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Shooty Command Squad Loadout?


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I was thinking about building a command squad, when thinking about how to equip the squad i remembered the idea of the shooty honour guard (last codex)


So i was thinking about making the 3 veterans with Plasma Guns and Flamers, and giving the unit jump packs





I think it has some potential to do damage, 3 plasma guns in rapid fire or 3 templates (also make it scary to charge) , built in FnP


Dante could be added to tank, with his Hit'n'Run would likely improve the unit, but i kinda liked the idea of it being a cheap unit to harass the enemy


Any thoughts?

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A unit a lot of people enjoy is Mephiston in a Pod with a command squad.


You give them your special weapon of choice and storm shields. He tanks the small arms and AP3 with 2+ and FNP while they tank the ap2.


He can buff the unit with quickening or prescience etc and they can drop, unload a sovlo and then next turn he can charge a weakened/ exposed unit.

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A unit a lot of people enjoy is Mephiston in a Pod with a command squad.


You give them your special weapon of choice and storm shields. He tanks the small arms and AP3 with 2+ and FNP while they tank the ap2.


He can buff the unit with quickening or prescience etc and they can drop, unload a sovlo and then next turn he can charge a weakened/ exposed unit.


This more or less. Since you've already got FNP in the squad, I'd suggest loading up with plasma guns and rolling on biomancy for mephiston too get WAAAAAAAAY too many AP2 shots.

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Plus if all else fails you could get the buff spells for Mephy :D


Bio is pretty insane for Mephy in all honesty - just hope you don't get the ever annoying Haemorrhage. All the other spells are universally useful though with combos available:


  • Smite: More AP2 Shooting
  1. Iron Arm: Somewhat better than Mephiston's sword power as he gets the toughness boost. If you get this, detach him from his squad and destroy something.
  2. Enfeeble: Combo's nicely with Plasma to cause instant death on MEQ (and crisis suits!) or make T6 have ID from Meph's sword.
  3. Life Leech: Get wounds back from perils / shooting.
  4. Warp Speed: Mephiston will now solo units before they know he's there.
  5. Endurance: if you get this and have plasma laugh maniacly - you can now shoot and charge with relentless and your FNP is 4+ and you can sacrifice the Apothecary if you want. Also Eternal Warrior for Mephiston.
  6. Hemorrhage: Might kill blobs if you enfeeble them first - otherwise pretty useless. I'd always put my dice into sword and force/ Smite.
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I have had alot of fun with a similar Dante combo.


3x vets with storm sheild and melta guns all with jump packs. Dante tanks with 2+ save and fnp and the you look out sir with the storm sheilds for anything ap2.


Also yhe 4 melta shots in the squad is really great for taking on knights or other mech!

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Duh! overseen all these years that you can give a unit relentless with bio.

Now my Grav SS Command Squad would be happy to fire 3 shots instead of two after podding. If i dont get hemo i have a good tank and counter in this unit. AP2 Shots going per look out sir on the stormshield. Wow i will try this out in my next game. :)

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So i was thinking about making the 3 veterans with Plasma Guns and Flamers, and giving the unit jump packs



I think I read somewhere that command squad veterans can no longer take 2 special weapons each. Might want to check that.

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Correct, the Special Weapons wargear lists requires you to replace either your Melee weapon or your boltgun. As the Veterans come equipped with a bolt pistol and a chainsword, you can only swap the chainsword for one special weapon. You could swap out the bolt pistol for any of the combi-weapons from the Ranged Weapons wargear list though.
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Plus if all else fails you could get the buff spells for Mephy biggrin.png

Bio is pretty insane for Mephy in all honesty - just hope you don't get the ever annoying Haemorrhage. All the other spells are universally useful though with combos available:

  • Smite: More AP2 Shooting
  1. Iron Arm: Somewhat better than Mephiston's sword power as he gets the toughness boost. If you get this, detach him from his squad and destroy something.
  2. Enfeeble: Combo's nicely with Plasma to cause instant death on MEQ (and crisis suits!) or make T6 have ID from Meph's sword.
  3. Life Leech: Get wounds back from perils / shooting.
  4. Warp Speed: Mephiston will now solo units before they know he's there.
  5. Endurance: if you get this and have plasma laugh maniacly - you can now shoot and charge with relentless and your FNP is 4+ and you can sacrifice the Apothecary if you want. Also Eternal Warrior for Mephiston.
  6. Hemorrhage: Might kill blobs if you enfeeble them first - otherwise pretty useless. I'd always put my dice into sword and force/ Smite.

