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Landraider or Stormraven

Professor Dean

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Hi All,

I'm new to blood angels and at the minute I have 2 Tactical Squads in Rhino's, 10 Sternguard in a Drop pod, 1 Furioso Dread, 1 DC Dread, 10 Deathcompany, 5 TH/SS Termies, Mephiston and Sanguinary Priest. I wont be taking all of the above apart from the 2 tact squads in rhinos which are a definite.

I was wondering what transport would be best to suit the units I have. I'm just stuck in two minds as to which one will be best.

Land Raider - Pros: 2nd Turn Charge, Already deployed, Looks badass, Flamer templates smile.png

Cons: I play against Necrons so AV14 is nothing, more costly, more players know how to effectively deal with a LR and come with melta or equivalent

Storm Raven - Pros: Need to skyfire (which would give me better odds against 20 warriors glancing it to death), Gives me AA, Cheaper than LR, Can carry unit and Dreadnought

Cons: Crash and Burn, Relying on Reserve rolls

Both are assault vehicles which are important for the terminators/DC.

So any help would be appreciated along with any other Pros/Cons I've missed before I go out and buy.


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I find the poor old Land Raider is rather lack-lustre for the points, especially the lascannon version (Crusader and Redeemer are a bit better). A single large vehicle like a land-raider will struggle to deliver valuable cargo because it will be a priority target, especially against Necrons who can glance it to death with little effort.


If you are limited to a single larger vehicle, the Storm Raven is my normal choice. It is harder to shoot, can carry a Dread into combatand provides some good AA which your army is otherwise lacking.


You are right that poor Reserve rolls and crash/burn results are risks but they can be mitigated. Blood Angels have 2 characters who provide reserve rerolls (Dante and Karlean). Alterantively, the Veritas Vitae gives you better odds of rolling a reserve manipulating trait for a cheaper Warlord.


One thing is that putting both Dread and Termies in a Raven is very much all eggs in one basket. One option is to DS the Termies separately (possibly with Karlean if you take him) and put a cheap CC Scout squad in the Raven.

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Thanks for the reply Karhedronuk 


Ye the one land raider will become no1 target especially when I do exactly the same by dropping my sternguard in to pop tanks and against Necrons my plan would be to just shove it down their throats as quickly as possible and pop smoke 1st turn hopefully get my units as close to him and as intact as i can because once the TH/SS termies are in theres few things to deal with them when they also have FNP and Mephiston helping them.  I like the idea of deepstriking the terminators as having the terminators, DCD, Mephiston and sanguinary priest is usually over kill and if they take down my stormraven, which wouldn't be too hard to do with a dedicated AA unit id be left with nothing alive.


I do love the look of the Land raider and the fact if it survives im getting that charge turn 2 (unless he runs away) but then I have no AA units.  I do have ML Devs but for the cost of 5 of them to have Flakk missiles i might as well pay the extra for the SR.  I hate list building I think I have a set list and then I want a completely different one.  

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If your mostly playing necrons they don't really have dedicated AA. Its just Snap shots and the night scythe really. For survivability sake I would lean toward the Raven. Plus its way more maneuverable if you need last minute OBJ grabs or what not, as Necrons don't have much ignores cover and you can always go hover and jink.
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Thanks for the help guys .. I think it will have to be a storm raven then because it ticks alot of boxes all at once .. can transport dread and a unit if needed, good fire power, AA, last minute objective secured is a nice little trick.


Might just buy a LR to paint up and look nice on my shelf but probably wont get much use .. if it could skyfire it might of swayed me even if necrons would glance it to death


Get the raven orderd and looks like ill be ds my termies so I cant be crippled if my raven goes down



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I'm in the minority here, but I prefer land raiders to storm ravens. 


All the above comments are correct.  The LR will draw a lot of attention and it could be destroyed. However, more than likely, it will survive long enough to deliver it's occupants on turn 2....one turn earlier than the storm raven (assuming you make your reserve roll). Use cover to make your LR more survivable....if no cover is available, you can always pop smoke. 


However, consider that every shot which plinks off the armour of your LR is an anti-tank shot that is not being fired at your other BA units. Your rhinos, DC, and dreadnoughts are moving forward, unmolested. If you play a storm raven, those other models are getting your enemy's full attention since the storm raven is sitting in reserve. 

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I would also prefer the Land Raider, if Grav was not a thing. Grav single-handedly ruins 40k by automatically excluding certain units. Unfortunately, you can bin half the BA book, including the fun stuff like Raiders and SG, because of Grav. If it would not bypass AV or at least not Immobilize, we could talk. Right now, no dice.
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Thanks for the advice Red Beard.  That is a good point and on paper you cant really see what will happen if I use cover correctly and position it out of the way of some of his units I can dictate what can shoot at the LR.  


I don't really come up against much grav, my main problem is them god damn Gauss weapons, they are ridiculous for their points to be able to ignore AV14.  Other armies are 2 nid players, chaos (he has a LR), and an eldar player.  None have flyers yet other than flying hive tyrants who im not greatly fussed about till they land.  


I think im just going to have to mull it over some more.  Either way there is going to be pros and cons, i might just have to go with the one that i like the look of the most, which is the LR 

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Raven, but I would not even use it as transport. Full on Gunship. I find assault transports are generally too expensive for what they do, but a 200pts Raven used as a pure gunship, especially if you have re-roll on reserves, is still on the border of acceptable.

You can pretty much have it both ways. If you carry a Dread with magna grapples and a CC Scout squad, you can fly about making full use of your firepower without having to drop into hover mode. Both units can bail out using Skies of Fury with no risk as they both have Move Through Cover.


You lose the ability to charge but if your Raven would face unacceptable anti-tank fire if it dropped into Hover mode, it is useful to have the option.

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As an assault transport? Neither.


SR is an awesome gunship and that's the roll it excels in. The only thing you should consider putting in it is Scouts, who can jump out without Dangerous terrain testing onto an objective whilst it zooms.


LRs, as much as I love them have many problems. Which have mostly been mentioned. However, if your against Crons it might not be terrible in a droppod list where there's plenty of target saturation. Using Rhinos to screen it and get good cover saves from them is also an option.


It really depends how 'Competitive' your local meta is.



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cheers for the replies guys.  Ive been looking at scouts for that reason Karhedronuk so i can sof them onto an objective late game.  


We mostly play for fun, but Id hate it if my LR got destroyed first turn or my SR gets shot out the sky with all its passengers that would take the fun out of it a bit.  


So if i run a SR take scouts for last minute objective grabbing and stick my dread in there and hope I roll well for my reserves.  If i run the LR keep it well protected, use cover or rhinos to protect it whilst trying to distracting them with drop pods  


Cheers all its giving me lots of ideas   

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With all the strength d that flies about nowadays handed out like sweets in 40k, I think the days are numbered for the humble land raider. I think that's why I play heresy, it doesn't exist below a certain points value.

I have seen more and more of it over the last year and for me sucks the fun out of it as you say when it's popped t1 like a rhino/razorback kill.


I am one raven away from having the formation though, so im hoping that it will be worth it!

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