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3k Death Guard

1000 Sons

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The Reaping
3 Deathshorud with melta bombs, dedicated phobos land raider, dozer
10 tac marines powerfist, nuncio, vexilla, artificer armour, rad grenades, rhino

10 tac marines powerfist, nuncio, vexilla, artificer armour, rad grenades, rhino
10 heavy support squad, 10 volkite culverin, augury sensor
3 Rapiers -laser destroyers
1 Apothecary
Fast Attack
Primaris Lightning Attack Fighter, 4 kraken missiles, 2 phosphex bombs
Deredeo, anvilus cannons, aiolos missles
2 Medusa artillery squadron, pintle mounted bolters
5 Grave Wardens, heavy flamer, 2 chainfist - dedicated trans. phobos raider, multimelta pintle, dozer
The 1 Apoth. goes with heavy squad.  Mortation and the death shroud in the land raider to charge down to field. The rapiers and kraken missles will hopfully pop any transports and armour, and then the medusa, primaris and heavy support squad will lace the ground in phosphex and volkite.  Anything that survives will get a face full of chem flamers, power scythes and leave the battle field a chemical wasteland (aka Death Guard paradise).

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Ok, Crysos Morturg is a Loyalist-only choice and Mortarion is a Traitor-only choice (page 2 of the Isstvan Campaign Legions book). This is meant to be for campaigns, but it's also something that the rules support (Calas Typhon can't be a Psyker if Mortarion is in the army, due to his hatred for them).


But beyond that, why are you taking Morturg? He doesn't confer Infiltrate to a unit any more (latest 7th edition BRB FAQ), so there's not much reason to take him. Save the points and spend them elsewhere, like upgrading the Centurion to a Chaplain for re-roll bonuses and put him with Mortarion. Having him in the Volkite squad won't be as helpful as it sounds, as they already have 45" range.


I assume you meant for Mortarion to join your Grave Wardens, not Deathshroud?


The rad grenades on those minimum Tac squads aren't going to help as much as on dedicated assault units. Might be better swapping them to vexilla. :)

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Thanks for the input, will remove Morturg and beef up the centurion.


The 5 grave wardens in the landraider are on their own, Mortarion starts with the Death Shroud as his HQ support choice.  I like to use Morts teleport ability very aggressively and send him stomping around on his own.  This will leave the Centurion with the death shroud marching up the field to attack or hold an objective.


My original plan with Morturg was with the idea that he would use his Trait, but I now realize it would be Mortarion that is warlord so was double dipping warlord traits, oops.


A question about Calas and Mort, it mentions that Calas can't use his power before Mortarions fall.  Is it the mission that tells me when Mort has fallen, or is it up to me to say, this is fallen Mortarion ?


That HH box game can't come soon enough to not have to rely on the minimum marine units for everything.

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You don't have Deathshroud anywhere on your army list, hence the question. ??


Yeah, Morturg Missile is a decent list build, but you lose Rites of War, so no Reaping.


Unsure about the point about Mortarion's fall. Will come up in one of the future books eventually.

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The Death Shroud were on paper but forgot to type them on list /blush.


This leaves me with 155 points. Boost the missle launcher squad, add a dreadnought or add another medusa as an artillery squadron.  I would like to boost a tac squad but would be forced to use thousand sons models which kind of kills the mood.

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I'm a big fan of Medusae. 2-3 is best. :)


Some more suggestions for you:

- put Vexilla on the Tacticals to stop them running away

- combine the Heavy Support Squads into a 10-man unit, probably with Volkite culverins for anti-infantry. Saves points on extra models and you only need 1 Apothecary.

- you have 4 weapons on the Grave Warden's Land Raider Phobos, but likely only 1 + 1 from Machine Spirit will fire. Why pay for the multi-melta?

- Deathshroud could actually count as your compulsory HQ, saving the points from your Chaplain for something else... like a Land Raider DT! 3 + Morty will fit into one. :)

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So imo the reaping is a bit of a trap when it comes to benefits vs cost. Because of the nature of non compulsory HS you already need to have filled up 5 slots to take advantage of it, which naturally is a lot of points. You can kind of see it in your list where you have less than 40 infantry models in 3k, though dedicated Raiders and primarch s to tend to jack the points up. Right now you have 5 scoring units which sounds fine, except when you realize one is already a giant target, one is 3 models strong, one is 5 models strong a th last two are just tactical marines; the easily killed transports are also the only way you can ever hope to claim objectives because of the RoW (no armoured ceramite on the Raiders really makes them easy). I'd drop the apothecary since the HS S is going to eat scorpius blasts like nobodies business anyways and split them into two 5 man squads, that way they don't get ruined in one shot of scorpius/typhon and you get another scoring unit. I'd also reconsider the grave wardens since they conflict with the strengths of th reaping and you already have a Terminator bodyguard going. Maybe get a sicaran or a laser Vindicator or something out of that heavy slot, because as soon as their ride is gone that unit is absolutely useless.
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The low troop count is an issue, but as stated above it is all I have that is death guard without having to use berserkers or thousand sons models. Once the plastic hh box comes out hopefully it will allow more troops and bigger squads.

Last game I had small heavy squads and it didn't change anything since a scorpius and thud guns smushed them in one turn anyways. I am hoping to have them in good cover/a building and then have the 4+ cover and 5+FnP.

The grave wardens are just a personal favourite, and they did well last game. Plus I want to make sure to use both legion specific units to really get the death guard feel. My goal is still to have 7 death shroud, mort and an apoth in a Spartan roaring down the table woot.gif

Sicaran and the laser vindi are definatly some thing to think about. Though I like the look of the sicaran venator.

Anyways I got my 3rd game of hh coming, which will use this list if I can get everything together, so still tinkering around with what looks and works best on the table.

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