Dang, I didn't realize the REST of biomancy worked well with a plasma centric command squad. I've always wanted to do a librarium command squad for mephiston. Perhaps this is finally my reason to :P

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This squad is actually hilarious.


I think with plasma though you need to really decide between divination or Biomancy. Guaranteed rerolls or chance at relentless.


I suppose either one is good, but with Bio you have more chance to make Mephiston into a Primarch....

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I think if going Melta, Sanguinary isn't a bad shout either. Lots of synergy there.


Quickening makes Mephiston awesomer or gives the Champion a shot at killing something Nasty before it Eats him (instead of Mephiston).


Unleash rage means the charge from these little guys is akin to the death company. Mephiston again even more mental from this.


Wings gets us into Melta range easier, but no charges after - although unless it's a transport if you are shooting a tank you aren't charging anyway.


The beam power is another tank buster shot at S8 ap1 Lance.


Fear of the dark keeps the Hordes at bay, maybe even off the table and further disrupts retaliation from Tau firebases etc. Bonus for making Boradsides crap themselves off the table!


Blood boil is another weird one. It helps possibly clear out some chaff in the psychic phase while you Melta the big ones but otherwise poor.


Then we have Shield, 5++ is okay and it helps out Mephiston, the Champion (combat Shields 5 other 6++?) and the Apothecary but you'd probably just LOS to the Storm Shields if they are there...

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Quite enjoy the Dante version with packs, makes a nice little retinue for him!


Plus you can quite happily charge a unit to allow Dante to wreck some face in CC and protect you from enemy shooting. At the end of the enemy CC phase, Hit'n'Run out of combat for more shooting and/or charging a different target.

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Hmm...this has got me thinking.


I reckon this could be brutal if running 2 detachments to allow for 2 lvl2 libbys, meph and plas/stormshield command squad. Go fishing for ignores cover in divination, and then biomancy for meph, drop in a pod and raise some hell... Pointy but potentially brilliant. I must try this at some point.



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Hi folks, new to the forums here, although have been reading them for a while. Just have a question about the command squad veterans. Are they able to take a storm shield, plasma gun and power weapon? Battle scribe seems to think it's ok and I can't see anything in the codex to say otherwise. I realise this makes them pretty expensive but means that with enfeeble, you could potentially use power lances to instant death on the first round of combat against toughness 4 base models, seems quite strong when paired with the plasma insta death shooting. Also option for power axes but unwieldy means you might get hit if meph doesn't destroy everything, or is this just overkill? cheers
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I wouldn't give them both special weapons and close combat weapons, the squad will become far too expensive and you'll never get the full use out of them. We have other units like Sanguinary Guard for power weapons, keep them shooty with the storm shields for protection and you're good to go. Don't forget the company champion in the squad comes with a power sword so you'll still have at least one.

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I dunno, in larger games I think it would be fine to equip the veterans with some sort of CCW (perhaps a lightning claw for shred). Getting into either rapid fire or melta range makes you a prime target for charges and if you can unload your barrage THEN assault whatever is left...


Let's just say that's a lot of potential to kill for 5-6 models

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That's kinda what I was thinking, if you go with meph instead of Dante they won't have hit and run and could easily get bogged down in a combat. It's also only 45 points for three power weapons or claws since you can only equip the veterans, so it's not gonna break the bank. The only other option would be to take a white scars librarian conclave to give them hit and run aswell as meph, so also more psychic dice too which doesn't hurt, but I guess that depends what kind of list you are running as to whether or not the other two mandatory librarians will be worth their points.
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I tried the command squad with Meph a few times, it felt better on paper, but thats only a small sample. A plasma command squad with JP will have issues assaulting due to not being relentless. 3 melta 1 SS with Dante seems kinda decent. 

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I tested the CS with Mephi and i got Iron Arm and Quickening. The loadout vs havocs in cover was underwhelming.

But the squad took then a squad of chaos (veterans?) out wich lurked out of their rino to melta my guys to death.

The Veterans took some (2) casualties but Mephi and some Command Guys survived and mephi alone took an squad of 7 out in CC.

In the next Turn he snacked the Rhino in which the rest of the Havocs fled in. They then attacked in the following turn the Havocs and took two wounds per overwatch. (2 x six!).

If we would have played further he would also have snacked abbadons termiquad. laugh.png

This squad earn his points back this time! Will playtest it in further B&B Games.

Lost already two Veterans to the CSM Veterans.


One Laska grilled the last Grav Veteran in Overwatch.


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