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The Sanguinor. Lets get this character back on the TT.

Brother Raul

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Ok we all know the reasons NOT to play the Sanguinor on the TT but admit it, you love that little golden ceramite plated cherub of death.


So as GW continues to treat the Sanguinor as a SG sargent lets try to come together to find ways to revive his/ her glory as he/ she has our glorious chapthers hopes time and time again. Its a debt we must repay brothers.


To get the ball rolling I was thinking DS him behind an important assault. Been messing around with DS small units of DC with counter attack. They invite a charge and damage a unit who is sucked into the charge range of the SG.


Now if I DS his golden choppyness behind the DC for a cover save he could then charge with the SG next turn and even provide a grenade or two and his +1a.


Or you could DS him near a Dantestar or Meph/ Corbulostar for said +1 attack.


I know we are limited with choices for his role, how you play him brothers? Emperor protect you!

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His auras effectiveness is directly proportionate to the number of dudes you have in assault, of course. So what it means is that to maximise his use you need a lot of dudes in assault, right? Simple.


Sadly, that's hard to do in the current meta with shooting being as mad as it is.


You could use a lot of scouts who infiltrate and then get off a glorious second turn charge with his help when he comes in, supported by DC who should be getting a second turn charge with packs too.


But covering all those models with a 6" aura is hard. So let's solve that. The jury is currently unsure about the Caestus assault ram being able to transport jump infantry. RAW it indicates it could, at least in my opinion. And as I'm aware auras still work in transports but are now measured from the hull.


Congrats your RAM now speeds up and provides an insane aura to your dudes with the man himself disembarking next turn to help in an assault if he wants!

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Putting ram is one way to do it, but yeah rule lawyer lost his :cuss when my JP DC jumped out of it. So trying to stick him there I think he would die of heart of attck. Second though it might just be worth it, for the good of the store.


Keeping him in raven could do the same thing but just as lesser range.


another idea is DS him a long side some LC term and/or th/SS using angel wing the 3 tac sq in raven, can't recall the proper name off the top of my head. But those 3 Ravens come in than DS him and termantores of choice. That 6" buble will cover all of them boosting there damage out out, now the hard choice trying to bring down 5 th/SS or shooting the IC hiding in back. Either way eating another round CC pain.


But yeah he such iconic unit, after all he one who turned Dante in beast he is to day, that he should be able to see the table top out side of fun/fluff list

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I always thought the Sanguinor would hit his stride in smaller (1000-1250 point) games. The kind of precision you get with a single model, plus his good defenses and Eternal Warrior means he has the potential to do what a squad of assault models could not for the same points.


You don't need to utterly devastate the enemy's unit to break them and run them down, just as you would annihilate a unit if you took an oversized Sanguinary Guard or Death Company squad. Another bonus over those units is the Sanguinor can issue and accept challenges, and THAT is where he really hits his stride (the only problem is his weapon is AP3).


Above the 1250 mark, I'm skeptical about employing him as a heavy hitting assault unit of 1, because weight fire can bring him down the same way as any +2 armor save model (but with less wounds usually).


Anyways, just some passing thoughts about him, I have yet to use him in such a way.

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I always thought the Sanguinor would hit his stride in smaller (1000-1250 point) games. The kind of precision you get with a single model, plus his good defenses and Eternal Warrior means he has the potential to do what a squad of assault models could not for the same points.


You don't need to utterly devastate the enemy's unit to break them and run them down, just as you would annihilate a unit if you took an oversized Sanguinary Guard or Death Company squad. Another bonus over those units is the Sanguinor can issue and accept challenges, and THAT is where he really hits his stride (the only problem is his weapon is AP3).


Above the 1250 mark, I'm skeptical about employing him as a heavy hitting assault unit of 1, because weight fire can bring him down the same way as any +2 armor save model (but with less wounds usually).


Anyways, just some passing thoughts about him, I have yet to use him in such a way.

Thanks for this. I personally would have never employed him but this is probably the best way to do so!

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Congrats your RAM now speeds up and provides an insane aura to your dudes with the man himself disembarking next turn to help in an assault if he wants!

The jury is currently unsure about the Caestus assault ram being able to transport jump infantry. RAW it indicates it could, at least in my opinion. And as I'm aware auras still work in transports but are now measured from the hull.

How much bigger/better is the Cestus than the Stormraven? The latter can explicitly transport Jump Infantry, so the rules lawyer cannot throw a hissy fit.

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Congrats your RAM now speeds up and provides an insane aura to your dudes with the man himself disembarking next turn to help in an assault if he wants!

