ones). Maybe you should consider a Sicarian/Venator to increase your long range anti-armour capabilities while not disrupting the 'fast list' theme.


Personally, I also think that Tacticals in Rhinos are weak for a number of reasons (no Specials to top hatch, no Fury of the Legion, no Apothecaries, easy First Blood Rhino) and your Praetor and Command Squad on Jetbikes is a bit too expensive to be a cost effective combat unit.


Have you considered running this list with Assault Marines as an Angel's Wraith ROW army?

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Cheers for the feedback. I love the Jetbike models and the White Scars which is why I wanted to build the list so no assault marines for me.


My problem with Plasma on Jetbikes is the minute they Jink they are pointless and a smart opponent will force them to Jink.


Spartan... honestly I intend to avoid it. I should be fast enough to pick my fights.


I was originally looking at a Sicaran but my concern was that with only one on the battlefield it won't last long. Especially in my meta I used to run 2 and a venator in my Fists and they just don't last.


Troops wise I'm stuck. 20 is for me the most effective but doesn't suit the list. Assuming further along the lines outriders become troops I could replace the tacticals for 2 5 man outriders with Melta bombs but the problem is kitting them out with Plasma or anything else is just way too expensive.


Command squad I agree with you it's a bit over costed but I'm worried about not having any hard hitting units. I'm not sure what I would put in instead of them.


Cheers for the help so far!

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Been thinking about your feedback. I know I haven't added any Sicarans but I'm hoping the raptors can offer some decent firepower when they come in. I still maintain a decent amount of bikes and also add a couple of Plasma cannons in.




Mastery level 2


Refractor field


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour

Melta bombs

Power axe


Heavy bolter


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour

Melta bombs

Power axe


Heavy bolter


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 volkite


Power axe

Whole unit has Melta bombs


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 volkite


Power axe

Whole unit has Melta bombs


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 plasma cannons


Power axe

Whole unit has Melta bombs


Fire Raptor Gunship



Fire Raptor Gunship



Or option number 2




Mastery level 2


Refractor field


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour

Melta bombs

Power axe


Heavy bolter


Tactical squad


Artificer Armour

Melta bombs

Power axe


Heavy bolter


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 Plasma Cannons


Power fist

Whole unit has Melta bombs


Jetbikes X6

4 heavy bolters

2 plasma cannons


Power fist

Whole unit has Melta bombs


2 Javelin attack speeders

Cyclone missile launchers.


Fire Raptor Gunship



Sicaran battle tank



Sicaran battle tank


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Oh my... The second list seems so $$$ to me- tons of dudes on speeders, a solid core of dudes in tracks, 2 fast vehicles spitting out a £#*%ton of lead along with a HH warthog!! Yes!

Only thing might be to drop the fists on the bikers and spend those points on another bike- with melta bombs all the way around you should be able to pop any vehicle you need and a flyby face punch at I1 is something you don't want to mess with. HK rockets on the javelins as well for the extra POP possibility??

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Evening gents.


I am taking list 3 as it's the one that I like the most. I didn't realise about the Librarian so with some tweaking to equipment I now have a Praetor on a Jetbike instead. The models are bought and I have a tracking number so if I'm lucky they will get delivered tomorrow.


I have also ordered 20 terminators as we play a lot of Zone mortalis around here.


Best get the electric toothbrush out to scrub all that resin! Buzzing right now lol

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