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Forge World Goodies


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So recently I have been staring at the FW mechanicum lineup with jelouse eyes, wanting some but unable to push the 'buy' button. I have no clue how or if FW will even release these things for 40k! I don't even know how they would fit into the current armies.


Anyone have any theory's on how the 30k mechanicum stuff would fit in today's mechanicus?

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Hi Tiger,

Yeah, I have a copy of it. Haven't had time to read through it, but it states it's a supplement for both 30K and 40K.  

That's awesome =D may have to check with other sources though myself to see if it is truely that, as commodus did say the next one will be Mech.



Anyways, how can you theorize how the units will fit in with the modern codex's? 

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"An expansion for Warhammer 40,000" is a general phrase that Forge World has used for all of 30K, as it's bound to the core 40K ruleset. That doesn't mean that it's "Approved for 40K", as many units will claim. Unless the wording is different than what is in the other books.


For example, the Knight Magaera is "Approved for 40K" while the Styrix is not.

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Add them in as an allied attachment, just get your opponent or player groups permission to use them smile.png its what im planning to do. lots of scratch builds and conversions to represent the stranger monstrosities of my my dark mechanicus army bwa haha

Exactly my plan as well. I'm not very happy with how Cult Mechanicus turned out, and I feel that Taghmata captured the AdMech weirdness much better.

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Add them in as an allied attachment, just get your opponent or player groups permission to use them smile.png its what im planning to do. lots of scratch builds and conversions to represent the stranger monstrosities of my my dark mechanicus army bwa haha

Exactly my plan as well. I'm not very happy with how Cult Mechanicus turned out, and I feel that Taghmata captured the AdMech weirdness much better.

me too to be honest, not enough options in the cult mechanicus book and some of them suck (im looking at you electro-priests) while the taghmata have an awesoke variety of options and neat stuff (prefer the forge world magos over the dominus for example) and the versions of the Castellax and Thanatar are cool.

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I love the forgeworld mechanicum. I have a nice collection of models, however, non were purchased from forgeworld directly, but from cheaper forgeworld suppliers, eBay, though I doubt the eBay items are forgeworld legit. Being in the USA, I struggle buying forgeworld directly, the company taxes it US clients 20% VAT, and state sales tax, which for me is over 28% over tax, Seeing These are purchases from the UK, Should be exempt from these taxes. I have emailed forgeworld over this many times, their response is that this is how they set up their system, and it is not going to change, does not matter if I include links to British law. I am sadden by the poor attitude towards customers.
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Add them in as an allied attachment, just get your opponent or player groups permission to use them smile.png its what im planning to do. lots of scratch builds and conversions to represent the stranger monstrosities of my my dark mechanicus army bwa haha

Exactly my plan as well. I'm not very happy with how Cult Mechanicus turned out, and I feel that Taghmata captured the AdMech weirdness much better.

In my opinion, all 3 AdMech sources (skitarii, cult and FW) have their ups and downs. Skitarii have the silly chicken walker, cult the baymax bots and the blind wrestlers, and FW the scuba diver thralls and a cybernetica range I don't like aesthetically.

AdMech to me is about cybernetically augmented humans (skitarii squad, myrmidons), combat servitors (kataphron, but no converted ogryns yet to represent kastelan) and arcane weaponry on a vehicle platform (triaros, krios, dunecrawler). That's why I would love to see a combined codex for 40k, and IA to get the FW goodies into the same army list. No more 3 detachments/books, 2 HQs, compulsory 4-6 troops, and the only transport is unavailable to most units.

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