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Black Templars by Awaken Realms


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Some time ago we had an honour to paint several Black Templar models - the models were very characterful and their owner assembled them in very personalized way, which was going to be further enhanced by painting - take a look how we've done them!


First of them were Centurions (you may see them in our gallery) as well.








Soon more of them will appear, but how do you like the trio you can see now?
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Very nicely painted!

Isn't the mechanicus symbol supposed to be painted like this though and not just half white/half black?



You're right, let's call it artistic license :)




And now, the next part of the crusade incoming;)










How do you like the new models?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

What a strange Chaplain dread conversion.  Definitely works, mind you.  It's just so outside the norm that I didn't even realize he had lascannons on his head for a minute. :lol:


They're all quite good.  I'll be gleefully stealing the hip armor idea, too :)

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The Iron Clad os great, but for the Chaplain the execution feels slightly off. The lascannons i think are too tall and the dreadknight hands look wierd on the dreadnought. Perhaps the Great Axe hands from the wolfnought would have worked better?


Shame your client didn't ask for a different weapon loadout, as the gameplay loadout is ruining the fantasy somewhat. Multimelta would fit on the top rack muxh more compactly.

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