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DDS - Dante Delivery Systems


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Usually I run Dante + Priest + Sanguinary Guard.


However, what other delivery systems are there for him?


I'm thinking about sticking him in either a Command Squad or Vanguard Veterans (without packs) loaded up with Storm Shields and podding them in, for a T2 charge. Hit and Run allows the unit to not be bogged down. 

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Dante and Death Company is also an interesting way to use that H&R. Instead of avoiding being bogged down, you're trying to maximise the charge benefits (Which, for DC, naturally become rather potent). Could be worth throwing a Priest or Chaplain in there, too. +1 WS, FNP, and another challenge body, or Hatred are both pretty sweet on DC.


I usually go the Priest+Guard route myself, as a 2+ crew with FNP and four wounds worth of Eternal Warrior at 4++ is pretty boss. I also like that Dante can so easily split off and mulch something else.

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Because Dante is SO strong - you can even put him in a humble assault squad. He'll usually case just enough carnage to win but maybe not slaughter combat. You stay locked, then jump out after finishing the job in your opponents turn :)


You can also do the cage match tag team extraordinaires of Dante and the Sanguinor.

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I often run Dante with the DC and a Chappy. Rerolls to hit in first round of combat, stacked with rage and furious charge is great, especially when you can rinse and repeat.


I usually stick two power fists in the DC, and between the Dante and Powerfist sandwich you have the ap- filling. It's glorious!



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That's the thing - in the past I've found deep striking infantry to be risky. Dante helps with scatter but it still tends to leave the unit vulnerable for a turn. But if you don't DS Dante's trait is wasted.


I've considered using another HQ with Veritas but the points often seem more useful elsewhere (Melta bombs on sarges, an extra Sang Guard body etc). More often than not Warlord Traits don't even come into play, or get forgotten.

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I would take one anyway (Priest normally). Just debating whether Vitae is worth it even if you don't plan to make use of DoA...


Built in Warlord Traits are nice and I imagine built into the cost of the unit, but unless you build a list around DoA it's not spectacular, and if you do you still have to weather your enemies attacks AND thinks can still misshap. Veritas is just plain awesome.

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Veritas also help you remember to roll for your traits as you've paid points for it!


That infiltrate trait I brilliant, being able to infiltrate my MM attack bike is never a bad thing. Another reason it works so well is for threat saturation, getting slower/stationary (Devs) units is prime positions is just phenomenal.



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Yeah the Infiltrate one is the obvious target for the Veritas... I've found it difficult to employ sometimes though – the 12" out of LOS / 18" IPS aspect can be tricky, and it normally results in a lot of firepower being ranged on those units. Good as a distraction if you don't use it for your prime units...

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Someone just pointed out to me, that I can't stick Jump Inf in drop pods, so there goes that plan.


What about Dante + bikes + Sang Priest (either pack or bike) = majority T5 and FNP (when LOS) against S8 and S9?

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Someone just pointed out to me, that I can't stick Jump Inf in drop pods, so there goes that plan.


What about Dante + bikes + Sang Priest (either pack or bike) = majority T5 and FNP (when LOS) against S8 and S9?

Bikes works too. Dante is a CC beast so even jinking they're a threat. Hit n Run then allows them to escape a combat and shoot. Which is very nice.



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I've read the thread about getting the Sanguinor back on the table, that "my" idea isn't exactly original.



Captain on bike, with artificer armor (perhaps not necessary?) and storm shield

Sang. Priest on bike


Dante in front, Captain behind and Priest at the rear. Unit is majority T5 = harder to kill with small arms fire.


If both Captain and Dante have artificer armor they can share anything S7 or below and AP3 or above.

If S10 = Dante tanks with EW


If S8 or S9 = Captain tanks since he gets FNP


If AP2 = Captain tanks on Storm Shield.




Giving the Captain a Hammer/Fist (Any specialist weapon) since, he'll never get the two-weapons bonus attack due to the storm shield. However, Valour's Edge would also make sense to take advantage of his I5. But then again, if Dante is in the unit, there should be enough AP2 attacks at initiative. Stick a Fist or Hammer on the Captain and Valour's edge on the Priest. 


