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Starting a Blood Angels Army: Whats on the table so far.....


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After months of pondering what army to start I have decided to a Sons of Sanguinius, and as I have knee surgery coming up and a month of work I thought now or never but I do need some advice.


Here is what I have ordered


Blood Angels Battle Force

1 box of Death Company

Lemartes Guardian of the Lost

Blood Angels Tactical Squad

Blood Angels upgrade pack

Blood Angels Transfer sheet


1) what company to paint ( im torn between the 2nd and the 3rd )


2) best tactical layout for the squads.


3) Any other advice, Tips ect would be gratefully recieved.


Thanks in advance 





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1) do what makes you feel good! 3rd is cool because Tycho (or really his successor now...)


2) I prefer the heavy flamer, flamer and twin hand flamers on the sarge, but I am somewhat biased on that. Heavy flamer, Melta and combi Melta combat squaded is very popular too.


3) Lemartes is his own elite slot, even with the DC, so bear that in mind. Fast Preds and Vindicators are your friend and Dante could well be the best Commander in the imperium.

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Welcome to the Brotherhood of Angels, Brother,


1) At first, i would suggest you to start simply by following the Official Blood Angels tutorials (On both youtube GW channel, and Blood Angels painting guide that you can buy or download on some torrent.)


If like i was, you're a beginner in painting it would be easier to begin with a Blood Angels force using the official color scheme.


2) Second, if i understand, you want to know the best weapons for your tactical squad....Well, for the Special, i'm more for the Flamer/Melta and for the Heavy, Heavy Flamer/Heavy Bolter, and a power weapon/meltagun for the sergeant.


3) Ask for concil about how other paint their blood angels, watch some youtube video to learn of the "how to"....but don't be pridefull nor waiting a perfect work, do not expect to be a pro-painter at first, and always remember that, "when you did something with your heart, i will always be perfect to your eyes".


(Counter-exemple, me, i was pridefull (sin of the angels^^), and thought i could do it myself without learning from other....i lost more than a year to find the perfect blood angels scheme and many models that now wait to be cleaned that i could finally give them the color they deserve...a shade of vine...French Vine^^. =) )

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3) Get some transports for the Tactical Squads and the dreadnought. If you want Rhinos, buy razorbacks instead. You can switch out the top hatch/weapon mount.


Magnetize the weapon load outs, it's easy. You only need a drill, some magnets and super glue. Speaking of super glue, even though GW recommends using plastic glue, I have had no issues using super glue on plastic models and you can even get the glued parts apart if necessary unlike with the plastic glue.


It's a bit more complicated, but I have even seen dreadnoughts magnetized to be used as Furioso (with the various weapon options), Librarian and DC.

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The Lemartes model can do double duty as an normal chaplain because

a: Death Company need that hitting reliability to max damage

b: His model is the most BA blinged out chaplain model GW makes. And he looks awesome


For Tact load out, they are best at fighting light infantry- heavy flamer is awesome against light infantry. Bolters due best against light infantry. Unless you are going to combat squad with a combi weapon on the SGT, I find its best to ooptimize your load out to what every weapon in the squad can actually hurt- one melta at a tank wastes 4 to 9 bolters, if you get what I mean.

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Thanks for the all the comments and advice it will really help, 

The painting of red i have got down to a tee ( my last armys were 40k World Eaters that were sold on to fund a Red Scorpion army that was then sold on to fund a 30k World Eaters army that i still have )


Once I have built and painted these up im going to get transports ( photos will follow the progression of my first ever Blood Angels Army )



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Welcome to the Brotherhood of Blood!


1) Do you have the codex? Looking at the markings and iconography of the various companies might help you decide. I'm doing 2nd Company myself mainly because I like the classic look of the single yellow blood drop on the right shoulder, although I did make a kit-bash Tycho...


2) I would second (third? Forth?) flamers on the tactical squad. They synergise with the strengths of the unit and you can move, shoot, charge with the heavy flamer as it's an Assault weapon, not technically Heavy. Plus access to the weapon is what makes your BA tactical squad unique.


3) There are plenty of excellent support units you could look to next - Stormravens, Sicarans, Baal Predators / Land Speeders, Vindicators, Las/LasPlas Razorbacks, Bikes. As Charlo said Dante is a great commander and you could consider a Chaplain to buff your DC or a Sanguinary Priest and a Sanguinary Guard unit. Don't get overwhelmed though, sounds like you have plenty to get started with ;)

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Here Is a little update of my weekend ( sorry for the poor pictures in advance )


1) Death Company Dreadnought  

Death Company Dread

2) Death Company Jump Pack Squad

Death Company Wip


3) Tactical Squad 1

Tact Squad 1 Wip

4) Tactical Squad 2

Tact Squad 2 Wip


I hope to get some of these painted in the next few day and with better pictures.

All comments and suggestions are welcome.


Thanks for looking



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Thanks for the comments everyone, As promised some WIP painted Blood Angels.


First up is the first Tactical Squad, I have to say that the new Mephiston Red Air is a brilliant paint to use over a black undercoat (its just a shame that GW didn't think about dropper bottles)

Tactical Squad 1 wip2



Here is some very painted WIP Death Company

Death Company WIP

And a very shiny WIP gold Captain

Captain Wip


Does anyone know a way of changing the title of this topic as after a chat with some friends I'm going to make these the 3rd Company instead of the 2nd.


All C&C's are more than welcome


Thanks for taking the time to look.


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Does anyone know a way of changing the title of this topic as after a chat with some friends I'm going to make these the 3rd Company instead of the 2nd.




Edit the first post, then go to full editor, then you can do it.


Good start and fast painting, although I question some of the wargear combinations you have gone with ;)

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I haven't been as productive as much as I wanted due to the knee surgery I had the other week has been playing up but heres what I have my table at the moment.


Here is my HQ 

wott Hq

Next up is my Death Company

wott death company


My 2 Tactical Squads

wott first tactical

wott second tactical

2 Assault Squads

wott asault 1

wott assault 2



And a Scout Bike Squad

wott scout bike


And here is a full shot of everything.

I hope to get most of these finished by the end of the month ( if my knee allows )


Any C&C's are more than welcome


Thanks for looking




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