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Sanguinary Guard loadouts


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So I'm trying to get some motivation to model/paint again.  Started to sort out bits to do another 5 man Sanguinary Guard squad.


Currently I have two 5 man squads already painted up.  Both squads have one inferno pistol.  One squad has a banner.  I count them all as having swords though some could be considered axes if I really wanted (used 3rd party weapons).


Trying to figure out how I should gear up the third squad.  I have enough bits to do any of the possible load outs I could want though not enough of the wrist mounted plasma/inferno pistols so some of those would have to be in hands if I wanted to run a full squad of them.


So what kind of load outs would you all use?

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I usually run my SG as an escort for Dante. I take 5 men with 2 inferno pistols and a banner. That way they can deep strike in and pop a vehicle effectively and the banner is pretty much an auto take if Dante is in there since it gives him +1 A aswell as the squad. I usually go all swords and sometimes a fist but I like to take it easy on the upgrades.

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I normally go the opposite way and avoid plasma. With power weapons throughout, you don't need to spend points on a few overheating AP2 shots.


I do like inferno pistols though. I like 2-3 in a squad so that they can pop transports and then assault the contents. I run my DC the same way and this means that I don't have to invest in dedicated anti-tank units as I have sufficient fast-moving melta weapons scattered through my army.

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Small  discussion on it here:




I agree a few inferno pistols are fun. I armed them all with plasma, as they were cheap on a bits site, however count them as infernos.


You seem to be missing guys with fists.


I'd make a guy with fist and banner. Maybe 1-2 with axes, and use this third squad to bulk up the other squads to 6-7 men each.

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i generally use mine in 2 ways...


squad 1 with 3 swords, 1 axe, 1 fist, 2 inferno pistols, banner. (sanguinary priest goes here)

squad 2 with 3 swords, 1 axe, 1fist , all bolt guns or maybe 2 plasma if points are spare


or 1 squad of 7 guys with 5 swords, 1 axe, 1 fist, banner, 2 inferno pistols. (dante and priest go in here)

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