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Hey everyone!,


Been lurking for a little while stealing tips and tricks but thought I'd finally jump in!  Been into Warhammer Fantasy for about 5ish years or so now and while I had a few bits of 40k stuff it never really stuck - even though I find the 40k fluff and novels way more interesting.  AoS has obviously caused a lot of rifts in the Fantasy communities so I'm kind of leaning towards something a little more stable now (even though I kind of like AoS!).  Either way, here I am, ready to jump into 40k!


The problem is I'm AWFUL with my wandering eye.  I have like 5 Fantasy armies and some of those can also be split into their own factions and such.  Of course, I've only ever actually finished the Beastmen (almost!) and my Warriors of Chaos are getting there.  I've had a few spurts of 40k buying frenzies but never actually played yet - I've got a chunk of Sisters of Battle and a chunk of Chaos Space Marines.


The Sisters are swell but sound like they are getting rusty with all the codexes that continue to come out.  While I'm used to play an underdog (Beastmen) I'm worried if it'll be a constant pounding on my end and end up killin' my 40k career!  I do dig the models and was able to snag some Repressors though!  And the Inquisition is probably my favorite 40k faction.


For Chaos Marines I'm thinking of going Iron Warriors, but all of the dudes I have so far are Plague Marines/Nurgle Daemon Prince.  I'm still thinking of going IW though as I'm fairly certain they are Undivided and so surely some Warsmiths or another may lean towards a particular god.  If I'm wrong and this will look stupid - please let me know!


Well, that's me!  Super indecisive and rambling.  Its probably the thing I'm best at in Fantasy so I'm sure I'll apply that to 40k as well. -.-

So, in the next few days/weeks I'll be jumping between the CSM and SoB to try and figure out what the hell I'm going to do.


Thanks for stoppin' by!

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