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I'm going to try this list November 1st, if I get it bought/painted.


The tournament has a bunch of restrictions and options. For instance, you get a 150p discount on a Devastators Squad, if they only have heavy bolters.


You also have to bring 400p of troops. ASM counts as troops. I'm happy.


If I haven't lost momentum by turn 2, this will be very fun.



- Group 1 -

Dante (220)

Captain on bike (Artificer Armor, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Veritas Vitae, Combi-Grav) [Warlord] (200p) 

Sanguinary Priest on bike (Auspex) (85p)

Bike Squad (2 grav, combi-grav) (103p)


- Group 2 -

8 DC (2 fists, 2 PWs) (240p)

Cassor (140p)

Stormraven (200p)


- Group 3 -

Skyhammer Annihilation Force (Probably Imperial Fists = re-rolls on bolters and tank hunter on the Devs)

2x5 ASM (2 flamers, melta bombs)

5 Devs (4 HBolter, Vet. Sgt. PFist, Armorium cherub)

5 Devs (4 Missile Launchers)


- Group 4 -

5 Scouts with shanks (Melta bomb) (60p)

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Nice list!


Thanks. We'll see if it works. 


Here's the missions we'll be playing. Luckily we get to choose our own 18 Maelstrom cards. I won't choose any "Secure Objective X" for my deck :)


Number 1 and 3 probably fit my army pretty well. 


Game 1: Vanguard strike, First contact:

First Blood is 2 VP.

4+2 Maelstrom objectives, the 2 also being Emperors Will worth 3 points

Victory point: For each 100p worth of the enemy army you destroy you get 1 VP, to a maximum difference of 8. Units reduced to less than half are 50%.


Game 2: Hammer and anvil, Sieze ground:

Line breaker is 2 VP.

Each player place 1 TO in his own DZ, 1 in no-mans-land and 1 in enemy DZ.

At the end of the game, TO in own DZ = 1 VP, 2 VP for no-mans-land and 3 for enemy DZ.


Game 3: Pitched battle, King of the hill: 

Slay the Warlord is 2 VP.

5+1 Maelstrom objectives.

The special TO is placed in the middle of the table, and is worth VPs (half of the current game turn, rounded up) at the end of each turn.

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My original plan was to put a big, bad unit of DC inside the Raven.


But the way the points worked out, I can only get 8 or 9 (2 fists, 2 PWs).


Would it make more sense to use Sang. Guard instead? The Raven will only fit 6 and if I add the banner and 2 fists, they're the same cost as the DC.


Having packs on them might help them get around, after they've charged (DC would be foot slogging).

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Despite losing really big (16-4), I had a blast playing this list last night (6 Sang. Guard in the Raven instead of DC) against Daemonkin. 


Dante + bikes got in a fight with his Juggerlord. My captain failed 3 storm shield saves + 3 FnPs, but he did get to swing once. Statistically he's awesome. Last night: Not so much. A turn later my unit was more or less gone.


The Skyhammer was underwhelming. He had some insane dice rolling on his Inv. save. At the end of the day, they flamed a unit of Bloodletters and stunned a maulerfiend.


Opponent was a bit cocky at the end of his turn 3, when I basically only had the Raven (with content) left, and asked me if I wanted to concede. That was before the Raven killed his Bloodthirster, Cassor his Skullcannon and the Sang. Guard his Juggerlord and retinue of Blood Crushers.


The only thing his Bloodthirster did this game was kill a 130p unit of Devastators. I did not miss my opportunity to taunt him for this.


Cassor continued to run rampant amongst his units, before being taken down by some Crushers. They needed 6s to glance. Cassors 6 attacks on the charge is nice and all, but the Furiosos WS5 and AV13 isn't bad either. But I run Cassor to reach a 400p minimum on troops, so....


2 Sang. Guard got bogged down by corn dawg and managed to pass every single armor save until the last round where I rolled snake eyes.


Take home lesson:


This game would have looked a lot differently, if I had waited till Turn 2 to send in the Skyhammer. I have so much stuff in reserves, and if they arrive drip by drip, it's too easy for the opponent to plink it off. 


Also, get better dice because a 180p captain isn't supposed to die like that.

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Daemonkin is a tough opponent by all accounts, sounds like dice flu was the main problem though! Sounds like a fun game anyway msn-wink.gif

Indeed. Very fun game. Especially my opponents switch from fun/cocky/easy-going to full on neurotic and rule-lawyering when Cassor hit the ground biggrin.png

I like this list and it's fun to play. There's very little I need to switch around (I'd love to find the points for Valour's Edge), so now I just need to paint and play.

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