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Sand and Gravel for basing

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So back when I started building my 40k army I was working on a Oil Rig, as such I had a great supply of fine gravel and sand that I have been using to base my models for the last few years.... but I noticed yesterday that my big bag of 'dirt' is stating to be depleted, which has me thinking, where am I going to get some new material for the base's for my models. So can anyone suggest a good supplier for basing material? 




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IMO the best option is to go to Lowe's, Home Improvement, or other similar hardware and home improvement warehouse and buy a cheap bag of fine gravel or sand. It's very cheap for a huge bag you will never use up and it's pre-cooked for you.


Some people prefer to do the free method, where they just collect gravel or scoop sand from playgrounds. This is fine, but you should really wash it and then bake it in the oven to sterilize if you go this route.

Go to the next oil rig and ask for a scoop of dirt? More seriously though, if you do not want to buy basing sand, just look around in your area. Sandboxes, construction sites etc should have various types of sand.


If you want to buy stuff, go to your hobby store and look at the products and decide.

I use a fine sand from the beach of my hometown in Denmark, everytime I go on vacation I bring back a little more tongue.png

I find beach sand (in a straight line, I live about 500 metres from a beach) to be much too fine and smooth for basing, unless it’s a sandy desert look I’m after. When I do use sand on gaming models, which I must say is rarely, I prefer to use coarser river sand intended for construction work (like mixing cement). Though it’s all obviously overscale, IMHO the river sand looks much better.

I use a fine sand from the beach of my hometown in Denmark, everytime I go on vacation I bring back a little more tongue.png

I find beach sand (in a straight line, I live about 500 metres from a beach) to be much too fine and smooth for basing, unless it’s a sandy desert look I’m after. When I do use sand on gaming models, which I must say is rarely, I prefer to use coarser river sand intended for construction work (like mixing cement). Though it’s all obviously overscale, IMHO the river sand looks much better.

Well it obviously depends on the look one is going for and personal preference, of course.


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