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Presentations are so difficult!

fool's idol

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Like, for real.


Hello, I like bright colours and can't keep focused on one thing for too long, I love Iron Warriors but hate painting silver, I really enjoy painting but you will never see me playing. Oh, and I dislike dreadnoughts of all kinds, like, with a passionate hate that could be used to power a small kitchen.


That's most of what you need to know about me, the rest will come to the surface sooner or later.


I'm currently studying whatever the last thing you do before college in your countries, just the Spanish version, which probably means its worse, but probably just as boring.


Now that this is done, this message will explode in a cloud of confetti in 5. 4. 3...

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Thanks for the welcome!


@GrandMagnus: I don't really know, it may be the angry refrigerator look, or the fact they look too heavy and clunky, or just the concept of a half-dead marine in a pot of formol connected to a giant murder-machine, whatever the reason may be, I don't like dreadnoughts.


@Vesper & Xenith: To be honest I don't have too much for the company of mysery, and what I had has been "recycled" to fuel my recent Heresy Era obsession (read "recycled" as murdered, mutilated, truescaled a bit and with GS applied on top to transform them into HH armour marks) but I have four guys in progress so I will post them once I finish them.

EDIT: Oh, and as the only thing I do is painting (I don't have the time to play the game, and if I had the time I would rather play other games) I usually jump from project to project whenever I get bored of a certain colour scheme.


@Olis: Thanks!

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