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Iron Warriors 1850 Points

Iron Dude

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testing different kinds of lists for a while and wanted to get some input on on this one. This list is not made for mealstorm. Im aiming for a gunline-army. I picked the IWs to get access to havocs and to not take moralchecks from casualties from shooting.

Just so u guys know my meta is made up of tournament players (so Im encountering all kinds of cheese). Im aiming for a hard list.



Regarding the Rules: We have agreed on using LACAL and ICL, so Cataphractii S&P confers to its unit. If I made any mistakes reagarding other rules, pls point it out. In my gaming community cataphrakti SnP confers to unitmembers. This is not a SnP discussion.


Onslaught Detachment




Centurion - Cataphractii, Powerfist, Combibolter


Centurion - Master of Signal, CCW, Boltpistol




Legion Tac Squad, 9 Marines, 1 Sarge




Mortis Dreadnought - 2 Tl Lascannons


Mortis Dreadnought - 2 Tl Lascannons


2 Thudguns (one or 2 squads Im not sure)


Heavy Support


Iron Havocs - 9 Havocs with Autocannons; 1 Sarge with Autocannon and Arti Armour


Legion Predator Squad -

Legion Preadator - Predator Cannon, Pintle: Heavy Bolter, Sponson: Heavy Bolter, (Shrapnelbolts if needed)

Legion Preadator - Predator Cannon, Pintle: Heavy Bolter, Sponson: Heavy Bolter, (Shrapnelbolts if needed)

Legion Preadator - Predator Cannon, Pintle: Heavy Bolter, Sponson: Heavy Bolter, (Shrapnelbolts if needed)


Spartan Assault Tank - Flareshield, (Shrapnelbolts if needed)


Whirlwind Scorpius


Points: 1850


Thoughts on the list:


Well its a gunlinearmy. The havocs will hide in the Spartan since my oppenent will have the first turn. In my turn they get out of the Spartan to to put out 20 S7 shots hitting on 2s with tankhunter (master of signal). Generally I rather cause lots of wounds, instead making 3 or 4 wounds that my opponent can ignore thanks to some good coversaves.

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Ah gotcha, missed that, well in that case the only thing I would worry about is the Iron Havocs. If they are starting in the spartan, then that means Turn 2 at the earliest that they'll be able to fire at normal ballistic skill. Plus it means you're gonna have to deploy that spartan somewhere near an ideal overwatch position for them and that it probably won't be shooting effectively until turn 2 either. Something to think about. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I remember the thread, but it got shut down right in the middle of the discourse. I don't think any real consensus was ever reached. It's hard because on one hand, Orks use SnP all the time to get "relentless" lootas, however I'm guessing they didn't want that in HH games since you can have 10 lascannons firing at BS4 and marching around like it's no big thing (which it isn't because they are energy weapons with no recoil).


But I digress. 


I think this one comes down to house rules. Talk with your buddies, tell them the implications of unit combinations you are using and see if they are cool with it. If they are then who cares what the forum, ForgeWorld, or almighty GW say.

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Cataphractii slow and purposefull does not jump on other units. Look in the FAQ for that.


He means the old Betrayal one. I'm inclined to think it still stands, but people have differing opinions here.


Guys it doesnt matter if u think that betrayal still stands. Its a decission of my gaming community. SnP is not up for debate. So it doesnt matter if u think its right or wrong. I will edit y first post since it seems to misleading.

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