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Got some tank progress going


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Been in a sad state lately, some people call it the hobby slump - and I hope it doesn't happen to you! (For the super-interested, read more here)
But I came through. I ​started by organizing 'the stack' or 'shiznit' or 'stuff' or 'the administratum did some magic I'm not allowed to talk about upon pain of pain including pain that leads to death'​.

Now that's just the guard boxes, I'd be mad to try and organise even half the stuff I've managed to.. collect? Gather? Browbeat into submission?
But the idea was to get from 3 battleforce boxes to 2.

And to cut a long story short I've got a tower of power now.


(If you want 'longer story version' click here)​

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Those tanks should keep you busy :) The best thing to do is is draw up a plan of attack, even if it's just as simple as a list in order of finishing. For example mine starts with my Regiments model with the Knight second ;)

I have a pile of guard plastics that makes me shiver when I look at it, especially when it's next to all the other stuff, I find it helps to separate it down a bit so it's not so daunting.

Maybe, dependent on time etc, split it into squads/platoons so it's in workable chunks? I tend to work on stuff at the squad level due to my tendency to convert all my 5/6point guys. My Kursk platoon is getting worked on at the platoon level as I don't feel the need to convert them so much.

Looking forward to seeing your boxes turn into a painted army :)


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