Perhaps the Captain should be Warlord and take the Veritas Vitae. Add a bike squad for more grav, more T5 bodies, more jinking


Captain (AA, Bike, SS, TH, VV, Combi-Grav)

Sang. Priest (Bike, Valour's Edge, Bolt pistol) 


4 Bikes (2 Grav, 1 Combi-Grav) 


= 645p


That's disgusting.

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I would take one anyway (Priest normally). Just debating whether Vitae is worth it even if you don't plan to make use of DoA...


Built in Warlord Traits are nice and I imagine built into the cost of the unit, but unless you build a list around DoA it's not spectacular, and if you do you still have to weather your enemies attacks AND thinks can still misshap. Veritas is just plain awesome.


Keep in mind DoA applies to more than just jump infantry. Flyers and skimmers also benefit from the rule, so even if you have 1 stormraven (people usually bring more) then even if you don't deep strike dante and his squad, it's worth it.


Personally, I tend to start with my jump infantry on the board just because there is no way to assault the turn they deep strike in. Other units that deep strike but don't need to assault to be effective benefit immensely from more precise DS (see above)

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Dante + CAD or BSF for characters.


Then the rest of your army is Angel's Wrath Intervention Forces of minimal Vanguad+2ASM that cause impact hits to everything within' 6".


Vanguard arrive and only scatter up to D6, ASM don't scatter within' 6 inches of Vanguard.


Just deep strike loads of them and cause untold S4 hits on the enemy. Load up the ASM with preferred Special weapon and the vanguard with some nice pistols/ shields/ combat weapons.


Minimal buy in for this formation is 310 before upgrades (but cost of Jump Packs included as they are mandatory). Pretty good!




..... Had NO idea Descent of angels let you reroll reserve for the appropriate units. That's mad good!

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Personally, I tend to start with my jump infantry on the board just because there is no way to assault the turn they deep strike in. Other units that deep strike but don't need to assault to be effective benefit immensely from more precise DS (see above)


The argument for deep striking jump infantry, even the ones that want to get into CC, is that if you deep strike about 15" away from your target, they'll only have to survive one round of shooting. If you start them on the board, that could turn into two turns of shooting as you close the distance. Tough choice since that first turn charge would be pretty awesome.


If I do run Dante, I use the time-honored tradition of sticking him in a sanguinary guard unit with a priest. Haven't bothered to get too creative with Dante's retinue but I love the suggestions that have been coming up in this thread.

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I've read the thread about getting the Sanguinor back on the table, that "my" idea isn't exactly original.



Captain on bike, with artificer armor (perhaps not necessary?) and storm shield

Sang. Priest on bike


Dante in front, Captain behind and Priest at the rear. Unit is majority T5 = harder to kill with small arms fire.


If both Captain and Dante have artificer armor they can share anything S7 or below and AP3 or above.


If S10 = Dante tanks with EW


If S8 or S9 = Captain tanks since he gets FNP


If AP2 = Captain tanks on Storm Shield.




Giving the Captain a Hammer/Fist (Any specialist weapon) since, he'll never get the two-weapons bonus attack due to the storm shield. However, Valour's Edge would also make sense to take advantage of his I5. But then again, if Dante is in the unit, there should be enough AP2 attacks at initiative. Stick a Fist or Hammer on the Captain and Valour's edge on the Priest.


Perhaps the Captain should be Warlord and take the Veritas Vitae. Add a bike squad for more grav, more T5 bodies, more jinking


Captain (AA, Bike, SS, TH, VV, Combi-Grav)

Sang. Priest (Bike, Valour's Edge, Bolt pistol)


4 Bikes (2 Grav, 1 Combi-Grav)


= 645p


That's disgusting.

That does sound good. I want to try running this as part of a Flesh Tearers Strike Force as then it's min troop tax, and the chance to get Rage on that death star. Fill out restof the list with more bike and attack bike units and heavy slots.



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