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Returning to the fold


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Evening all,


Just wanted to take a second to introduce myself.  Been away from the hobby for a very long time and very slowly getting back into it.  Pretty usual story I suspect, discovered girls and beer, went to uni, parents moved a few times and got rid of all my stuff! Had been into 40k since 2ed, so as you can imagine there was a fair amount, approximately 10 years worth.  Fast forward a few years (including work and a fair bit of time spent overseas) I got married and had a daughter.  My wife, in her wisdom, decided I needed a hobby to get out from under her feet in the evenings, so here I am again.  


Bought the Dark Vengeance chaos bit, painted them up as Night Lords and am now very slowly working on some pre-heresy Blood Angels with a mix of parts from GW and Anvil Industry, with some minor conversion work on the GW bits.  Looking to expand into Forgeworld proper, but as the actual gaming is taking a definite back seat to the modelling and painting I'm not all that fussed about strict models, especially for basic marines.


Anyway, I'll hopefully look at getting some photos up at some point but wanted to say hello instead of just lurking.



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