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I am going to make a small elite inquisitorial force of the Ordo Hereticus stormtroopers (not scions, because I hate that name) that I can later expand into an imperial guard regiment. My question is about the GW kit: Whats the diference between the TS squad kit and the TS command squad kit?

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It's also why it comes chock full of bits, in particular heads. You'll have plenty of variety to add to your normal Guard forces if you want, for example spicing Veterans up with berets. Keep in mind that the neck joints are different though so a bit of modification will be required. Looking forward to seeing your Stormies come into force :tu:

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It's also why it comes chock full of bits, in particular heads. You'll have plenty of variety to add to your normal Guard forces if you want, for example spicing Veterans up with berets. Keep in mind that the neck joints are different though so a bit of modification will be required. Looking forward to seeing your Stormies come into force thumbsup.gif

Thanks for the heads-up.

I will be ordering as soon as I'm paid, so sometime around the 14th - 15th. Some scions and some cadian hostile environment from FW, because the cuirass of the scions is horrible :P

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I prefer my Kasrkins, although I have 3 squads of each. The news are really nice for extra heads and bits.

I found 10 karskins on ebay, auctioned at 17 €. I bit on it but in the end it went too high (around 60 €) and I did not get it :( Why did GW ever stop producing karskins, they were so awesome.

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