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The Beast Arises


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Nonsense, Kieran. The book isn't even released yet, throwing about details of its sequel is inconsiderate, regardless of which way you wash it.


Moreover, spoiler tags exist.



I won't abandon reading a decent discussion just because other people have low standards.


I will, however, bang on about it. (Because rampant, careless spoilers 100% encourage interested people to entirely avoid the discussion. And that's just rubbish.)

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The Last Son of Dorn? It's been out for over a week, actually...

And whether it's lower standards or higher standards seems to me to be pretty eye-of-the-beholder-esque...I'm fine with spoilers, and I'd consider you to be pretty picky and nonsensical about this one issue. Start your own thread, would be my advice, and label it 'SPOILER FREE FOR X TIME' if you want.

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I'm still confused as to what the big big spoiler was this time. Nothing that wasn't discussed 10+ pages ago already, at any rate, and nothing that actually seems set in stone.

And even then, we all know that the Beast will be defeated. We all know that the Imperium wins, and goes back to being a little more effective yet still screwed up beyond belief, for around 8000 years more. Which, in turn, means that by the last book, the threat of the Beast will have to be wrapped up. Big spoiler, that.

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Just finished The Last Son of Dorn.




I wonder if the last books will just be Grey Knights Ex Machina. If they were sitting on Titan because of Inquisition politics while Terra gets almost invaded it will be a huge letdown. The Imperium constantly blundering into traps doesn't help. It looks too incompetent even for the setting.



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Were all attack moons destroyed or did they left the door open for new ones appearing later on?


Been thinking of making use of one of them for my Dominion project.

An 'attack moon' of sorts appears in the SML: Shrike novel, without the gravity tech. I think whichever way you want to justify one or a few appearing, it's perfectly fine.

Should also note that IIRC I don't think it had any major propulsion systems but it might've been implied at how it was created

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*imitates Mr. Burns* Excellent.


With that in mind I can either go with a torpedo sphere and give Steehl Rain! a new, orkish meaning or go with a Deathstar like station, da really Big Gun.

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That's exactly what I'm worried about: How to finish it with 2 more books, just after raising the challenge so much further. According to the Amazon blurbs, The Beheading is the "we've succeeded, the Beast is dead, but wait, there's more" book. But then, the blurbs have been revised for the last few books too and the one for Shadow of Ullanor is already invalidated with TLSoD.


David's mostly been writing WHFB before GW canned that, but if you're fine with that and want to read a relatively one-off novel, I'd recommend Headtaker. He really nailed the Skaven.




Finally got around to writing up a full review of The Last Son of Dorn. That book's my series favorite, that's how much it got right. It improved on the sense of scale that got missing, had plenty of impact and variety, and was overall just very well done. No idea how they'll wrap it up though.

And comparing to a previous 9 books it's the worst to date, sadly. The best books still are the second and the third Predator, Prey and Emperor Expects



I couldn't possibly disagree more with you on that. The Last Son of Dorn had the impact, emotional payoff, solid action of various degrees and character development all around to stand out as one of the series best. Predator, Prey doesn't hold up to that, and while I enjoyed The Emperor Expects a great deal, it lacked the benefit of being able to weave so many parts of the series plot into one very solid novel.

David write good WFB stuff but both his TBA books were very very very blank. Zerberyn parts and Koorlands - are the worst. How you could even compare the level of prose is beyond my understanding

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For me it is too early to say which books are my favourites and with two to go that may change anyway. I do think it is possible to split into a top five and bottom five though the actual order I am not sure of. For me the bottom five are the three Annandale books, first Guymer book and surprisingly the Haley book. The Abnett, Thorpe's two, Sanders and last Guymer book are the ones I have enjoyed most.


Edit: I think it possibly is inevitable as the series went on it might slip somewhat into bolter porn and start to feel slightly repetitive and because of that the latter books are fairing less well generally (with me) than the earlier ones...though to contradict myself The Beast Must Die and Last Son of Dorn were really good and had loads of bolter porn?

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I have a bad feeling the last two books may make the bottom five. They have two books, total of about 550 to 600 pages to resolve everything. After the events of last son of Dorn I don't see how they can do that satisfactorily and suspect there may be a huge McGuffin turning up.

Hopefully I'm wrong and the last two books will knock it out of the park

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I have a bad feeling the last two books may make the bottom five. They have two books, total of about 550 to 600 pages to resolve everything. After the events of last son of Dorn I don't see how they can do that satisfactorily and suspect there may be a huge McGuffin turning up.

Hopefully I'm wrong and the last two books will knock it out of the park

You forget that the resolution will be in book 11.

Book 12 - would cover the 'Reaping' event on Terra and total power shifting. 300 pages to do that is more than enough

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Once again I couldn't disagree more.

Abnett book, and 4 Davids novels are subpar and totally disappointing. If it wasn't for '.... golly gee they all died' event in Dan's 'I'm slaughter' - I would have called it horrible. And still - tis the worst Abnett book to date. As a Dan Abnett fan I wouldn't thought it will happen that I call Abnett's book bad. But it all started with Prospero Burns, Unremembered Empire and now 'I'm slaughter'. Sad sad.png Especially, that 'Salvation Reach' was an amazing novel.

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I have a bad feeling the last two books may make the bottom five. They have two books, total of about 550 to 600 pages to resolve everything. After the events of last son of Dorn I don't see how they can do that satisfactorily and suspect there may be a huge McGuffin turning up.

Hopefully I'm wrong and the last two books will knock it out of the park

You forget that the resolution will be in book 11.

Book 12 - would cover the 'Reaping' event on Terra and total power shifting. 300 pages to do that is more than enough

I'm counting book 12 as part of the resolution. Book 11 finish off the orks, book 12 deal with the political fallout. This series has been split between the military and political sides of the crisis so both need a resolution.

Book 12 has the potential to be great but with 5 beasts left and the imperium's military in taters and being beaten back all fronts resolving the ork crisis just in book 11 in a way I find satisfactory will be challenging.

If it's just a case of the grey knights come out and obliterate all the orks without breaking a sweat I will not be impressed.


But this is all pure speculation, we will know how it pans out in a few weeks and I hope it's good.

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If they've been underwraps that might mean grand masters. Grand masters like janus. Grand masters that wield chainglaives.

Bah, we all know Sevatar becomes Khyron, not Janus. I mean, come on: Khyron sounds similar to Kyroptera, and derives from the same root I believe (i.e. bat-winged), and he is described as leaning non-chalantly on a halberd. The same pose Sevatar adopts when anyone but his astropath girlfriend is watching. And his quote is something like "remember me for my treacheries" which sounds like something Sevatar would say, or whatever. Plus, with Sevatar being a latent pskyer, signs point to yes :D


That being said, if Sevatar saves the day for the Imperium, I will just give up and declare him a Mary Sue.

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Wait what?

Why should the inventor of "Death to the false Emperor!" And one of Curzes most loyal sons join the GK?

Where does that come from? I've has a look but could only find theories and no real description of Khyron.

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Sevatar isn't janus. Omegon is though *tinfoilhatmode*

Basically what I'm saying is there's a potential for 8 of the imperiums most powerful heroes to come out of hiding and change the game up a bit.

Yes it's silly

But so was hiding the grey knights

And yes I can handle sevatar being handled by someone else because ADB killed one of the best characters of the heresy and said he was dead dead *sniff*

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