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3,000pts Iron Hands


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Hey guys, this is the army I am aiming to eventually own. I plan to stop my bi-monthly purchase schedual after this list is complete and go for a more "I will get it when I can comfortably afford it" approach for finishing my army off. I was just wondering if there is anything I am missing or maybe a "MUST HAVE" that I have missed. I own most of the models, just missing the spartan, 20 more marines (I am going to get 30) and the venator.



++Head of the Gorgon++





Legion Forge Lord W/ Rad Grenades



Gorgon Terminators x10 W/ Cyber familiar, Spartan Assault Tank W/ Flare Shield, Armoured Ceremite


Mortis Contemptor W/ Kheres x2




Legion Tactical Squad x20 W/ Power fist, Combat weapon X20, Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Melta Bomb


Legion Tactical Squad x20 W/ Power fist, Combat weapon X20, Vexilla, Artificer Armour, Melta Bomb


Legion Tactical Squad x10 W/ Power fist, Combat weapon X10, Artificer Armour, Rhino




Heavy Support

Sicaran Battle Tank W/ Lascannon Sponsons, Armoured Ceremite

Sicaran Battle Tank W/ Lascannon Sponsons, Armoured Ceremite


Sicaran Venetor


Lord Of War

Ferrus Manus




The plan is to outflank with the Sicaran venator, the tac squad in the rhino and the Gorgons spartan containing Ferrus and the Forge Lord. The 2 squads of 20 marines advance and grab cover before heading to objectives late game. The sicarans (one with orth) put some shots into armour and the dreadnaught is flexible and will adapt to what i need to prioritize.


I am mainly facing 40k and not 30k, so rad granades (from the Forge Lord) with a Initiative 5 ST10 Ap1 Hammer will Instant Death Tyranids, greater daemons and much more, allowing the Kill squad to ideally accomplish more in a game instead of being bogged down in slug fests.


What do you guys think? For a 3,000pt army it feels super small but I guess I do have a good chunk (like 40%+) rolling around in a spartan but I think its fluffy and has enough impact to do some real damage. Thanks in advance guys.

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30k armies are much more points-heavy than 40k ones, so don't be concerned by the size. You've even gone with full-size squads, which is the most cost-effective way!


List looks pretty good to me. If you can find some points, put the Forge Lord in Terminator armour - better protection and damage. I'm not convinced that 50 Tactical Marines is the best use of points. Taking 2 or 3 10-man squads in Rhinos will cover your Ob-sec, and give you more points to play with, but I don't play vs 40k, so maybe what you have will work better. :)

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Here's my idea. Dont take a venator. Instead, shave off some points from your tacticals and gorgons, and get a Ceastus assault ram! 


It goes great with Orth if you wanted to play without Ferrus. Its a tank so benefits from his warlord trait, giving a Str 12 ram. And it can carry 20 marines within it, so you wont have to footslog your troops. It has one of the best melta guns in game with a large blast capable of taking out expensive troops and vehicle squadrons. 


I dont think powerfists are worth it, with so many guys there charging into comabt, not much will be left to kill with 3 initiative 1 attacks, and youre already paying for your sergeant to have a Close combat weapon too. 


Or take fewer gorgons, such a squad with the forge lord and ferrus will kill anything it goes against, it really will. Which is great in 30k if you go against another deathstar unit, but if your opponent goes for a lot of cheaper units, then your unit is kinda a useless overkill, so i would recommend 7 gorgons with your forgelord in tartarus terminator armour with a cyber-familiar and rad grenades. 

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