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[1000] War Hounds - Orbital Assault

Knight of the Raven

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I know Horus Heresy lists are poor at low points, but can this army take on all threats other than fliers?


HQ (135)
    Legion praetor (135)
    Tartaros terminator armor, power sword
        Orbital Assault

TROOPS (420)
    Legion tactical squad (210)
    9 x Legion tactical marines
        Legion tactical sergeant, artificer armor, power sword, melta bombs
            drop pod
    Legion tactical squad (210)
    9 x Legion tactical marines
        Legion tactical sergeant, artificer armor, power sword, melta bombs
            drop pod

ELITE (300)
    Legion veteran tactical squad (300)
    7 x Legion veteran marines, 2x missile launchers with suspensor web, melta bombs, tank hunters
        Legion veteran sergeant, artificer armor, power axe
            drop pod

    Deathstorm drop pod (145)
        deathstorm krak launchers, drop pod assault


I'd like to keep the terminator praetor and the sergeants as they are if possible.

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Looks fairly solid, though the vets can only take one special weapon per 5 marines in the squad. I would be tempted to give them a meltagun to save points and then take Vexilas on your tactical squads for re-rolled moral checks. You might also have enough points for a Paragon Blade for the praetor, which I would definitely take. 

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Would you not take a paragon blade for your praetor instead of a power sword? A lot more sufficient and killy, means you would have to shave off a rocket launcher from your vets (as they can only have 1 for every 5 guys sadly). 

The Tac Vets are 10 Men. 7 + 2ML + 1 Sarge.


Agree on the Paragon Blade but, being strapped for points, I'd probably go for a Power Axe instead since its a free Swap.

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Would you not take a paragon blade for your praetor instead of a power sword? A lot more sufficient and killy, means you would have to shave off a rocket launcher from your vets (as they can only have 1 for every 5 guys sadly). 

The Tac Vets are 10 Men. 7 + 2ML + 1 Sarge.


Agree on the Paragon Blade but, being strapped for points, I'd probably go for a Power Axe instead since its a free Swap.


No it's an 8-man squad, KotR was just asking about this in the rule section regarding slapping a Terminator armored character in a pod with an 8-man squad. I am assuming it was in regards to this very list.

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Would you not take a paragon blade for your praetor instead of a power sword? A lot more sufficient and killy, means you would have to shave off a rocket launcher from your vets (as they can only have 1 for every 5 guys sadly). 

The Tac Vets are 10 Men. 7 + 2ML + 1 Sarge.


Agree on the Paragon Blade but, being strapped for points, I'd probably go for a Power Axe instead since its a free Swap.


No it's an 8-man squad, KotR was just asking about this in the rule section regarding slapping a Terminator armored character in a pod with an 8-man squad. I am assuming it was in regards to this very list.


I stand Corrected.


In this case only 1 ML in the Squad then since its 1 per 5.

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though the vets can only take one special weapon per 5 marines in the squad.

D'oh! That will teach me to read better.


Thank you all for the help. If I were to choose between two vexillas on the tactical squads and a paragon blade for the praetor, which should I take? In this updated list specifically:


HQ (135)

    Legion praetor (135)

    Tartaros terminator armor, power sword

        Orbital Assault


TROOPS (440)

    Legion tactical squad (220)

    9 x Legion tactical marines, vexilla

        Legion tactical sergeant, artificer armor, power sword, melta bombs

            Legion drop pod

    Legion tactical squad (220)

    9 x Legion tactical marines, vexilla

        Legion tactical sergeant, artificer armor, power sword, melta bombs

            Legion drop pod


ELITE (280)

    Legion veteran tactical squad (280)

    7 x Legion veteran marines, 1 x meltagun, vexilla, melta bombs, tank hunters

        Legion veteran sergeant, artificer armor, power fist

            Legion drop pod



    Deathstorm drop pod (145)

        deathstorm krak launchers, drop pod assault


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I would run this:


- Praetor: Artifcer Armor, Iron Halo, Paragon Blade, Melta Bombs, Orbital Assault ROW - 155pts

- 8x Veteran Tactcial Marines: Sgt. w/artificer armor, power axe, squad meltabombs, vexila, drop pod - 280pts

- 10x Tactical Marines: Sgt. w/artificer armor, power axe, meltabombs, drop pod - 210pts

- 10x Tactical Marines: Sgt. w/artificer armor, power axe, meltabombs, drop pod - 210pts

- Deathstorm Dop Pod: DP Assault, Krak Launchers - 145


Total: 1000pts


You lose the vexilas on the tacticals, but keep it on the vets who are really the ones you don't want running away. Your praetor will now be a stiff prospect at 1000 points and will allow you to sweeping advance, which the terminator armor would have prevented. He's also 10 points cheaper this way.


Alternatively you could drop the fist on the veteran sergeant, give him an axe instead, and drop the meltabombs from the praetor, give the veterans the fearless tactic, and then be able to put vexilas on both tactical squads with no fear of your main death star unit breaking.

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Alrighty then, no harm in that. How about this:


• Praetor - Tartaros Terminator Armor, Paragon Blade, Orbital Assault ROW - 155pts



• Veteran Tactical Marines (8) - Sgt. w/Powerfist, 1x Meltagun, Squad Meltabombs, Drop Pod, Veteran Tactic: Fearless - 260pts



• Tactical Squad (10) - Sgt. w/Artificer Armor, Power Axe, Meltabombs, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts

• Tactical Squad (10) - Sgt. w/Artificer Armor, Power Axe, Meltabombs, Vexila, Drop Pod - 220pts


Fast Attack:
• Deathstorm Drop Pod - DP Assault, Krak Launchers - 145pts


TOTAL: 1,000pts

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Axes will give you AP2, which aside from your praetor only the meltagunner has. At low points pretty much everyone I know runs some form of Terminators or another, not sure about your meta though. Magnetize them if you mainly face 3+ armored opponents (though everyone usually puts artificer armor on their sgts anyways). As for the pods I would probably do the deathstorm and a tactical. they'll draw a lot of fire, but at least you wont be giving away both troop choices or slay the warlord on turn 1. 

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Seeing as my country's common language isn't English, few people will be willing to play with an entire book's worth of rules from Forge World and as such I expect the store manager to be the only one I'll play with. I'd rather avoid playing against whatever marine army he may have since I wish to play during the Great Crusade era; any current xeno or non-Astartes human organization is fair game with the magic of count-as.


Thanks for the advice.

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