The jury is currently unsure about the Caestus assault ram being able to transport jump infantry. RAW it indicates it could, at least in my opinion. And as I'm aware auras still work in transports but are now measured from the hull.

How much bigger/better is the Cestus than the Stormraven? The latter can explicitly transport Jump Infantry, so the rules lawyer cannot throw a hissy fit.



FAQ Thread :)

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I was thinking about how to make the Sanguinor useful on the TT. The easy choice is just to make him an IC so he can join squads. But that's boring!


How about a special rule where he starts in reserve and can only come onto the field when the unit he's attached too (decided in secret before the game starts) reaches half strength?


How about at the end of turn 3, if the BAngels player has less points worth of models on the table, the Sanguinor arrives and auto-charges the enemy Warlord. Combat is resolved 1v1 until a victor is determined and if he wins, the Sanguinor arrives as normal via-deepo strike withany missing wounds still applied (i.e he can arrive half dead)


Any other cool ideas?

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Congrats your RAM now speeds up and provides an insane aura to your dudes with the man himself disembarking next turn to help in an assault if he wants!

The jury is currently unsure about the Caestus assault ram being able to transport jump infantry. RAW it indicates it could, at least in my opinion. And as I'm aware auras still work in transports but are now measured from the hull.

How much bigger/better is the Cestus than the Stormraven? The latter can explicitly transport Jump Infantry, so the rules lawyer cannot throw a hissy fit.

FAQ Thread smile.png

Aye, for quick reference though:

AV 13/13/11, HP 3, Fast Attack slot

• Flyer, Hover, Tank (see below), Transport capacity: 10

• Deep Strike, Assault Vehicle, Caestus Ram [roll 2D6 and add the highest for ram attacks, +1 on damage table, 5+ save against hits to the front armour], Misericorde [ignore Bulky rules], Supersonic

• Extra Armour, hull-mounted twin-linked Magna Melta [18”, STR 8, AP 1, Heavy 1, 5” blast, Melta], wing-mounted Firefury Missile Launcher [36”, STR 6, AP 4, Heavy 4, twin-linked, 3” blast, one use]

• Options include Teleport Homer, Frag Assault Launchers, Armoured Ceramite

Related note though: As a flyer does it start in reserve always? Or can it deploy normally as it is only in hover mode.

I was thinking about how to make the Sanguinor useful on the TT. The easy choice is just to make him an IC so he can join squads. But that's boring!

How about a special rule where he starts in reserve and can only come onto the field when the unit he's attached too (decided in secret before the game starts) reaches half strength?

How about at the end of turn 3, if the BAngels player has less points worth of models on the table, the Sanguinor arrives and auto-charges the enemy Warlord. Combat is resolved 1v1 until a victor is determined and if he wins, the Sanguinor arrives as normal via-deepo strike withany missing wounds still applied (i.e he can arrive half dead)

Any other cool ideas?

While I like that and it is fluffy, if your opponent knows it could be easily avoided and you have a big old waste of a dude in reserve. The second suggestion is cool, but a little OP, and you could end up against a monster who will just kill him or just simply be winning the game!

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Charlo, that looks familiar...


A Flyer will always start in Reserve (unless you purchase a Skyshield with the Ready for Take Off upgrade). However, it can elect to come on Zooming or in Hover mode - the latter mode being extremely rare unless you arrive by Deep Strike.

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Charlo, that looks familiar...

A Flyer will always start in Reserve (unless you purchase a Skyshield with the Ready for Take Off upgrade). However, it can elect to come on Zooming or in Hover mode - the latter mode being extremely rare unless you arrive by Deep Strike.

Ah, I thought it was only allowed to hover as that was it's type. So unless I skyshield I'm looking at a turn 2/3 charge earliest?

And sorry! I started writing stuff out myself then realised some nameless scribe had already got all the data in a nice format tongue.png

But really though your resource threads are the best, no other subby sports those!

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Below is a thread I started a few months back about how I like to run the Sanguinor.



A very interesting read. My only concern is that 300 pts for two models is a big chunk of change. I can't argue with how effective it appeared to be though.



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Below is a thread I started a few months back about how I like to run the Sanguinor.



A very interesting read. My only concern is that 300 pts for two models is a big chunk of change. I can't argue with how effective it appeared to be though.




Not really though. The going rate of a decent sized squad of Death Company, Vanguard Veterans or Sanguinary Guard comes in at 300. And using this HQ combination frees up our ever-crowded elites slots, which is pretty valuable I'd say.

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