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Angels Wrath Intervention Force formation


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Has anyone used this formation and what were the results?

If you roll a bad scatter for your vanguard vets this formation is screwed? How to best counter this?

Your units will be open to one round of attacks before they can charge correct?

I'm building a nice little Blood Angels allied force for my Crimson Fists. This formation caught my eye as something that might go well with a shooty army (Crimson Fists) that usually arrives via drop pods (I run 9), or I have the option to run my tactical and sternguard squads in Rhinos and Razorbacks, but I normally use pods.

Love the idea of this formation. How can I best hedge my bets when using it?

Thanks smile.png

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I love it personally. Once I've got the models I'm going to field it ad the ultimate horde clearer/ save focer: Flamers on the ASM, Twin hand flamers on the sarge. Then all of the Vanguard get twin hand flamers.


Just drown the enemy in templates and dice! :D


Allied Inquisitor with skulls can mitigate scatter or use a locator beacon on a first turn pod :)

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I got so disappointed by scout bikers when I found out only 3 can have the nade launcher. So sad. But otherwise I think they're a cool unit.


I think it's fine. You can also only have 2 grav guns is a unit of bikes.


What's really annoying is there's 3 bikes in the box, and you need 4 bikes to get 3 launchers, since the Sergeant can' take one.

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It's mainly in the way if thinking that eldar get entire units of scatter bikes.... With a 3+ save....

But they are Xenos slime and have stupid pointy ears, they need something to make themselves feel better...


I'm having Formation Fayigue, is this the one where they have a Meteoric strike' and cause damage the turn they land? Anyone had any good experience using that?



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