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The Beast Arises


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I'm expecting a lot of Zerberyn in book 12, he got one chapter in Shadow but not much else.

IF seem to be extremely decimated again after the final assault on Ullanor, might be anywhere from 1-3 companies left (one, if I read it correctly was on the Phalanx holding off boarders, and then whoever survived the Palace assault)


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I'm expecting a lot of Zerberyn in book 12, he got one chapter in Shadow but not much else.

IF seem to be extremely decimated again after the final assault on Ullanor, might be anywhere from 1-3 companies left (one, if I read it correctly was on the Phalanx holding off boarders, and then whoever survived the Palace assault)




I didn't read the IF being that completely damaged by the end of the novel - taken casualties sure, but not the realms of 100 Space Marines again.


I honestly expect Zerberyn to make the full transition to Traitor and have the Fists Exemplar declared Traitor because of his actions, which results in them being wiped from history books and a lot of the reason why we don't hear about them in 40k (unless I've missed something of course).


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I'm expecting a lot of Zerberyn in book 12, he got one chapter in Shadow but not much else.

IF seem to be extremely decimated again after the final assault on Ullanor, might be anywhere from 1-3 companies left (one, if I read it correctly was on the Phalanx holding off boarders, and then whoever survived the Palace assault)




I didn't read the IF being that completely damaged by the end of the novel - taken casualties sure, but not the realms of 100 Space Marines again.


I honestly expect Zerberyn to make the full transition to Traitor and have the Fists Exemplar declared Traitor because of his actions, which results in them being wiped from history books and a lot of the reason why we don't hear about them in 40k (unless I've missed something of course).





So is Thane the IF new CM?


Do they take recruits/marines from other IF chapters to replenish/rebuild the chapter?


How big is the attack force?


Do the GK make some sort of appearance?


And how do the other 5 Prime-orks die?


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I'm expecting a lot of Zerberyn in book 12, he got one chapter in Shadow but not much else.

IF seem to be extremely decimated again after the final assault on Ullanor, might be anywhere from 1-3 companies left (one, if I read it correctly was on the Phalanx holding off boarders, and then whoever survived the Palace assault)




I didn't read the IF being that completely damaged by the end of the novel - taken casualties sure, but not the realms of 100 Space Marines again.


I honestly expect Zerberyn to make the full transition to Traitor and have the Fists Exemplar declared Traitor because of his actions, which results in them being wiped from history books and a lot of the reason why we don't hear about them in 40k (unless I've missed something of course).




I gave it a wider margin (placed it from 1-3 companies) because they all committed to that last assault besides what Decarion had on the Phalanx.


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Think that Ullanor will soon be ready to charge at Terra.

The Necron World Engine? A giant webway portal opening a black whole inside of Ullanor? A black Crusade of Abaddon?

Angron unleashed? How were these black planet killer fortresses called which Abbadon would capture during the Gothic War again?

Speaking of Necron, did they appear in SOU or in the other book within the series? If not, then there are totally three races making appearance within this series: mankind, Eldar, and of course the orks.

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I'm expecting a lot of Zerberyn in book 12, he got one chapter in Shadow but not much else.

IF seem to be extremely decimated again after the final assault on Ullanor, might be anywhere from 1-3 companies left (one, if I read it correctly was on the Phalanx holding off boarders, and then whoever survived the Palace assault)




I didn't read the IF being that completely damaged by the end of the novel - taken casualties sure, but not the realms of 100 Space Marines again.


I honestly expect Zerberyn to make the full transition to Traitor and have the Fists Exemplar declared Traitor because of his actions, which results in them being wiped from history books and a lot of the reason why we don't hear about them in 40k (unless I've missed something of course).





So is Thane the IF new CM?


Do they take recruits/marines from other IF chapters to replenish/rebuild the chapter?


How big is the attack force?


Do the GK make some sort of appearance?


And how do the other 5 Prime-orks die?






Thane is indeed the new Imperial Fists Chapter Master and the Imperial Fists is pretty much made up of the remnants of the Fists Exemplar and 'donations' from the other Dorn-descendent Chapters. They make up 1000 Marines with appropriate armour and arms pretty quickly.


The attack force is basically every last thing the Imperium has left thrown at Ullanor. The difference is that they are working together 100% - the politics ruining previous attempts has gone. Thane takes charge, and Vangorich threatens the other High Lords with death if they don't cooperate.


Nope. No Grey Knights at all.


The other Prime-Orks presumably die once The Beast has his head blown off. No mention is made of them other than their thrones.


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That seems pretty unsatisfying. Like Sanders got the memo late and didn't manage to include everything properly.


Well yeah. The length of the book would be a hindrance also. 


I'm going to have to hope the Zerberyn angle has a big pay off or something cause right now it seems to be in there for the sake of it.


There was this massive reveal in the previous book of a Prime-Ork for every clan, including The Beast, and now that was sorta shunted aside and forgotten about.


Black Library series have this habit (Horus Heresy is a good example of this) of introducing too many plot points at once and not tying them all up satisfactorily or at all.

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And it looks like the Phalanx is just there, out of the blue, without any reason or info where it has been all the time?


A big problem with this series specifically was the out of order  writing process. It was all over the place. One author would get to write A, another D, and two other authors would then need to fill in B and C. Not a good way to do a 12 book series of this scale.

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Yep. IMHO it doesn't seem like they discussed the overall plot that well.



