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3k IF Siege of tera defense list


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Ok, Lining up my first match of 30k against a local guy and think I have a fairly solid list together. I believe there is coherency and synergy among the units I have listed here. The raptor is my main AA and as far as I know this other guy does not run a list with air... he has several armies he could field though so I am not sure exactly what I will be facing. He has a admech list with a lot of thallax, a DG list with armor and a IW list with a bunch of termis. 


Vigilator-AA/refractor field-105



Terminator Squad (8)-plasma blaster/2 PF/2CF/ 1 twin lc/teleport transponder/3 vigil storm shields-365

Apotecarium(3)-1-Combiplas/AA. 2-augury scanner. 3-combiplas-180


Tac Squad alpha(20)-addcc/vox/vex/AA/pfist-295

Tac Squad bravo(10)-vox/vex/AA/PW-190

Tac support plasma squad(5)- 175

Legion Seeker squad (6) combiplas/vox/AA/Pfist/melta bomb- 290

Land raider squadron

            Phobos-armored ceramite-270

            Proteus- armored ceramite/twin HB/ exploratory augur-290



Fire raptor- reaper autocannons- 210


Sicaran Venerator destroyer- heavy bolters- 210


3k on the nose. My idea is to have a rapid response list with the proteus filled up with combiplas seekers, combiplas apothecary and vigilator dropping into the back field to take out the biggest and baddest with lascannons and tons of plasma. When the seekers find the head that needs chopping they call in the terminator squad to teleport down with the primarus medicae to wreck face (contemplating taking the combiplas out and putting in a illustrious AC-thoughts?).

The tac support plasma squad in the achilles with the apothecary run up the middle/ sides with the phobos and a tac squad providing close support to them. The venerator will be behind the raider wall until a target appears that is worthy of neutrino death. 

The fire raptor avoids enemy AA if there is any while dakka'ing his way across the board. 

TAc squad alpha drudges forward and takes the midfield objective and/or hangs out on my side near my objective. 


Pros- Lots of raiders and plasma

Cons- lots of points sunk into those units. No AA other than raptor. 


I have a few other units I could throw in there if necessary- Deredero, more tacs, a sky hunter squad... 


lmk your ideas :)

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Problem is your Land Raiders are in a Squadron meaning they'll have to move around together and shoot the same target.


At least separating the Proteus and making it a DT for the Seekers should help alleviate the problem.

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