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The Sanguinor. Lets get this character back on the TT.

Brother Raul

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A Librarian could work, to buff him with sanguinary /biomancy. Quickening on him would be pretty insane. With all the rerolls he'll probably even damage 2+ at that point.


But the WS9 from the priest is what really does it, making people hit on 5+ is great.

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Below is a thread I started a few months back about how I like to run the Sanguinor.



A very interesting read. My only concern is that 300 pts for two models is a big chunk of change. I can't argue with how effective it appeared to be though.



Not really though. The going rate of a decent sized squad of Death Company, Vanguard Veterans or Sanguinary Guard comes in at 300. And using this HQ combination frees up our ever-crowded elites slots, which is pretty valuable I'd say.

But it's 300 pts for 2 dudes. Now I admit they are majority T5, with access to a 2+, 4++ and FnP...but a kitted out DC squad with a chappy feels like a better deal.


Still, I want to tun it and see how it goes with the duo. My biggest concern is them getting bogged down in a combat...



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A Librarian could work, to buff him with sanguinary /biomancy. Quickening on him would be pretty insane. With all the rerolls he'll probably even damage 2+ at that point.


But the WS9 from the priest is what really does it, making people hit on 5+ is great.

Yeah I was thinking something similar to this as well. A librarian with some sternguard and the sanguinor swoops in, gets Quickened by the Sanguinary Discipline librarian and starts slamming into units with impunity.

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Sadly the Sanguinor can't be a part of a squad, he can only be joined by independent characters :( his aura works on them though of course! For true mean you could always add in an allied marine captain with shield eternal and a fist to tank, but sangy has eternal warrior too.


Sanguinor with quickening will chew through anything not 2+

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Yeah I think a Power Fist/Thunder Hammer would be a better choice for the Sanguinary Priest to give those high strength attacks the combo would lack otherwise. You could even give the SP a grav pistol if you wanted to concuss units a Model before an assault


Only the model hit by it is concussed, so unless you're charging a MC, only the model that takes the woound from a unit (and most likely dies to ap2) is concussed.

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In addition to the WS9, having majority toughness 5 helps against shooting attacks....which, in combination with FNP, allows the unit to survive enemy dakka while they make their way upfield.


Also, don't forget that the priest can jink on the bike. So you can LOS AP2 wounds off the Sanguinor onto a jinking priest....at least until the priest takes a wound. It effectively makes the Sanguinor into a 4 wound model. 

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Sadly the Sanguinor can't be a part of a squad, he can only be joined by independent characters sad.png his aura works on them though of course! For true mean you could always add in an allied marine captain with shield eternal and a fist to tank, but sangy has eternal warrior too.

Sanguinor with quickening will chew through anything not 2+

So why wouldn't you join an IC to sanguinor and then join another ID to the same squad? Or am I reading the rules incorrect?

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Sadly the Sanguinor can't be a part of a squad, he can only be joined by independent characters sad.png his aura works on them though of course! For true mean you could always add in an allied marine captain with shield eternal and a fist to tank, but sangy has eternal warrior too.

Sanguinor with quickening will chew through anything not 2+

So why wouldn't you join an IC to sanguinor and then join another ID to the same squad? Or am I reading the rules incorrect?

You can join as many ICs to the Sanguinor as you like, but you cannot join the Sanguinor to another unit (with the IC rule or without), because the Sanguinor lacks the IC status. An IC is considered part of the unit he joins, not the other way around.

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