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Shabran darr 1850 pride list


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1850 pride of legion


Praetor - 170

Cataphractii armour, paragon blade, digital lasers

Shabran Darr - 115


Contemptor Mortis - 180

Two kheres pattern assault cannons

Legion rapier weapons battery(2) - 110

Laser destroyer array


Cataphractii terminators(8) - 345

Pair of lightning claws(2), chain fist(3), heavy flamer, grenade harness

Veteran tactical squad(10) - 280

vexilia, missile launchers(2), flakk missiles, tank hunter

Veteran tactical squad(9) - 300

vexilia, artificer armour, melta bomb, power axe(3), meltagun, furious charge

Dedicated rhino transport


Spartan assault tank - 350

auxiliary drive, armoured ceramite, flare shield


1850 exactly


So this is meant to represent the forces left still fighting on istvaan. I chose pride of the legion because I think the forces left would be veterans of the war after fighting for so long. Let me know what you think. Cheers

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It looks pretty good fluff-wise! Shabran Darr is nothing special, though I like his backstory, but what does he bring to the list?


The Veteran Squads look a bit confused:

- Furious Charge & power weapons mean you want to see combat, but a meltagun and a Rhino (with no Assault Vehicle rule) promotes shooting. Remember that WE get Furious Charge after beating a unit too.

- the Tank Hunters squad would appreciate discounted melta bombs (and the flakk missile launchers are really expensive - maybe go for meltaguns?).


Spartan and Contemptor are good, but I'd take a dozer blade over an auxiliary drive.


Laser Rapiers are good for Raven Guard & Alpha Legion (they can Infiltrate them) but for 20 points more, a Vindicator Tank Destroyer is better value for WE.


Hope this helps! :)

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Thanks for the reply @Caillum, Honestly I've had heaps of trouble how best to use veterans and shabran. I know he's mediocre at best but I'm determined to stick with the fluff. I'd appreciate it if you could write up how you would use the vets and shabran to make them work? After your suggestions I was thinking meltabombs and meltaguns in a rhino with outflank? Plus a squad with shabran that has 2 power weapons and 2 heavy bolters with fearless to hunt infantry?
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