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The Beast Arises


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Awesome, it's great to see characters from old story lines tied into this age of the imperium, high time i re-visited Know No Fear and Mark of Calth again before smashing Books 6, 7 & 8 smile.png

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Halfway through the new book after a single night of reading, and I have to say i'm loving it. solves some problem I had with the Hunt for Vulkan pretty well in my opinion, and there is so much good action! This is the book I may re-read immediatly after reading it the first time. Very good!

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So, am I right in thinking this more or less confirms Vulkan returns to Terra before the Siege and fights in the Webway?

I don't think so? It isnt mentioned how he got to the backwater world in the last book (thanks Annadale!) but it doesn't seem to be that he used the webway. He's old and wise, yes, but at this point he is probably over 2,000 years old and tired of the imperium's censored.gif, so i dunno.

I finished with the book last night and HOLY TAMOLE was it good! even when there is little politics the battle scenes and characters more than made up for it, and the ork's technology continues to seemingly advance. this book is now in my top three, equal to or better than throneworld. It's a lot of Action, yes, but this novel is the Summer Block Buster of the Beast Arises.

and hey! They mentioned the Salamanders! They are not the stars, no, but they are mentioned as being among the ranks! Really, no chapter gets that much special treatment other than the Black Templars, but I still have to say this was a great book and it made up for the idiotic pile of sludge that was the Hunt for Vulkan.

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So, am I right in thinking this more or less confirms Vulkan returns to Terra before the Siege and fights in the Webway?

I don't think so? It isnt mentioned how he got to the backwater world in the last book (thanks Annadale!) but it doesn't seem to be that he used the webway. He's old and wise, yes, but at this point he is probably over 2,000 years old and tired of the imperium's censored.gif, so i dunno.

I finished with the book last night and HOLY TAMOLE was it good! even when there is little politics the battle scenes and characters more than made up for it, and the ork's technology continues to seemingly advance. this book is now in my top three, equal to or better than throneworld. It's a lot of Action, yes, but this novel is the Summer Block Buster of the Beast Arises.

and hey! They mentioned the Salamanders! They are not the stars, no, but they are mentioned as being among the ranks! Really, no chapter gets that much special treatment other than the Black Templars, but I still have to say this was a great book and it made up for the idiotic pile of sludge that was the Hunt for Vulkan.

Orks advancing? As in human standard? Or Ork craziness?

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So, am I right in thinking this more or less confirms Vulkan returns to Terra before the Siege and fights in the Webway?

I don't think so? It isnt mentioned how he got to the backwater world in the last book (thanks Annadale!) but it doesn't seem to be that he used the webway. He's old and wise, yes, but at this point he is probably over 2,000 years old and tired of the imperium's censored.gif, so i dunno.

I finished with the book last night and HOLY TAMOLE was it good! even when there is little politics the battle scenes and characters more than made up for it, and the ork's technology continues to seemingly advance. this book is now in my top three, equal to or better than throneworld. It's a lot of Action, yes, but this novel is the Summer Block Buster of the Beast Arises.

and hey! They mentioned the Salamanders! They are not the stars, no, but they are mentioned as being among the ranks! Really, no chapter gets that much special treatment other than the Black Templars, but I still have to say this was a great book and it made up for the idiotic pile of sludge that was the Hunt for Vulkan.

Orks advancing? As in human standard? Or Ork craziness?

as in they are getting to Eldar level of technology super fast, and still have the numbers and viciousness of orks.

hell, the Beast himself talked as well as Vulkan or Koorland when he was confronted

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Beast is definitely the avatar of Orc might and successor of Gorro orcs from the 'Wolf of Ash and Fire'.

All the quotes before chapters were made by emo Vulkan who tired to live in a carrion corpse of Imperium

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Beast is definitely the avatar of Orc might and successor of Gorro orcs from the 'Wolf of Ash and Fire'.

All the quotes before chapters were made by emo Vulkan who tired to live in a carrion corpse of Imperium



I don't really get where he is the successor of the Gorro Orks. Unless I forgot something that I've read.


I read it as he was the Ork equivalent of the Emperor with no connection to Gorro or Ullanor other than the technology and the symbolism of that planet. He is their living God basically. He's 10 meters tall, an utter psychic beast and in another league to every other Ork that has been encountered.


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Don't know if the following can be declared as spoiler but just to be sure:



So Vulkan becomes depressed about the Imperium being a shadow of what his father intended and he had bleed for multiple times. Though this development is reasonable, I'm kind of sad for him as he was the one caring for humanity + the most optimistic of the 18 and is still one of my favorite Primarchs.


