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2500 points EC C&C wanted


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Hello all,


been a reader not a poster of the forum for a while now but decided about time i started posting. Looking for some advice on my EC list. I'm looking for a fast hard hitting list. Does not have to be ubber competitive but also want to make sure it's not a list that will get blown apart turn 2 everytime.


I mainly play against other marine armies though we do have one Mechinicun player in the group

HQ [425]

Eidolon [ROW - maru skara]

Legio Centurion

                Power fist


                Jump pack

Primus Medicae

                Power weapon

                Melta bombs


Refractor field

Jump pack


Elites [451]

8 Palatine Blades


                4 Phoenix power spear

5 Terminators

                4 power fists


Troops [530]

15 assault marines

                3 power weapons

                Stg – Phoenix power spear


10 tactical marines


Fast Attack [710]

2 storm eagles



2 javelins (missile launcher)

                4 HT missiles

                Multi meltas


LoW [380]




Fulgrim will ride with the palatine blades in one strom eagle and the terminators will be in another. Eidolon and medicae will go with the assault squad. The two Storm Eagles and Javelines will go in reserve to come in on turn 2 with the Maru Skara ROW.


C&C more than welcome need to understand if this is a terrible idea of if it can work. Plus if there are any small changes that can make a massive difference. 

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My thought is you have a ton in reserves. I know that they will automatically come in turn 2 but, if u don't get first turn, you will have to endure 2 shooting phases. Perhaps start the termis on the board in a LR, or even better a spartan. The LR is comparable points wise to the storm eagle. I love the air cav concept, but it will be difficult to pull off. Even 1 flying transport is hard to position correctly. But it's super satisfying when the plan comes together and wrecks face. Good luck
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Hi welcome!


Ok I usually repeat myself in other lists so il say my standard.


Take boarding shields where you can, and arm up those champs with phoenix spears! You don't lose the additional attack for ccw because you don't have any.

And they offer a good counter charge of taking away enemy charge bonuses if you get caught out. Also you can lob out a blind grenade before you charge and hopefully theyl be ws1.


Do you have a spartan? Really Id consider sticking Fulgrim and terminators on one, and palatines in either a flyer or a phobos. To count as seperate units for sweeping, you can seperate them when moving out and charge with Termies first. They cannot sweep but he can.


Me personally I don't like having reserve things too much, and have had any bad experiences with fliers, do I rumble up woth tanks now.


I always stick eidy in with assault squad and 2 power swords, one axe. Buff the sarge with arty armour, and fist or axe.also a combat shield to give him that 5++ in combat.


As we are forced to challenge, you may have separated in battle, or get counter charged and not wish chancing your warlord getting popped.


Spear is good, but eidolon will wreck most things in combat and you can expect generally 4/5 deaths on an meq unit. Normally, depends if you are against fists or sallies.


Hope this helps a little

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Threadknight thanks for the response, helps a lot. I was hoping to avoid a spartan, as they appear to be the default for a lot of lists.

Will definitely look into the boarding shields and I do like the idea of the champs having the spears. Looks like a good tip on splitting Flugrim and the termi's for the charge.



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