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1850pt Raven Guard. Tear me a new one...

Castellan Maximus

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Total nub list. Heap on your scorn.


+++ raven (1848pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1848pts) ++


+ HQ (305pts) +


Damocles Command Rhino (125pts) [Dozer Blade (5pts), Extra Armour (10pts), Pintle-mounted Heavy Bolter (10pts)]


Strike Captain Alvarex Maun (180pts) [Cameleoline (5pts), Legion Drop Pod (35pts)]

····Master of the Legion [Decapitation Strike]


+ Troops (975pts) +


Legion Assault Squad (505pts) [19x Legion Assault Space Marines (285pts), Melta Bombs (100pts)]

····Legion Assault Sergeant (5pts) [infravisor (5pts)]


Legion Tactical Squad (235pts) [Legion Drop Pod (35pts), 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts), Legion Vexilla (10pts), Nuncio-Vox (10pts), Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade (20pts)]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [infravisor (5pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]


Legion Tactical Squad (235pts) [Legion Drop Pod (35pts), 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines (90pts), Legion Vexilla (10pts), Nuncio-Vox (10pts), Take an additional Chainsword or Combat Blade (20pts)]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant (10pts) [infravisor (5pts), Melta Bombs (5pts)]


+ Elites (338pts) +


Mor Deythan Strike Squad (338pts) [9x Combi-weapon (63pts), Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (35pts), Meltagun (15pts), 9x Mor Deythan (180pts)]


+ Heavy Support (230pts) +


Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (230pts) [Four Hellstrike Missiles (20pts), Reaper Autocannon battery (10pts)]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XIX: Raven Guard]

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Ok, apologies for the delay, but here's a bit of feedback. And are you up against 40k armies or purely 30k?


Fire Raptor might not want to take Hellstrike missiles, as they're Ordnance weapons and will cause everything else to Snap Fire, including additional Hellfire missiles you fire that turn.


10 Mor Deythan is a hell of a threat, especially with combi-flamers, but will get a stupendous amount of attention. If you can rearrange them into 2 x 5 in Rhinos, you will be able to target multiple threats and not be targetted as easily.


Your Tactical Squads are a bit mixed role - Drop Pods means they can't assault when they come in, but you've given them extra chainswords (no power weapon on the Sergeant though?). They might be better off with minimum upgrades and just pod onto objectives. And with a Damocles and Maun, you definitely don't need the Nuncio-vox. Infravisors help Tactical Support and Heavy Support Squads, but with bolters they do nothing to help get through saves.


3 Troops at 1850 is going to cost you, and Assault Marines are considered one of the least cost-effective units out there. If you really want to use them, you have to take the "Angel's Wrath" Rite of War to get anything out of them. Infravisor is pointless on them. 100 points of melta bombs? Ouch. I'd find another anti-tank option.


Maun is, IMHO, the single best HQ in the game. Not a combat character, but adds so much to an already strong Legion. When you start him on the board you have an 80-something percent chance to go first. Damocles is a pretty good choice for the RG too.


Check the RG Tactica thread for more info - lots of good stuff there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My question is why even take drop pods aside from having them sit on an objective? All your infantry infiltrates. Gives you the ability to deploy where you can best counter and restrict your opponent. And your right up close and personal which is where Tactical Squads live. Personally I take Rhinos sense they infiltrate with the infantry and provide late game mobility.


A full strength Assault Squads seems more of a infantry hate unit. Yes 20 melta bombs will kill anything with HP but that's a bit of over kill imho. At 20 man I´d just leave them as is maybe take as many power weapons as they can take, point that the biggest threat with wounds and call it good. If you want them to be versatile my advice would be split them into 2 ten man squads with the Sergeant toting a set of the Raven Guards awesome Lightning Claws and the only one with a melta bomb. Like how you have your Tactical Squads. This gives you an extra Objective Secured unit and more melta bombs.

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