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The sins of the Father are to be laid upon His Children

Brother Dallo

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Evening all. Thought I'd show off some early WIP shots of a breacher squad I'm working on.




The idea with this guy is that his bolter is out of ammo, he's been fired upon from a high position, perhaps a sniper in a building, and he has spotted a victim for his combat knife which he is in the process of drawing.






The next breacher is meant to highlight the sheer brutality of the ground war on Isstvan 3. He is heavily WIP at the moment, so I welcome any C&C.




The idea is that, like his squad mate, he is out of ammo for his bolt gun, and he is in the process of messily decapitating a traitor EC with his shield.




The squad is currently capped at a max size of 13, purely because that's the amount of sanguinary guard wings I have kicking about in my bitsbox. 




Here's a (pre face smoosh) picture of the foolish traitor EC. I'm not too sure how I'll paint his head wound. Toying with mixing up red, brown, PVA and some sand.


C&C welcome.



  • 2 weeks later...

A quick update tonight. I managed to snag Fulgrim (relatively) cheaply on eBay. I'm happy to say it's an official Forgeworld cast, but was missing a few bits because it was pre-owned, namely his volkite and the hilt for the Laer Blade. Luckily I wanted to run him with Fireblade, so I'm in the process of converting him one.




As you can see, it's pretty WIP. I'm happy to hear your opinions. It's a pretty simple conversion using a Sanguinary Guard power sword and the pommel is part of the banner that came with the kit. Obviously I'll get rid of the blood drops from the sword. For Fireblade, I wanted a harsh, stark gladius style blade, since it was made by the Gorgon. I'm in two minds about removing the cross guard. Thoughts?



  • 1 month later...

Perfect ecstasy, boundless cacophony, excessive agony. I must have more!




Having just finished reading Angel Exterminatus, I feel inspired to make a traitor Emperor's Children force. On the table this will be represented by a militia primary detachment with a large allied detachment of Emperor's Children, hopefully running the rumoured Kakophoni rite of war.


The eventual plan is to have two full squads of Kakophoni, amidst swarms of cultist, with a few other bits and pieces.


Of course, I have decided to have 40+ truly individual cultists, and 20 individual Kakophoni. As a result, this will be a slow build, conversion heavy army, which I hope will look unique on the table top and stretch my hobby skills.


Onto the pictures then. 


All pictures are early WIP, with several awaiting some greenstuff.


Introducing the first of my cultists: "Doc Mercy", "Scythe does matter" and "Wanna buy some heads?"








Doc Mercy is pretty much done barring cleanup and gluing. The other two will get a bit of GS to make the rest of the hood for Scythe, and fill in some gaps in Head's shoulder.


For the Kakophoni, I may eventually buy a set of the forgeworld ones, but for now I'm content to make my own.


Here is "Bright Eyes".




For those interested, the eyes are actually micro-beads meant to be used for a "Caviar manicure". They make excellent rivets and the like. I picked up a variety of colours from eBay for about a pound.


The plan is to greenstuff the head, using the skull as a skeleton to base greenstuff on. (pun fully intended). Maybe I'll add some cable dreadlocks? We'll see.




The gun was very simple to do. It's just a grey knight heavy weapon with part of a warhammer musician's horn added to the end. I think it looks alright. The challenge will be making several different instrument-weapons, so if you have any ideas, I'd appreciate them.


Thanks for looking.


C&C welcome.



  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a quick update on Fulgrim.


I've thrown a little paint on him, and messed about with Fireblade a little. I'd appreciate any feedback. Painting is very WIP at the moment, but I'm hoping to do him in entirely cool colours, so any advice on that would also help. I'm planning to paint any ornamentation in silver rather than gold, and Fireblade in blue. 




I've also magnetised the display base, which I think was definitely worth the effort. Here is (an admittedly rubbish) photo to show what I did. The magnets are 2mm x 1mm. You can tell I ran out of spray halfway through. 






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