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2500 Word Bearers with Daemon Allies 1st list


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I don't own any 30k models yet, but before getting into a game I like to set a goal, something to aim for.


How does this look? Any suggestions?



Word Bearers (2005 points)


Rite of War: The Dark Bretheren


HQ: Zardu Layak (175 points)

HQ: Centurion (85 points): Burning Lore, Melta Bombs


Troops: 2x 10 man Tactical Squad (185 points): Rhino


Elites: 10 man Gal Vorbak squad (400 points): 2 Power Weapons, Melta Bombs Artificer Armor and Power Fist on the Dark Martyr

Elites: Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought (180 points) Kheres pattern Assault cannons.


Heavy Support: Spartan Assault Tank (345 points): Armored Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield


LoW: Lorgar Transfigured (450 points)




Daemons (494 points)


HQ: Be'Lakor (350 points)


Troops: 16 Pink Horrors (144 points)

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Missed the Flare Shield, thanks. I'm not very familiar yet with the 30k upgrades. Will update when I get back to my book to check the cost.


What about the tacticals? I gave them extra Chainswords and Dark Chanelling to make them better at melee, to try and capitalize on the legion and Lorgar's rules, but is it worth it? Or should I just run them bare bones for objective taking?


As a side note: is footslogging infantry viable in 30k? Or does everything need transports, like 40k?

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I wouldn't go for chainswords and Dark Channeling on 10-man Tacticals, as they won't give enough of a return. You might want Vexilla on them for the Morale re-rolls though.


And Rhinos help them get to objectives as well in 30k as in 40k. With the latest changes to "Battles in the Age of Darkness" in the Mechanicum red book, First Blood is no longer a thing, so they don't give up VPs that way any more!

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Updated. This gives me 110 points to play with. I'm thinking some sort of bikes to harass the enemy, but I'm unsure whether I should go for 3 Space Marine Bikes (dropping 10 points from somewhere else), or 4 Screamers of Tzeentch?


Also, did I go overboard with upgrades for the Gal Vorbak and HQs? I plan to atrach everything (Chaplain, Diabolist, Lorgar) to the Gal Vorbak unit.



You might want Vexilla on them for the Morale re-rolls though.


Isn't Vexilla a bit redundant since Word Bearers already roll 3d6 for morale, or am I missing something?


Also, just realized putting Cataphracti instead of regular Terminator armor on the Chaplain and then attach him to the Gal Vorbak was a bit dumb, since he'd be the only guy who couldn't run, and I don't really want him tanking hits (where his 4++ would be useful)



EDIT 2: Trimmed some fat off The HQs which allowed me to get a Contemptor Mortis fir AA and a bit of anti-horde

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