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This thread is to document my WIP of my chapter, the Temple Guard. Progress will be slow, but progress will happen. Once I finish rounding out the fluff I will post it for those interested. In the mean time, here are some ideas I have been throwing around for color and chapter symbol.

I came across this image and loved the green, I would like to work with this I think.


I would like to give a nod to the original 7th Legion, so I came up with the following that uses this green color;



I also played around with some grey, but i feel they look a little "Space Wolves"-ish



Personally I like the second, with the Khaki Green and white the best, I think the green/yellow combo is too "Packers"-ish. As for the Chapter symbol I was thinking a Raptor head set against crossing lighting bolts, something very similar to the original iconography of the 7th.

I also briefly played around with the idea of using the Dark Angel logo since I have a Dark Vengeance box, but I dont think it works. I am not sure though.

Anyway, going for a very military feel with these guys, hoping to build a decent drop pod army and possibly an Assault Marine army using BA rules.


So I changed the green up real quick before I sit down and paint, took the bone color off of the chest and put it on the weapons, I think it will make for some nice contrast when all is said and done. White weapons are not often seen on SM's.


And since rank and file already have white helms, I am going to go with black for vets, red will still mean sgt.


For giggles I went ahead and painted a grey/yellow scheme up. It is not done as nicely as the green but now I am really torn!



If I was to make some changes to this scheme I think I would do a darker red weapon and a darker grey so that it was less "Space Wolves", any thoughts?


The newest version of the green scheme is easily the best. What's also good about it is that if you wanted to use official codex company markings I could see every company colour (or a variation of every colour) working with the green/bone e.g:

Bone, Dark Mustard Yellow, Scab Red (not sure on new name), Olive, Black, Dark Gray, Magenta, Bronze, Indigo.

Thanks everyone!  The more I look at it the more I do think that the green is the way I am going to go.  I also like the "round lip" style base.  The basing rules seem to have more flex now, how do you guys feel about the round lips? 



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