Phalanx back? Fists back during the ongoing conflict? Beasts disappeared? What happened here? Op


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Oh, and can't forget how the Adeptus Mechanicus can now propel asteroids like the Orks with such accuracy they can load up a whole Chapter in one...


The Phalanx I think was damaged at Adamantura but there wasn't any mention that I can recall of it being suddenly repaired and all systems go.


The Imperial Fists being reformed is pretty cool to be honest. They have a Feast of Blades to commemorate the loss of the Fists on Inwit, and the assorted Chapters decide that they won't let Dorn's legacy die.


There was honestly no point to the other Beasts this late in the series. They could have stuck it at one Beast and had far more of an impact. Also, Vulkan's death was pointless. There must have been a reason he made such a showing of sucking up the Ork psychic energy and stuff, and making mentions of faith and stuff. Nope. Clearly some communication lost between authors.


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Oh, and can't forget how the Adeptus Mechanicus can now propel asteroids like the Orks with such accuracy they can load up a whole Chapter in one...


The Phalanx I think was damaged at Adamantura but there wasn't any mention that I can recall of it being suddenly repaired and all systems go.


The Imperial Fists being reformed is pretty cool to be honest. They have a Feast of Blades to commemorate the loss of the Fists on Inwit, and the assorted Chapters decide that they won't let Dorn's legacy die.


There was honestly no point to the other Beasts this late in the series. They could have stuck it at one Beast and had far more of an impact. Also, Vulkan's death was pointless. There must have been a reason he made such a showing of sucking up the Ork psychic energy and stuff, and making mentions of faith and stuff. Nope. Clearly some communication lost between authors.



judging from what Goulding has said elsewhere (namely thefirstexpedition) TBA went through some rewrites within the last month to a year - originally the conception of the series was going to have a DAoT link, where humanity attempts to use the Men of Iron to defeat the Beast. I think that got booted in favor of the impending DW release.


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Oh, and can't forget how the Adeptus Mechanicus can now propel asteroids like the Orks with such accuracy they can load up a whole Chapter in one...


The Phalanx I think was damaged at Adamantura but there wasn't any mention that I can recall of it being suddenly repaired and all systems go.


The Imperial Fists being reformed is pretty cool to be honest. They have a Feast of Blades to commemorate the loss of the Fists on Inwit, and the assorted Chapters decide that they won't let Dorn's legacy die.


There was honestly no point to the other Beasts this late in the series. They could have stuck it at one Beast and had far more of an impact. Also, Vulkan's death was pointless. There must have been a reason he made such a showing of sucking up the Ork psychic energy and stuff, and making mentions of faith and stuff. Nope. Clearly some communication lost between authors.



judging from what Goulding has said elsewhere (namely thefirstexpedition) TBA went through some rewrites within the last month to a year - originally the conception of the series was going to have a DAoT link, where humanity attempts to use the Men of Iron to defeat the Beast. I think that got booted in favor of the impending DW release.




Honestly wouldn't surprise me - rather than write good literature, GW would (understandably) rather push miniatures.


This undermined this whole 12 part series that they were going for, which would put off people being invested in another series like it. At this stage, that next series seems to be Vangorich assassinating the High Lords and taking over.

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Oh, and can't forget how the Adeptus Mechanicus can now propel asteroids like the Orks with such accuracy they can load up a whole Chapter in one...


The Phalanx I think was damaged at Adamantura but there wasn't any mention that I can recall of it being suddenly repaired and all systems go.


The Imperial Fists being reformed is pretty cool to be honest. They have a Feast of Blades to commemorate the loss of the Fists on Inwit, and the assorted Chapters decide that they won't let Dorn's legacy die.


There was honestly no point to the other Beasts this late in the series. They could have stuck it at one Beast and had far more of an impact. Also, Vulkan's death was pointless. There must have been a reason he made such a showing of sucking up the Ork psychic energy and stuff, and making mentions of faith and stuff. Nope. Clearly some communication lost between authors.



judging from what Goulding has said elsewhere (namely thefirstexpedition) TBA went through some rewrites within the last month to a year - originally the conception of the series was going to have a DAoT link, where humanity attempts to use the Men of Iron to defeat the Beast. I think that got booted in favor of the impending DW release.





Well, he also said that the idea was discarded at the inception of the series, so roughly 4 years ago, and not in the last year. GW releases are planned at least 2-3 years in advance, not in a couplee of months.


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Finally finished. Not a hugely interesting book in the series to be honest. Too similar to the last Ullanor invasion and I had no emotional connection to the characters because I knew as it was book 11 things would go better for the Imperium.
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its not mentioned where it was or why it reappears. One can only assume because it's a fortress monestary it wasn't sent to and destroyed at ardamantua. Not to mention it is heavily undermanned and probably not a great deal of use in a firefight pre-IF reforming.

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The series would have been better off having the Imperium attack Ullanor only twice, rather than the three times that they do. The second time felt absolutely pointless - was just an excuse to kill off Koorland which they could have done some other way. Just as having Vulkan seemed pointless - felt like he was only there so they can say they have a Primarch in there. His sacrifice did nothing that was actually relevant in the series by the end.

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I wonder if Vangoritch eventually succumbs to Chaos taint which drives him over the extreme edge and thus it ends up as Chaos planned all along with The Imperium's leadership in tatters.


this!! there's definitely some #justasplanned behind it all

hence the eldar's warning and the inquisition warning of the greater threat 

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