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The army I am buying comes with 3 boxes of SM bitz already :-) Either way DC is a must have for me.

Now trying to figure out transport for the Tac squads. I was thinking RBs just for the extra shooting capability, how many more points are they than rhinos and do they have a heavy flamer option?

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Get the codex and you will know the point cost. They cost four meltabombs more than a rhino. Yes, they can have a TL heavy flamer. Oh and don't glue the roof on. That way you can exchange the roof for the rhino top hatch (also included in the Razorback kit).

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Yes you can put heavy flamers on RBs. They're four melts bombs more than Rhinos I think, and of course only transport six marines. If you want to break down your tactical marines into 5-6 man squads RBs are great, but if you want full strength 10-man squads Rhinos are the way to go.


Either way you should buy Razorback kits - it comes with all the Rhino bits plus the turret.


The RB kit doesn't come with the flamer, but you can get a good 3rd party one here: http://store.forgeplanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=60_69_81&product_id=51

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Probably going to be pick up this used army from a local. Includes the 40k rule book and 6th edition BA codex(I know I will need the 7th asap). Anyways, what do you guys think?1x storm raven

2x priests

2x 10 man jump squad

2x 10 man tactical squad

5x terminators

2x dreadnought

1x drop pod

1x Dante

1x mephiston

1x baal predator

2x 5 man sanguinary guard

And a bunch of bitz


Buy an additional 2 drop pods so you start with a total of 3.


Reason why is you always get to drop half (and round up) your drop pods on round 1. So if you have 3 you can drop 2 round 1 with the remaining pod in reserve. Honestly back when I ran Blood Angels as my primary army I used 5 drop pods with them, IMHO BA does very well with pods. And maybe someday they will make a sensible rules change and allow you to assault out of them as per the fluff ;)


Also pods can be a nice PITA. Put deathwind missile launchers on them and it will force your opponent to further divide his firepower because most people don't like a couple pods near their forces shooting blast plates up to 12" each round :)

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I've been in the hobby for while. I have several "marine" armies.

I have found over time that I ended up with a LOT of marines, with all the weapons I needed, no magnets.

What I lack is enough vehicles to use them properly.

After your CAD obligated HQ & 2 troops choices, I recommend getting a transport for each subsequent infantry purchase - and probably a couple of razorbacks (can always be fielded as rhinos) for those first two troop choices.

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I have been looking into drop pods as well, never thought about upgrading the weapons on them though. I got Battlescribe up and working. Doesn't seem to have Dante on the list anywhere though :-(

Dante is a Lord of War now, he is in that category under Commander Dante. There is also a "unit" called Forgeworld Models. add it to your list and select the option hide FW models to significantly reduce the number of available models. This should make finding him easier. If you want FW mdels in your list just change the option to show FW models.

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Just got home from picking up a BA codex!!! Super excited about that. Also sealed the deal on the above army for $175. Picking that up next weekend. Also picked up some supplies to start making terrain(starting with blown out buildings). Could use a little help on that, what height(in inches) should each story of a building be?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just picked up my Blood Angels army that I listed above. Pretty happy with it now that I have it. The two dreadnaughts are a DC dread and a Librarian dread, so that cool. Also there is a squad of 5 OOP scouts(I think). He said there was a lot of bitz, he was not lying. There are so many extra parts, I don't know what to do with them all lol. Only downside is that the stormraven was missing its canopies and the twin linked assault cannon(s) for the front turret :-( Anybody have those parts laying around or know where I can get them.
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Was the Codex up to date?


We can't take Stormtalons unless we run a vanilla Adeptus Astartes Stormwing Formation or the Tyrannic War Veterans Formation.


Land Speeders can work and there's been a thread about them recently. What state is the army? Does it need painting, etc? Only buying more and increasing a backlog has been known to dampen people's enthusiasm...

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Well that's definitely good to know, no Talons for me lol. I have a 7th edition codex already on order and it came with a mini rule book. They all need to be painted but I am not too worried about it at the moment. Mostly going to be playing at home for a bit.
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