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[2500] Death Guard


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Hi ! here is my army list that act as the foundation of the death guard force i am working on.
it's a little unusual as it feature a fortification rarely seen but that fit perfectly with the death guard. Obviously the central piece of the army is the fellblade, which is protected by the support squad firing behind the cover of a relay pipe giving them 20" range flamers. IC with artificer armors and rad grenades is also really strong. tactically speaking, the apothecary go with the footslogging breacher squad along the contemptor as the support unit. Typhus ride in the spartan but my question is with who ? i have two choices: either the Grave Warden terminators or the Deathshroud terminators...both can be terribly effective in CC but the real question is: which unit is better at hanging in the back of the relay pipe as a counter-attack unit. Grave Warden have better range (24") than Deathshroud (20" flamers) but the later is more mobile...what do you guys think ?
Also, can the heavy flamers be effective on the fellblade and spartan ? not a fan of template weapons on big tanks because of range but with chem munitions...I'm thinking about it...
anyway, comments & suggestions will be appreciated ! smile.png

+++ Death Guard (2500pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness)
+ HQ (200pts) +
Calas Typhon (200pts)
····Master of the Legion [The Reaping]
Deathshroud Terminator Squad (220pts) [5x Deathshroud Terminators, Rad Grenades]
+ Troops (675pts) +
Legion Breacher Siege Squad (290pts) [9x Legion Breacher Siege Space Marines, 2x Melta gun]
····Legion Breacher Siege Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Rad Grenades]
Legion Tactical Squad (250pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade]
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Deathshroud Power Scythe, Rad Grenades]
Legion Heavy Support Squad (135pts) [5x Heavy Flamers, Chem-munitions, 4x Legion Space Marines]
····Legion Sergeant
+ Elites (485pts) +
Apothecarion Detachment (60pts)
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner]
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (180pts)
····Legion Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought [Carapace Mounted Havoc Launcher, two Twin-linked Autocannons]
+ Heavy Support (560pts) +
Grave Warden Terminator Squad (220pts) [Chainfist, 4x Grave Warden Terminator, Heavy Flamer with Chem-munitions]
····Chem-master [Chainfist, Combi-weapon]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank (340pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Chem-munitions, Flare Shield, Quad-Lascannons]
+ Lord of War (565pts) +
Legion Fellblade (540pts) [Armoured Ceramite, Space Marine Legion Crew, Quad-Lascannons]
+ Fortification (40pts) +
Promethium Relay Pipes

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Core of the list looks pretty solid! :)


I've looked at Promethium Relay Pipes for Salamanders before, and they could be interesting! Given you're running The Reaping, why not take a Heavy Support Squad with heavy flamers instead of a Tactical Support Squad? They're both non-compulsory Troops, but S5 AP4 is better!


I'd swap the laser destroyers on the Spartan back to quad lascannon, as they're an Ordnance weapon and will cause everything (including the second laser destroyer) to Snap Fire. If you still want them, put them on the Fellblade! And if you can find the points, put Armoured Ceramite on it too.


Deathshroud Terminators are actually HQ units (check the Red Books), though they can also be taken as a retinue for Typhon without using a slot. They're ok, but Deathshroud power scythes only having +1 Strength means that a basic power fist is usually better. Grave Wardens depend on your opponents. Against Marines, they're ok. Against Solar Auxilia, Mechanicum and Imperialis Militia they're pretty good with those grenade launchers! Mobility is not an issue when they're in a Spartan, and they're tougher.


Be careful with chem-munitions on vehicles - Get's Hot affects them more than infantry. Your Contemptor is a bit mixed role - Template heavy flamer and 48" autocannon? Why not make him an autocannon Mortis for some anti-air defence?

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Thanks for the answer. Very good analyse. I updated my list.


I had forgotten about laser destroyer being ordnance weapons. Switched to quad las and I'll keep the lascannons on the fellblade too, want to keep the 48" range.


You're right about the heavy weapons squad...I wanted to go for support squad because I could use the flamer guys for 40k plague marines but whatever I'll just use the heavy flamers for "count as" flamers...


as for Deathshroudn terminators, just checked the book and you are right, weird that battlescribe also put them in elite.


I got rid of the heavy flamers on the fellblade and spartan...but should I keep it on the spartan ? got rid of the heavy flamer upgrade on the rhino to free some points (for heavy squad) but I feel like my tactical is a little too vanilla...


I guess you're suggesting me to bring the grave wardens in the spartan along with typhus and keep the deathshroud in the back for even more 20" range fire ? I guess tartaros termies with move through cover can also still be "good" at foot slogging


finally, that contemptor....well this is one of my first model i assembled so yeah weird loadout, I wanted a good support unit for my breacher that can pop rhinos and burn troops. I did not realise how cheaper mortis dread are, I guess that's why everyone is going for them....using one with twin autocannons would free up the point for armoured ceramite for the fellblade...but does it really need it with all those HP ? In resume a mortis would also give some AA which i totally lack, I just find my assault forces lacking a little support without a CC dread...1 tac, 1 breacher and 1 loaded spartan is not that great to assault those objectives. Maybe I'm just not used to play gunlines


anyway thanks again ! :)

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