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Equipping 10 man Death Company w/JPs? (allied force to CF)


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Hail sons of Sanguinius.


My plan is to run a Blood Angels allied force with my Crimson Fist Army. Right now I'm running just a core- 10 man tactical squad geared for flamers (flamer, hvy flamer, sergeant with hand flamer), and 10 man jump pack death company with a jump pack chaplain for my HQ. The tactical squad will arrive mostly via drop pod on round 1. They are my anti-infantry and horde smokers. My chaplain carries a plasma pistol and his crozius arcanum of course. Both of those units are built. My last decision is how to equip my death company. Right now I have legs on bases ;)


I searched for this topic and it brought up an older topic where some said just toss in a powerfist, and maybe another power weapon, because bolt pistols and chainswords are fine for the rest ... and a few others said be sure to utilize blood angel perks like inferno pistols, hand flamers, etc.


I guess the first question will be how are your Crimson Fists geared and how do they fight? The heart of CF force are tactical squads geared for anti-personal (hvy bolter and flamer/or plasma gun), or I can run two as anti-armor going with meltas, I also have two grav guns to use at the tactical level. So the core of my army can go either way. I also usually run a 3 land speeder HB/TM fire support squad, along with a dev squad or two, an ironclad when I want it, Chapter Master Pedro Kantor and some sternguard, or with his honor guard, and I usually run at least 5 terminators I use for deep strike. My Crimson Fist army normally uses pods for deployment .... I have apcs and armor for them but rarely use them. I also have fliers (Stormraven, and Stormtalon) that I never use.


So anyways, running this BA allied force right now as 1 tac, chaplain, and 10 man DC ... how best to gear out the DC? My gut instinct is to just let them be the anti-infantry/horde muscle to my BA flamer tactical squad, but I do like for them to have a weapon or two than can take out terminator sorts or a vehicle. Some flexibility is nice. 







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1-2 fists and bolters (no extra attack from the pistol anyways) should be enough. hand flamers genrally are not worth their points (S3 does not wound enough) and the inferno pistol has very little range against vehicles.


In this edition jump packs are a good idea, but who knows what will happen in the future, so magnetize the jump  packs.

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Pistols on all but the specialist weapons. DC want to be in combat to be safe from mass shooting. Causing too many wounds in the shooting phase makes getting into combat more difficult.


Depending on your willingness to magnetize you could give them a chainsword and magnetize the other arm with a bolt gun or a bolt pistol.


Generally though 7-8 DC are enough for a wreckingball of a unit. So if you need points keep two or three out of the list.

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For 5 man squads, I'd say one power weapon or fist.


For a  squad of more than 5, I'd say a hammer or fist is essential in case they hit a walker .At 10, I'd consider a second fist, or other power weapon. Maybe an axe or sword.


DC have many attacks, but if your opponent is rolling well on their armour saves, then you'll do no damage. Power weapons remove the main advantage of a marine opponent.

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I'd say an S x2 weapon or two is necessary to make sure the DC can chew through vehicles. Axes and swords are nice but they are not good at killing vehicles. Everything else will go down to the number of wounds the DC throw out. remember the Chaplain lets them reroll to hit and to wound rolls.

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I would add a couple of fists for dealing with vehicles, walkers, MCs and TEQs. Hand flamers are a waste of points as 50 S5 attacks with rerolls will chew through hordes in no time.


One option I quite like is adding 2-3 inferno pistols. Although they are expensive, they are carried by a tough, fast moving unit. I use them to crack transports so that the DC can then assault the units inside. It depends on how much anti-tank you have in the rest of your army. I have a couple of meltacide RAS in drop pods and then inferno pistols on my DC and SG. I find that this means I don't actually need to invest in dedicated AT units as I have enough melta spread through my army to handle any vehicles I come across.

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Firstly, I'd exchange the Plasma pistol on the Chaplain for a Grav pistol. Great if these guys will be charging the tough foes and MC, so it concusses them before combat!


Then IMO if you're taking a fist you may as well pay the 5 points and make it a thunder hammer. Rule of ultimate cool.


For ten men a Hammer and power Sword will serve you well, maybe two swords if you want to spare the points.


That way you got everything covered with Maul on the Chap, AP3 and ap2 on the DC.

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remember the Chaplain lets them reroll to hit and to wound rolls.


No the chaplain is only to hit, they lost the rerolls to wound


Astorath allows the reroll to wound, still.


Woops, you're right, too bad it's only Astorath now.

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I've found the sweet spot to be 10 with two fists and a sword. Always give the fists bolters as they don't get the extra attack anyway and can still double tap and charge. The sword is there for power armour as despite the amount of attacks sometimes you do just get unlucky and I've found the ap3 at i5 just helps to finish abalative wounds before getting the fists on their 2up 3up IC.


I wouldn't bother with dsing them unless you go second and there's no other threats on the table, after all with ds you get a turn 3 charge at best (possibly turn 4!) On the table you often get turn two and if your opponent plays an in your face list possibly turn 1, at the very least it gives them a hard choice. Anything going near them is likely to get mullered so they stay away, or they stray in range not understanding the threat and unexpectedly get a punching.


Ten sounds like a lot but they do die so the cheap bp/cs are cover for your fists and sword guys. And I go for fists over hammers as I feel the concussive at i1 is pretty useless. A Mc has already swung by then. Use the points elsewhere in the army.

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Reading this has been very helpful for me too so thanks peeps! I need to update my BA (specifically my DC in this instance) to fair better in 7th I realise, I've not changed anything for a few editions and my outdated setup is something of a problem these days.

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Good answers above on the DC.


If you're allying in BA, you may also want to consider a 5-man assault squad. Ditch the jumppacks, take a free pod, add in two melta guns and either a combi melta or two inferno pistols on the sergeant. Great, cheap, anti-vehicle alpha strike unit that will go nicely with your anti-infantry flamer pod. 

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Good answers above on the DC.


If you're allying in BA, you may also want to consider a 5-man assault squad. Ditch the jumppacks, take a free pod, add in two melta guns and either a combi melta or two inferno pistols on the sergeant. Great, cheap, anti-vehicle alpha strike unit that will go nicely with your anti-infantry flamer pod. 


Yep I used to run one of those when I had a BA army .... they were cheap and very effective :)  thanks for the reminder Red-beard.

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