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Allied detachment


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I was messing with lists. And couldn't wrap my head around this but maybe I just hit a block


So im making an allied detachment to get a drop pod for my GK purifiers. Can I use Ezekiel as the HQ for that detachment or has to be a generic Libby or chaplain? Or could I use an interrogator? So I guess my question is. CAD and allied detachments are just generic force orgs in which you can place any unit as long as it is the right type (like HQ, fast attack etc). Correct?

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I'm confused. Admittedly, my knowledge of the game mechanics is next to minimal (I'm more interested in the background), but it seems like the rules contradict themselves on this matter.


On the one hand, the "Allied Detachment" section states that "All units chosen must have the same Faction (or no Faction)." That would indicate to me that - to continue with the OP's idea - you would need to have a Grey Knights HQ to lead the Purifiers.


On the other hand, though, the "Battle Brothers" section under "Levels of Alliance" states that "Units from the same army that are Battle Brothers treat each other as ‘friendly units’ for all rules purposes" and goes on to state that such a unit "Can be joined by an Independent Character that is a Battle Brother." That would indicate to me that Grey Knight Purifiers can be led by Ezekiel, since Dark Angels and Grey Knights are treated as Battle Brothers (as both are considered Armies of the Imperium).


My guess is that the correct interpretation is the latter of the two. That would lead me to believe that, if you wanted to play a Successor Chapter whose Deathwing-equivalent is light on Terminators, you could have an Interrogator Chaplain leading a a Vanguard Veteran Squad (or whatever), right?

Sorry to hijack the topic!

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As far as I understand 7th ed. rules, if you want to deploy allies, you have to make an Allied Detachment consisting at minimum HQ and Troops from ONE allied faction i.e. SM Bike chapter master (Ultramarines) and a 5-man Tactical Squad (also Ultramarines) - see BGB p.122. After deployement DA character can join an allied squad and vice versa provided they are at 'Battle Brothers' level of alliance. DA characters cannot be HQ (in FOC) for any detachment which isn't DA faction. Allied detachment can't have the same faction as main detachment (DAs cannot be allied to themselves).

This is relevant to battle-forged armies. If you go unbound way, nothing and nobody can stop you from fielding anything.

So in your example, dtse, you can't use Ezekiel as the HQ for Grey Knights Purifiers detachment. You have to use HQ which have the same faction as Purifiers. Hope that this helps. smile.png

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The Battle Brothers and related (i.e. Allies) sections refer to how the units, and their rules, interact with one another *in-game*.  The section has nothing to do with dictating how one goes about building an army, or the requirements thereof.  You could build a Crusade Force composed of 15 different units, each from a Space Marine Chapter with entirely different rules, and it will still take full advantage of the Battle Brothers rules, yet it will be a fully Unbound army list.  If you want to build a bound list though, such that you don't lose any command benefits from any included detachments/formations, then you have to stick to the requirements for building those detachments/formations, all of which exclude mixing units from different codexes.  So, all of the units in a Grey Knights detachment/formation must be made up of only units from Codex: Grey Knights, a Dark Angels detachment/formation must be made up of only units from Codex: Dark Angels, etc. Then you designate one of them as your primary detachment/formation, and any others as Allied detachments/formations, and gain the benefits listed under the Battle Brothers section.  Based on those Battle Brothers benefits, when you deploy the units *in-game*, you can put the HQs in whatever units and embarked on whatever vehicles you want to (subject to vehicle capacity of course), and various rules can be shared among the forces, as noted in the Battle Brothers section.

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Ezekiel is not the HQ in GK part. I have separate nemesis strike force and an allied dark Angels detachment. I was just wondering if allied detachments are specific to codices or generic. I use a website for holding lists and it wouldn't let me put ezekiel as HQ for allied detachment. But the way I understood it as long as they are same faction and you utilize the right force org slots you are good
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That is incorect.  An Allied detachment/formation can't be mixed and matched from different codexes.  For example, if I wanted to include an allied Demi-Company from Codex: Dark Angels to go with my Deathwing Strike Force, it could not have Dark Angels Tactical Squads, Blood Angels Assault Squads, and Imperial Fists Devastator Squads; all led by an Excorcists Chaplain.  ALL of the units in a detachment/formation must be from the same codex.  In the case of the vanilla marines codex, ALL of the units in a detachment/formation must be from the same Chapter.  I am still slightly surprised that there is no generic "Crusade Formation", which is something that would allow one to include different untis from different Chapters, from whatever codexes, in an army, but on a smaller scale than is allowed for through the normal use of the detachments/formations structure.

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I am still slightly surprised that there is no generic "Crusade Formation", which is something that would allow one to include different untis from different Chapters, from whatever codexes, in an army, but on a smaller scale than is allowed for through the normal use of the detachments/formations structure.

That's probably because crusades are usually at a much larger scale. Also you can already do that, but the army would be unbound.

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