I'm still considering why they had decided to bring him up again and not one of the other loyal Primarchs. Only because of him being a perpetual and a possible long, bloody and awesome (and probably exaggerated) fight scene between him and the Beast? 


Besides that, they could have brought back Jaghatai, Corax or even Leman as well. All of them were declared MIA. Therefore, all of them could have been the new but temporary overall commander of the Imperium.


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I got the distinct impression that:



Vulkan was involved in the Webway fighting during the Heresy



and I'm a little confused about the Beasts comment



...when he says The Emperor threw away his greatest weapon


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By saying "his" weapon, who is the subject? Did the Emperor threw His weapon or the Beasts weapon away?

If it's the Emperors weapon, maybe the Beast is talking about the Primarchs? As he had "abandoned" them (threw them away) to concentrate on his own webway, he missed the opportunity of having 18 giant, bad ass, invincible generals at his side when the Beast arose.


For now, he's got one of his sons at his side (per accident) and tons of mortal Astartes without exceptional leaders like the Primarchs were.


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Hm... it looks like


Dorn. But he should be dead or MIA by then. Yet another Primarch to appear? Don't think so. That would retcon the entire fluff of the Fists. I agree that it is probably Koorland, clad in Chapter Master regalia. Furthermore, Dorn wouldn't have those iron bolts in his forehead. ;) Wouldn't be surprised if the regalia should represent Dorn as his depiction in HH 3 shows a comparable but still different crafted armor.


Would fit the image of the last son of Dorn, rebuilding the legacy of the VII Legion.


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So, am I right in thinking this more or less confirms Vulkan returns to Terra before the Siege and fights in the Webway?

I don't think so? It isnt mentioned how he got to the backwater world in the last book (thanks Annadale!) but it doesn't seem to be that he used the webway. He's old and wise, yes, but at this point he is probably over 2,000 years old and tired of the imperium's censored.gif, so i dunno.

I finished with the book last night and HOLY TAMOLE was it good! even when there is little politics the battle scenes and characters more than made up for it, and the ork's technology continues to seemingly advance. this book is now in my top three, equal to or better than throneworld. It's a lot of Action, yes, but this novel is the Summer Block Buster of the Beast Arises.

and hey! They mentioned the Salamanders! They are not the stars, no, but they are mentioned as being among the ranks! Really, no chapter gets that much special treatment other than the Black Templars, but I still have to say this was a great book and it made up for the idiotic pile of sludge that was the Hunt for Vulkan.

Orks advancing? As in human standard? Or Ork craziness?

as in they are getting to Eldar level of technology super fast, and still have the numbers and viciousness of orks.

hell, the Beast himself talked as well as Vulkan or Koorland when he was confronted

Um.. I think I just smell something fishy. Races/entities that were known to uplift/upgrade/change other races included the Old Ones, Chaos, Tau, C'Tan, and I don't think Tau and Chaos was behind those changes at the time.

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Maybe it is just me but the guy on both covers is the same, or not? oO


The fist one seems a bit older than the second one. But besides that and the armor, they're the same.


Or do I get fooled by my eyes?

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Um.. I think I just smell something fishy. Races/entities that were known to uplift/upgrade/change other races included the Old Ones, Chaos, Tau, C'Tan, and I don't think Tau and Chaos was behind those changes at the time.

I hope they don't reveal chaos or eldar were behind the new evolved orks. just for once I would like them to be powerful on their own, and being this powerful through their own devices makes me happy.

it's That, Or the Old ones being behind it again down.gif

Also, can I just say how happy I am as a mechanicus player that they described so many more weapons and things the mechanicus owns and used in this book. We had appearances from Knights, Cybernetica, Titans, Skitarii... Pretty much everything! hell, they were their own flank compared to the combined push of Imperial Guard and space marines, so that made me happy. And they described some new stuff too! The Magos's didn't look liket the GW Tech-Priest Dominus plastic figure, He was a unique, imaginative Brain-in-a-Jar type magos that could control his entire ship personally! The Mechanicus had flyers and Lightnings! They had a friggen Tri-Pod Titan walking around the field! They described almost every variant of knight instead of forgetting they exist! This is how you show the Mechanicus gearing up for war!

And lets not forget:

Ordinatus Ullanor! Even if it only lasted for 3 pages it was still a very cool thing to add, and it made me fist pump the air when I read it.

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