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Alpha legion 1850


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Using COtH row. For event where it's mixed 30k and 40k



Dynat 200


Iron havoc x 5 missile launcher sgt with nuncio-vox power fist, augury scanner 250

Rapier carrier x 2 graviton cannon 150


Tact sq - vox,vexilla, combi-weapon 180

Tact sq - vox,vexilla, combi-weapon 180

Tact sq - sgt lighting claw,power dagger melta bomb, artificer armour. 185

Support sq Volkite caliver x4 sgt combi weapon melta bomb. 135

Fast attack

Attack bike x2 multi-melta 100

Headhunter x8 heavy bolter supensor web 260

Heavy support

Fire raptor reaper autocannon 210


Either going DS in the support sq or headhunter with Dynat depending on what I am facing.

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