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2000 Ultramarines


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Hey all. Thinking of starting An Ultramarines Legion army, so I'll have an excuse/chance to play with the Guilliman and Invictarus Suzeraine models that I keep wanting to buy...




Chaplain w/ Combi-Weapon and Artificer Armour (will probably just end up using Cassius, since he has such a badass model...)


Master of Signals



7 Invictarus Suzerains, Land Raider Phobos w/ Armoured Ceramite

Tactical squad w/ Rhino

Tactical Squad w/ Rhino




2 Rapier Thuddguns


Heavy Support:


Legion Sicarian: Lascannons, Armoured Ceramite

Legion Sicarian: Lascannons, Armoured Ceramite


Lord of War:


Roboute Guilliman - warlord, logos lectora


Total: 2000

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Edit: Orr there is this:




Master of signals: rides with vets




Tactical squad, drop pod, sergeant has combi weapon

Tactical squad, drop pod, sergeant has combi weapon

Support squad, 5 men, plasma guns, drop pod

Support squad, 5 men, plasma guns, drop pod

Support squad, 5 men, meltaguns, drop pod

Support squad, 5 men, meltaguns, drop pod




Legion Veteran squad, 7 men, 6 power weapons, sgt has artificer armour and fist, drop pod


Lords of War:

Guilliman: rite of war: orbital assault, rides with vets


Total: 2000


Guilliman gives pods Implacable Advance. Everything but him and the MOS now scores!

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Yeah, I'll second the Vigilator. Most underrated HQ around! Cheap HQ, a source of Scout for your unit of choice (Breachers are nice for this) and it works in games when you don't need a Master of the Legion (like when you take Guilliman).
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