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Show me your DC dreads


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I'm sitting here putting togehter Cassor, listening to Fritz and wondering how I shown paint my DC dread.


My DC are grey'ish, because I don't like black as well my dependency on airbrushed zenithal highlights. And I simply don't have the temper to put in edge high lights.


So in order to Cassor interesting to look at, instead of a black brick with white details, I'm thinking about going heavy on the weathering.


Any way, this is a thread to post pictures of Death Company dread, so fire away.

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Here's my Cassor the Damned. I have cleaned him up a bit since this picture was taken (the spill-over on the red especially) and for whatever reason my camera doesn't pick up the grey edge-hi-lights... but I promise they are there.


The Blood Talons were painted with dry-brushing because I don't (yet) have an air-brush and overall I think they turned out pretty good.

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Thanks all.


What are dreadnoughts made off? Ceramite? 


I'm probably going the chipping medium route, and I want the layer underneath to be "correct". And I assume ceramite doesn't rust.


My Vindicator for comparison: http://imgur.com/9ECwaqo ... Front of hull is ceramite. The reinforcements on the sides I assume are steel (that can rust) that help counter the recoil of the Demolisher Cannon.

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That is VERY nice. Which paint did you use for the front? VMA Black Metal? I looks like it has a sort of texture or sheen to it.


Thank you!


Base is drybrush Vallejo black primer.


Drybrush vallejo gun metal metallic color.


Then some sort of dark grey mix.... it was watered down and thin, so some of the metallic is hinted.


Washed in Imperial Primer/water/futurefloor wax mix.


Then painted the details.

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So far so good. 


The shading looks way less dramatic IRL. Also the Magna-grapple isn't glued on yet.


I goofed up with the chipping medium. Either I didn't let the clear coat underneath try enough or I put on too thick a layer. You can tell it has sort of "Dragon Scales". Anyway, I think I want to add some more base colors, before I active the chipping medium.


Last picture shows what's underneath the blackness





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I think that "sponging" chips on makes it look like paint with paint on.


This methods lets the top layer show the bottom layer. Also, it's more than "chips" and more like paint flaking off (at least that's the plan).


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Yeah I'm familiar with the technique - I used it on my Deff Dread (link), I've just found you can achieve a similar effect with sponging but without the issues of the 'bubbling' you've had. With the sponge you can create larger areas of flaked-off paint just by building up in layers on the same area until you have solid patches.
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Another Count as Cassor:


But highly magnetized if I desire to make him into another type of Dreadnought:


Here's my Cassor. I went for a blue tint to go for a sort of midnight black:http://i.imgur.com/ovmkrsL.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/CmAMXEc.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/svwAClC.jpg

Holy crap, both of you are amazing.

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Yeah I'm familiar with the technique - I used it on my Deff Dread (link), I've just found you can achieve a similar effect with sponging but without the issues of the 'bubbling' you've had. With the sponge you can create larger areas of flaked-off paint just by building up in layers on the same area until you have solid patches.


Perhaps the bubbles were a blessing in disguise; it's looks like Big Cass was hit by a Helldrake.


I have some Vallejo crackle medium on the greaves and vambraces, but it has yet to the crakling-thing. The hope was to have a marble-ish effect.


Also: Which colour for the Blood Talons?





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I painted up this version of Moriar a good while ago (prior to the release of the plastic Furioso kit) - converted out of the Ironclad Deadnought kit. My painting has come on a bit since I did this, would love to give him another go but I would never find the time lol


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