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Non-GW landing pad


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I just found Mantic's Battlezones: Sci-Fi Landing Pad. For the price of two thirds of a Skyshield Landing pad, you seem to get the landing pad and most of an Aegis Defence Line.


If anyone has experience with Mantic's kit, I'd like to know if the size of the landing pad is similar to GW's kit. For those that only know the GW pad,

is a short video. Is the GW pad that large?


Are the connectors sturdy enough to allow repeated assembly and disassembly? What about the paint on the parts?


And now to some actual PCA questions. Especially with the cheery blueish/yellow paint job it does not really fit in the 40K universe (unless it's for space wolves, bu then it lacks pelts and teeth), but a different paint job  helps a lot already.

Do you have other suggestions to make it look more 40K?

Would you make the pad look more like metal or like concrete?

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