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Greetings brothers, haven't played in many years but recently decided to try and pick up the hobby again. I am still trying to learn the new rules, so have be nice lol. I am planning on building a 1500-2000 point army. The local players have a pretty good mix of armies(Necrons, Chaos, Miss, GK and other SM). My concern is being versatile enough to handle both. I have read about magnetizing arms for easy weapons swaps. My issues with that is my lack of skills to do that :-( Is there anybody that does this at a decent price?

Thanks in advance guys.


Oh and any extra minis you guys have laying around....I know a guy that could use them lol.

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Welcome to the forum.


I wouldn't bother with finding someone to magnetize your minis. The process isn't more difficult than any other part of assembling the miniatures, and much easier than painting (well). get a drill, a 2mm bit, a 3 mm bit and appropriate magnets and you are all set.  The new kits are better suited for magnetizing at the wrists otherwise 3mm  would be all you needed for infantry.


BTW what's a Miss army?

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As Quixus said, the hardest part of magnetising is making sure you get the polarities the right way round so your models stick together! Otherwise, it's just drilling two holes.


I would get the codex,and have a good read through. Pick the units that stand out to you as being cool, or wanting to use them the most, either appearance or rules. 


Don't buy 2000pts worth of stuff right away, start out at 500pts with a HQ and two troops, to get used to the rules again. At this low level, its harder for your opponents to throw really really dirty armies at you that might frustrate you. 


Paint this 500pts, use it in a few games, then decide what the armies weakness is. Buy a new unit to compensate for this weakness.


Rinse and repeat, painting as you go.


And welcome back to the hobby, and to the forums!

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As Quixus said, the hardest part of magnetising is making sure you get the polarities the right way round so your models stick together! Otherwise, it's just drilling two holes.


I would get the codex,and have a good read through. Pick the units that stand out to you as being cool, or wanting to use them the most, either appearance or rules. 


Don't buy 2000pts worth of stuff right away, start out at 500pts with a HQ and two troops, to get used to the rules again. At this low level, its harder for your opponents to throw really really dirty armies at you that might frustrate you. 


Paint this 500pts, use it in a few games, then decide what the armies weakness is. Buy a new unit to compensate for this weakness.


Rinse and repeat, painting as you go.


And welcome back to the hobby, and to the forums!


That needs to be sticky'd because that is GREAT advice for someone who is also new to the hobby and from an outsider's perspective sees it as overwhelming.

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Welcome brother! Always nice to see peeps coming back to the hobby we all love, and particularly the beloved Blood Angels ;)


As others have said magnetising weapons is not hard - and a good idea so you can use different weapons without having to build and paint another whole model. I have just this day magnetised the bolters on a couple of tactical marines - I can take some picks and give some guidance if you like?


As far as the army goes, a tactical squad and some scouts are a good place to start for Troops. Librarian and/or Sanguinary Priest are solid HQ choices and Death Company and/or Sanguinary Guard are great for Elites. For Heavy Support Stormravens are popular - also Vindicators and/or Baal Predators.


Plenty other popular choices and hidden gems in the Codex - fill yer boots!

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Thank you guys for all of the help so far. I had been thinking about a scout squad as something to grab and objective. I ran Dante and DC back in the day(mid 90s lol) and enjoyed the way they played. Also ran an assault cannon dreadnaught and rhino.


Starting around 500 points is a solid plan but I might have an opportunity to pick up a used army(about 2000 points worth) for cheap. I would just cut them down to 500 for my starting off.


Any help with the magnetizing would be great. If you could message me a email address or phone number to send pics via text, that would be just fantastic.

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I am thinking I might pick up the BA codex and some scouts this week to start. Or if someone has another suggestion for another good "base" squad to start with. If I go scouts, which ones do I want? I would think the sniper rifle squad with the cloaks....

Although scouts are the point efficient unit, i would recommend you get tactical marines to get used to painting them.
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Probably going to be pick up this used army from a local. Includes the 40k rule book and 6th edition BA codex(I know I will need the 7th asap). Anyways, what do you guys think?1x storm raven

2x priests

2x 10 man jump squad

2x 10 man tactical squad

5x terminators

2x dreadnought

1x drop pod

1x Dante

1x mephiston

1x baal predator

2x 5 man sanguinary guard

And a bunch of bitz

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Two recommendations for magnetizing:


- PILOT HOLES: make a mark with your knife where you want the center of the magnet to be and open it up a bit with the tip of the knife.  Then start with a smaller drill bit and work your way up.  Don't try to hog out the whole hole at one time.  Start small to see if you're off center before you go wild.  Drill slow and check your depth.  You might have some tight tolerances with width or depth, so just be careful and make sure you get the magnet in flush on both ends.


- CHECK POLARITY 100 TIMES: this is obvious, but once you get that glued in, you may not get it out.


I was squeamish at first about magnetizing, but now I really enjoy doing it, even if it is a bit more time consuming.  Obviously you don't need to magnetize things like basic bolter marines that you need in quantity, but for characters, etc., it's great to have the flexibility.

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Couldn't agree more Ovidius – and for the benefit of others who might read the thread I will post the advice I sent to DirtDiver81...


I use the tip of my three sided scraper (the point of a hobby knife or any fine-tipped sharp object like a pin or needle will do) to mark the centre of the end of the arm and the hand. It's important to get as close to the centre as possible so making this mark with a fine, sharp point is essential.

Then use a pin vice / hobby drill to drill a hole (about 1mm) into both parts. This is the 'pilot' hole. I usually widen this to 1.5mm and finally 2mm. If you go straight for 2mm you'll likely churn up the plastic and damage the part.

Once you have your 2mm hole in the arm put a tiny bit of super glue into the hole and press a magnet in. Try to get it straight with the end of the arm and not angled. Allow the glue to dry completely.

When the first magnet is securely dried snap the second magnet to this one (this way you don't have to worry about polarity). Put a tiny bit of glue in the hand hole, push it over the protruding magnet and pull the parts away from each other at an angle to make sure the glue doesn't stick them together. Allow the second part to dry.

And you're done!


These things are better explained visually than verbally – here is a decent video explaining the process. It looks like he's using 3mm magnets for the wrist which is too big in my opinion. 3mm is okay for shoulder but 2mm is better for wrist - it's just small enough!

Here is a good one for tanks, he's using the Baal Predator as an example:


I might do my own video at some point...

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Adding a box of death company gives you 5 models and a lot of weapons that you can magnetise and use as squad sergeants.


This is easily enough to make 4 sergeants for your 2 tac and 2 assault squads, and have the pieces left to make a commander, all magnetised :)

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